Code is poetry. s/emojis/code/ig
11001 00101 10011 00000 01001 00000 00110 00101 00001 10010 00000 10010 00101 01110 00111 00101 10010
10100 01000 01001 10011 00000 10111 01111 10010 01100 00100 00000 00001 01001 01110 10100 00000 10011 01001 01101 100000 01100 00101
00010 10101 10100 00000 01001 01101 00000 10011 10100 10010 01111 01110 00111
01001 00000 01011 01110 01111 10111 00000 01000 01111 10111 00000 10100 01111 00000 00111 00101 10100 00000 01111 10101 10100
00001 01110 00100 00000 01001 01100 01100 00000 00110 01001 01110 00100 00000 01101 11001 00000 10111 00001 11001 00000 00011 00001 10101 10011 00101
00011 00001 10101 10011 00101 00000 01001 10100 10011 00000 01100 01111 10110 00101 00000 10010 00101 00001 01100 00000 10011 01001 01101 10000 01100 00101
00001 01110 00100 00000 10100 01000 00001 10100 10011 00000 01000 01111 10111 00000 01001 10100 0000 10111 01111 10010 01011 10011
Ralf Roeber
Original Message:
Sent: Fri January 29, 2021 11:24 AM
From: Krista Summitt
Subject: MEME: Tell us you're a developer, without telling us you're a developer.
I thought we would bring this meme from IBM's twitter handle into this thread in the community and have some fun.
Using emojis only, reply and tell us you're a cloud developer or architect, without telling us you're a cloud developer or architect.
PS Please keep it clean and respectful.
Krista Summitt