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June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

Anonymous Member

Anonymous MemberMon May 03, 2021 02:20 PM

  • 1.  June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Mon May 03, 2021 09:27 AM
    Edited by Krista Summitt Tue June 22, 2021 01:54 PM

    Favorite or bookmark this thread and come back on June 22 for our AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine expert Doug Davis, Technical Product Manager, IBM Cloud Code Engine right here in the Public Cloud Global discussion forum for an interactive AMA.  Doug will hold office hours from 10:00AM to 2:00PM ET on June 22, 2021.

    Krista Summitt

  • 2.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted Mon May 03, 2021 02:20 PM
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  • 3.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Tue May 04, 2021 09:35 AM
    Hi Fonad,

    You can always start learning about code engine here and then bring your tough questions to the AMA.  :-)

    Dan Bettinger
    Cloud Native - Product Marketing

  • 4.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Mon June 21, 2021 03:15 PM

    Doug Davis

  • 5.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 10:25 AM

    Hi And Welcome to the Ask a Cloud Code Engine Expert Virtual office hours AMA with @Doug Davis.  Office hours are officially open so please post your questions here in the thread and ​@Doug Davis will answer. This is an Ask Me Anything, so please bring whatever questions you have about IBM Cloud Code Engine.

    For background on IBM Cloud Code Engine go to:

    Krista Summitt

  • 6.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 10:27 AM
    Hi all!  I'm here to answer any questions you might have about IBM Cloud Code Engine.
    I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Yes, including spots where you think we can improve :-)   We're always looking to make life easier for the developer.

    Doug Davis

  • 7.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Community Leadership
    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 11:54 AM
    Hello everyone. My specialty is community management on the data science side, so I have supported data scientists with resources, education and tools to start or enhance their data science experience. Can I ask a basic question? What are the types of things one can build using the IBM Cloud Code Engine, i.e., some use cases, and how would one get started if interested?

    Christina Howell

  • 8.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 12:00 PM
    Hi Christina... you can run pretty much any workloads that you can containerize.  At a high level CE supports 2 types of workloads: Apps and Batch Job. The main difference between them is that Apps have in-bound networking set up since they're meant to respond to requests. While Batch Jobs are meant to be more "run to completion" tasks, and they don't have incoming requests to do their work.  For data science/machine learning, we've actually seen people use both - it depends on whether the nodes in their models want to chat with each other during their work.

    Hope this helps!

    Doug Davis

  • 9.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 12:15 PM
    Oh, forgot the last question... to get started go to - we have tutorials, docs and more to help jump start things!

    Doug Davis

  • 10.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Community Leadership
    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 12:35 PM

    Hi Doug.. Does code engine support integrating with other IBM PaaS offerings via private connections?  Thanks, Sarah

    Sarah-Jane Cogley
    Team lead & Community Leader for Middleware

  • 11.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 01:07 PM
    Yes. you can connect to other IBM services from CE. Whether you can connect via private endpoint will depend on the service you're connecting to. If they support private endpoints then you should be able to use those from your CE app/job.

    Doug Davis

  • 12.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Community Leadership
    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 12:43 PM

    My area of focus is Business Analytics and containerization is a key question our users are asking about. My question is does IBM Cloud Code engine support Kubernetes?

    Check out the Cognos Analytics Webinar Series:

  • 13.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 01:09 PM
    Hi - CE is based on Kubernetes, so yes we support Kubernetes workloads. AND, while we have our own UX (ui and cli) that we think is easier to use than kubectl, you can still use kubectl against CE. And, you can also run your non-CE workloads (meaning pods directly) if you really need to.

    Doug Davis

  • 14.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Community Leadership
    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 12:46 PM
    To what extent are the external storage services configurable (persistent volumes and persistent volume claims)?

    Tim Bonnemann

  • 15.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 01:10 PM
    As of today we don't support PV/PVCs, but it's coming. You can mount secrets and configMaps as volumes though.

    Doug Davis

  • 16.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 12:59 PM
    Hi Doug,  Can you go into the difference on using IBM Code Engine vs Cloud functions?  In addition, can you give a summary of how the autoscaling works based on increasing performance on a web app using IBM services. 


  • 17.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 01:24 PM
    Hi - Code Engine is similar to Functions - both will scale up/down based on load. CE is slightly different in that it allows each instance of your workload to process multiple requests at one time, while Fn is single threaded. But you can configure CE to be single threaded if you want - the choice is yours. Today, CE requires you to put an HTTP server into your workload, while Fn doesn't - but that's a point in time statement. Soon you'll be able to give CE just the "function" w/o the HTTP server like Fn supports. At a high-level you can consider CE and Fn to both offer similar features. Where CE differs is that it supports more types of workloads - not just functions but traditional webapps and batch jobs. And long running workloads w/o the same cpu/memory/request-timeout limits that you would see from traditional function platforms.

    With respect to auto-scaling, by default CE will scale based on the  number of requests hitting each instance. So, for example, you can say "I only want 50 requests per instance" and then once that's reached, it'll bring up more.  There is a way to set the maximum number of instances too - to prevent a surprise large bill :-)

    Doug Davis

  • 18.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 01:06 PM
    How many AWS-like availability zones or regions does IBM Cloud Code Engine have throughout North America and globally?

    Prenessa Lowery

  • 19.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 01:15 PM
    Hi - today CE is in US-South, Frankfurt, London, Tokyo.  With more coming soon....

    Doug Davis

  • 20.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Community Leadership
    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 01:15 PM
    Question: How many Cloud Paks are available in the IBM Cloud and do all of them have a trial?

    Marius Ciortea

  • 21.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 01:28 PM
    Hi - I'm not a Cloud Paks expert, but I believe there are 6 - according to:

    Doug Davis

  • 22.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 01:45 PM
    Hi Marius:

    Adding on to what Doug said. right now CloudPak for Integration and CloudPak for Data offer free trials. We are adding more all the time so please check back here in the community or the Cloud page for updates:

    Krista Summitt

  • 23.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Community Leadership
    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 01:57 PM
    Edited by Sarah-Jane Cogley Tue June 22, 2021 02:00 PM
    My focus is around AIOps and Integration. How do you handle SSL certificates and network control with Code Engine? Should everything be inside the docker container itself?  Thanks, Sarah

  • 24.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 02:05 PM
    Hi Sarah-Jane, Code Engine will create and manage all of the inbound SSL certs for you automatically - and all traffic to your CE apps are protected using those certs. So there's no need for you to do any of that from within your container. Your app just thinks it's talking http for inbound.  For outbound, that's under your control as to whether you want to use SSL or not, and you'll need to manage the outbound certs yourself.

    Doug Davis

  • 25.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Tue June 22, 2021 02:09 PM
    Hi all, again! :-)   Thanks for joining today and for all of the great questions!!!
    If you have more questions don't hesitate to reach out via email dug @  or talk to us via the Code Engine support channels... you can find all of the options (slack, stackoverflow, ...) here:

    Doug Davis

  • 26.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Wed July 14, 2021 11:24 PM
    Will you be doing another one of these anytime soon?

    Ben Noelle
    Lead Developer

  • 27.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Thu July 15, 2021 11:19 AM
    Yes, Definitely

  • 28.  RE: June 22 #AMA with IBM Cloud Code Engine Experts

    Posted Fri July 16, 2021 10:41 AM
    Hi Ben, before a next AMA, let us know right here if you have any specific question related to Code Engine where we can help. Or, you can talk to us via the Code Engine support channels (slack, stackoverflow, ...) all listed here:

    Carolina Pereira