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Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

  • 1.  Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Mon February 12, 2024 06:22 AM
    Edited by Traci Deacon Tue February 13, 2024 01:22 PM

    We are thrilled that you have decided to earn your IBM Cloud Technical Advocate certification. Join the 'Study with Me' program to accelerate your progress and earn your certification in 30 days!

    It's easy to participate, just enroll in the IBM Cloud Technical Advocate learning path. Make sure you enroll in version 5 of the training.

    For 30 days, we will post training checkpoints, study aides, and study questions to help you earn your certification. Here is how it works:

    • Each day, you will take a portion of the Technical Advocate curriculum and review a few practice questions.
    • We will share "facts you should know" about the various curriculum topics, along with study tips.
    • We will post guidance on how to schedule your exam and request an exam voucher.
    • At the end, we will celebrate your achievements!

    You are also invited to attend the Certify in a Flash – IBM Cloud Technical Advocate Webinar on March 14, 2024 for an extra dose of study prep to pass the Technical Advocate certification exam.

    Here are a couple more resources to bookmark before we start our journey:

    • Visit the IBM Cloud Prep App to access study guides, flashcards, practice questions, and other resources to get you exam ready.
    • After you attend the Certify in a Flash webinar, visit PearsonVUE to schedule your exam.

    We are excited to go on this certification journey with you, see you tomorrow!


  • 2.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Mon February 12, 2024 09:51 AM

    Exciting to accelerate the learning experience. 

    Narender Singh

  • 3.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Tue February 13, 2024 07:25 AM

    Your journey to IBM Cloud Technical Advocate certification starts here!

    Today is day 1 on our certification journey, so let's jump right in with a look at the IBM Cloud Technical Advocate learning path. Our first stop to complete is Section 1: Introduction to Cloud. In this section you will learn about:

    • IBM Cloud job roles
    • Cloud computing and its essential characteristics, history, and emerging trends
    • Service and deployment models of cloud computing and the benefits of each
    • Key elements of business case studies for cloud computing

    We will begin with assets 1-3. When you are done, see if you can answer the following questions.

    1. Which IBM Cloud job role focuses on detecting risk and keeping client and customer data safe?

    1. IBM Cloud Developer
    2. IBM Cloud Site Reliability Engineer
    3. IBM Cloud Security Engineer
    4. IBM Cloud Architect

    2. Portability in virtualization is defined as: ________________ can be relocated among physical computers in a network so that they can be easily restarted on a different host in the event of a physical server failure.

    1. Applications
    2. Databases
    3. Virtual machines
    4. Networks

    Think about it and come back tomorrow for the answers. See you then!


  • 4.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Tue February 13, 2024 09:18 AM

    What version of Cloud Tech Advocate is this?

    Thomas Mertens

  • 5.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Tue February 13, 2024 10:03 AM

    Hi Tom-


    It is IBM Cloud Technical Advocate v5.





  • 6.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Tue February 13, 2024 01:57 PM

    Thank You,


    Tom Mertens


  • 7.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Tue February 13, 2024 01:43 PM

    Hi Pamela,

    Please find the answers below.

    1. C. IBM Cloud Security Engineer
    2. C. Virtual machines


    Amarnath R

    Amarnath Rajegowda

  • 8.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Tue February 13, 2024 06:47 PM

    Thank you, Amarnath! We will reveal the answers for everyone in tomorrow's post! 


  • 9.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Tue February 13, 2024 11:48 PM
    Good night
    I have already signed up for the challenge of studying for the 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate certification.
    I have a question for this certification, are they also going to grant the voucher to take the exam like the IBM Cloud Professional Architect v6?
    Thank you for these training and certification opportunities

    Jesus Mora

  • 10.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Wed February 14, 2024 07:20 AM

    Hello Jesus! Yes, IBM employees can request an exam voucher using the standard process. More information will be provided during the flash jam.


  • 11.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Wed February 14, 2024 09:14 AM

    Still thinking about joining? Don't wait, let's do this together!

    Welcome to day 2 of 'Study with Me'! Did you know that 92% of IT professionals were more confident in their cloud abilities after certification? (2023 Value of IT Certification | Candidate Report)

    This is a perfect opportunity to fast track your Technical Advocate certification. Remember, to participate in 'Study with Me', you should first enroll in the IBM Cloud Technical Advocate learning path (v5).

