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  • 1.  Move my IBMi workload to the IBM Cloud

    Posted Thu January 18, 2024 04:29 PM


    I would like to evaluate if I can move my IBMi workload to the cloud. Our IT team has successfully moved our File and print services to AWS and are looking at me now to do the same with IBMi. I would like to know a few things:

    1. Is there a IBM Sales Rep who can assist in this process? With AWS, we have an excellent Account Manager who is very resourceful and has tremendously helped us get to the point where we are.
    2. Can I setup an IBMi server on the Cloud and do a Proof of Concept test?
    3. How easy or difficult is it to setup a VPN with IBM cloud? It was a breeze to do this with AWS.
    4. Can I get sufficient disk space, memory and CPU to actually do a real proof of concept?
    5. Anyone here with Infor products that are running on IBMi that have now moved to the IBM Cloud?

    Thanks in advance.

    Best Regards,

    Hrishikesh Kotwal

    Director, ERP

    Mini Circuits - Global Leader of RF and Microwave Components

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    Hrishikesh Kotwal

  • 2.  RE: Move my IBMi workload to the IBM Cloud

    Posted Fri January 19, 2024 04:42 PM

    Hi Hrishikesh,  We would be delighted to help you explore our Power Virtual Server environment (Power in the Cloud) and do a proof of concept for your IBM i workload.   We have POC accounts available and can work with you to set up the server, storage and networking components.   We have many partners that have a wide breadth of application skills, including Infor.    If you could please send me an email at,  I would be happy to contact you and start the discussions.    

    Thanks Hrishikesh, we look forward to working with you. 

    Charlie Goodman

    PowerVS Sales Leader Americas

    IBM Technology - Power Systems

    Charles Goodman

  • 3.  RE: Move my IBMi workload to the IBM Cloud

    Posted Mon January 22, 2024 07:31 AM

    Hi Hrishikesh,

    Yes, this is very well possible and IBM Cloud PowerVS gives this oppertunity to run IBMi on IBM Cloud powervs instances:

    1. Is there a IBM Sales Rep who can assist in this process? With AWS, we have an excellent Account Manager who is very resourceful and has tremendously helped us get to the point where we are. - Yes, there are and I am sure someone may connect with you from IBM.
    2. Can I setup an IBMi server on the Cloud and do a Proof of Concept test? - Yes, refer and create a workspace in your desired location.
    3. How easy or difficult is it to setup a VPN with IBM cloud? It was a breeze to do this with AWS. - It is quite easy with IBM Cloud Connections (DL2.0).
    4. Can I get sufficient disk space, memory and CPU to actually do a real proof of concept? - Yes it is very well possible.
    5. Anyone here with Infor products that are running on IBMi that have now moved to the IBM Cloud? - Yes, we have multiple completed and ongoing customers of IBMi using VTL and other replication solutions

    Narender Singh