    Over the next couple of days, let's continue working through assets 4-5 in Section 1: An Introduction to Cloud.

    How did you do with yesterday's questions:
    • Which IBM Cloud job role focuses on detecting risk and keeping client and customer data safe? The correct answer is C. The IBM Cloud Security Engineer is focused on detecting risk and keeping client and customer data safe.
    • Portability in virtualization is defined as: ________________ can be relocated among physical computers in a network so that they can be easily restarted on a different host in the event of a physical server failure. The correct answer is C. Virtual machines can be relocated among physical computers in a network so that they can be easily restarted on a different host in the event of a physical server failure.

    Here are today's questions:

    1. One advantage that a company can have by using the public cloud deployment model to deploy a new application is that there's no infrastructure to manage. What is another advantage?

    1. Less scalable
    2. Minimal investment
    3. Skill neutral
    4. Management complexity

    2. A client is looking to retain their existing technology while moving towards more modern development practices and technologies. What benefit might IBM Cloud bring to this client?

    1. Only cloud provider that allows clients to move production z/OS applications to the public cloud
    2. Provides tools to automatically migrate applications to newer based platforms
    3. Facilitates leveraging strategic core applications on legacy platforms while developing modern user-friendly interfaces in containers
    4. Provides tools to automatically break up monolith applications into smaller microservices

    Come back tomorrow to see the correct answers!

    We are excited to support you on your certification journey. 

    See you tomorrow!


  • 12.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Thu February 15, 2024 09:00 AM
    Edited by Traci Deacon Thu February 15, 2024 09:02 AM

    It's easy to certify when we study together!

    It's day 3 and I hope you are excited to be taking this learning journey - together!   If you have not yet started, it's never too late to begin.

    Right now, we are focused on Section 2: IBM Cloud Fundamentals. In section two, you will learn about the:

    • Features and components of the IBM Cloud Platform
    • IBM Cloud resources available to support client solutions
    • Specific services functionalities of the IBM Cloud Catalog
    • Key security and compliance measures implemented in the IBM Cloud Platform
    • Elements of DevSecOps and how IBM Cloud services are delivered to the teams
    • Core groups of available database, integration, and analytics services

    Today, we will focus on completing assets 1-2.

    Did you answer yesterday's questions correctly? The answers are:

    • One advantage that a company can have by using the public cloud deployment model to deploy a new application is that there's no infrastructure to manage. What is another advantage? The correct answer is B. Minimal investment is another advantage a company can have by using the public cloud deployment model to deploy a new application.
    • A client is looking to retain their existing technology while moving towards more modern development practices and technologies. What benefit might IBM Cloud bring to this client? The correct answer is C. Facilitates leveraging strategic core applications on legacy platforms while developing modern user-friendly interfaces in containers.

    Here are today's questions:

    1. An organization can achieve fault tolerance and high availability for their applications in IBM Cloud by doing what?
      1. By deploying resources in a single subnet
      2. By deploying resources in a single availability zone
      3. By deploying resources in a classic pod
      4. By deploying resources in multiple availability zones
    2. A client is filtering for pricing plans while searching in the IBM Cloud Catalog. Which filters are available in the pricing plan?
      1. Enterprise and Personal plans
      2. Corporate plans
      3. Lite and Free plans
      4. Premium plans

    Stay tuned for the correct answer.

    See you tomorrow!

    Traci Deacon
    IBM Center for Cloud Training (ICCT)

  • 13.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Thu February 15, 2024 12:04 PM



    Thomas Mertens

  • 14.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Thu February 15, 2024 10:15 PM

    Dear IBM Team,

    I have already registered for the 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate certification. Could you please advise when you will be granting the voucher to take the exam.
    I appreciate your assistance in this matter and look forward to your prompt response. Thank you for organizing such informative events, and I am excited to be a part of this.
    Amarnath R

    Amarnath Rajegowda

  • 15.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Fri February 16, 2024 09:41 AM
    Edited by M. Dee Starliper Fri February 16, 2024 09:44 AM

    Studying with a partner is a great way to become a Technical Advocate 

    Welcome to day 4! Have you picked a study partner yet? Use this community to connect! 


    If you are following along, today we're finishing up assets 3-4 in Section 2: IBM Cloud Fundamentals. 

    A screenshot of a computer screen

Description automatically generated 


    Here's another fact you should know: DevOps and DevSecOps were developed with a continuous development cycle in mind. Instead of developing an application then releasing an update a couple times a year, DevOps is designed to continually monitor and improve applications. 

    Since it is Friday, and we're cruising into the weekend, we will cover four study questions that we will answer on Monday. Before we dive in, here are the correct answers to yesterday's questions: 

    • An organization can achieve fault tolerance and high availability for their applications in IBM Cloud by doing what? The correct answer is D. An organization can achieve fault tolerance and high availability for their applications in IBM Cloud by deploying resources in multiple availability zones. 

    • A client is filtering for pricing plans while searching in the IBM Cloud Catalog. Which filters are available in the pricing plan? The correct answer is C. Lite and Free plans are the filters available in the pricing plans. 


    Here are your weekend study questions: 

    1. ________ allows natural language documentation search. 

    1. Watson OpenScale 

    1. Watson Search 

    1. Watson Assistant 

    1. Watson Discovery 


    1. _______ encryption protects data on IBM Cloud that is in the process of being transferred. 

    1. Data in use 

    1. Data in stasis 

    1. Data in motion 

    1. Data at rest 


    1. Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud and _________ assist organizations in managing and running container-based applications. 

    1. VMware Solutions 

    1. Virtual Server for VPC 

    1. Analytics Engine 

    1. Code Engine 


    1. ________ services can be used to protect data in motion. 

    1. Storage 

    1. Observability 

    1. Networking 

    1. Compute 


    Study tip: Did you know that the Technical Advocate study guide in the IBM Cloud Prep app includes a list of cloud acronyms? These acronyms will be useful as we prep for the exam. 


    Come back Monday for the correct answers and to continue our journey, see you then!

    M. Starliper
    Project Manager, IBM Center for Cloud Training

  • 16.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Fri February 16, 2024 09:58 AM

    Hi Amarnath, IBM employees can request an exam voucher using the standard process. More information will be provided during the flash jam. 

    M. Starliper
    Project Manager, IBM Center for Cloud Training

  • 17.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Mon February 19, 2024 09:44 AM

    A new week, a new opportunity to get ahead!

    We've made it to day 7 of 'Study with Me'!

    Use today to catch up on any learning that you didn't get to last week. Of course, we can't leave you without answering the questions we asked on Friday and giving you two more to think about.

    Here are the answers to Friday's questions. How did you do?

    • ________ allows natural language documentation search. The correct answer is D. Watson Discovery allows natural language documentation search.
    • _______ encryption protects data on IBM Cloud that is in the process of being transferred. The correct answer is C. Data in motion encryption protects data on IBM Cloud that is in the process of being transferred.
    • Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud and _________ assist organizations in managing and running container-based applications. The correct answer is D. Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud and Code Engine assist organizations in managing and running container-based applications.
    • ________ services can be used to protect data in motion. The correct answer is C. Networking services can be used to protect data in motion.

    Today's questions are:

    1. The ________ is designed to enhance data protection.

    1. General Data Protection Regulation
    2. Generic Data Protection Regulation
    3. Global Data Protection Regulation
    4. Guarded Data Protection Regulation

    2. The Code Patterns section of the IBM Developer site provides what type of material?

    1. A set of best practices for developers and system integrators
    2. A repository of widgets for low code programming
    3. A collection of articles with guides for senior developers
    4. A collection of common use cases with ready to use code

    See you tomorrow for more learning fun!


  • 18.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Tue February 20, 2024 09:31 AM

    Going all in on IBM Cloud is worth it every time!

    Welcome to day 8! Today we are finishing up Section 2: IBM Cloud Fundamentals by completing assets 5-6.

    Fact you should know: IBM provides four types of databases: Relational, document, key value, and columnar.

    Isn't it a great feeling to finish up a section? Let's look at the answers to yesterday's questions:

    • The ________ is designed to enhance data protection. The correct answer is A. The General Data Protection Regulation is designed to enhance data protection.
    • The Code Patterns section of the IBM Developer site provides what type of material? The correct answer is D. The Code Patterns section of the IBM Developer site provides a collection of common use cases with ready to use code.

    Are you ready for today's questions? Here you go!

    1. A client could use the ___________ methodology in IBM Cloud to speed and secure development.

    1. Terraform
    2. DevSecOps
    3. Jenkins
    4. IBM Agile Method

    2. The __________ service is built on Apache Kafka and provides a durable message storage and allows the interested parties to publish and subscribe to its topics.

    1. IBM MQ
    2. IBM Event Streams
    3. IBM API Connect
    4. IBM App Connect

    See you tomorrow!


  • 19.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Wed February 21, 2024 07:46 AM

    This way to cloud certification

    It's day 9, and today we are starting Section 3: Networking but first, we have an opportunity to earn our first badge, the IBM Cloud Technical Advocate Foundations badge. This badge represents your achievement in developing a fundamental knowledge of essential elements of the cloud. This achievement is a steppingstone to earning the ICCT IBM Cloud Technical Advocate certification.

    For today, let's focus on completing the badge and the first asset in section 3.

    In section three, you will learn how to:

    • Identify IBM Cloud networking components and list their advantages
    • Distinguish between classic and VPC networks
    • Identify IBM Cloud network security services and options

    Here are the answers to yesterday's questions:

    • A client could use the ___________ methodology in IBM Cloud to speed and secure development. The correct answer is B. A client could use the DevSecOps methodology in IBM Cloud to speed and secure development.
    • The __________ service is built on Apache Kafka and provides a durable message storage and allows the interested parties to publish and subscribe to its topics. The correct answer is B. The IBM Event Streams service is built on Apache Kafka and provides a durable message storage and allows the interested parties to publish and subscribe to its topics.

    Today's questions are:

    1. What is the definition of a wide area network (WAN)?

    1. A point-to-point encrypted connection allowing computers in different clouds to communicate
    2. Connects computers over a wide area using only point-to-point microwave or cellular communications
    3. Connects computers over a wide area, such as from region to region, or continent to continent
    4. Connects computers over campus sized areas, such as universities and large corporations

    2. Describe how a port is utilized for communication.

    1. Applications or services use port numbers to receive specific messages
    2. A container destination that determines the location where messages are sent and received
    3. An application that determines which computer service or process should receive specific messages
    4. A specific router connection used to determine which port should send and receive specific messages

    You know the deal; we will reveal the correct answer tomorrow.

    Let's get this done together. See you tomorrow!


  • 20.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

    Posted Thu February 22, 2024 09:25 AM
    Edited by Traci Deacon Thu February 22, 2024 09:26 AM

    The pace is swift, but we're in this together

    Can you believe it's already day 10? I hope you have made the decision to join us and fast track your IBM Cloud Technical Advocate certification. It's still not too late! Enroll in the IBM Cloud Technical Advocate learning path (v5) today. We are your inside source for earning your certification. We will guide you through the entire study and exam process, using our direct access to technical experts and study aides.

    Today we are finishing up Section 3: Networking by completing assets 2-3.

    Let's look at the answers to yesterday's questions. How did you do?

    • What is the definition of a wide area network (WAN)? The correct answer is C. A WAN connects computers over a wide area, such as from region to region, or continent to continent.
    • Describe how a port is utilized for communication. The correct answer is A. Applications or services use port numbers to receive specific messages.

    It's time for today's questions:

    1. If a client needs to securely connect to an IBM Cloud VPC over the internet, what service should they use?
      1. Direct Link
      2. Transit Gateway
      3. Public Gateway
      4. VPN Gateway
    2. Network Address Translation in IBM Cloud Classic could use which component(s)?
      1. Red Hat OpenShift Network
      2. Bring Your Own IP (BYOIP) functionality
      3. Virtual or physical network appliance (Vyatta, Juniper vSRX, Fortinet FSA)
      4. IBM Cloud service endpoints

      Come back tomorrow for the correct answers. 

      Don't stop now, we're just getting started!

      Traci Deacon
      IBM Center for Cloud Training (ICCT)

    1. 21.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

      Posted Fri February 23, 2024 01:08 AM

      1. D. VPN Gateway
      2. C. Virtual or physical network appliance (Vyatta, Juniper vSRX, Fortinet FSA)

      Amarnath Rajegowda
      Tata Consultancy Services

    2. 22.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

      Posted Fri February 23, 2024 09:12 AM

      Cloud certifications are always a safe bet 

      It's day 11 and today we are starting Section 4: Compute. After completing this section, you should be able to:  

      • Identify compute options on IBM Cloud® and their advantages 

      • Identify use cases of compute offerings 

      • Identify containers, their uses, and their advantages 

      • Identify container orchestration options on IBM Cloud and their advantages  


      Today, work on completing assets 1-2 in this section. 

      Screens screenshot of a phone

Description automatically generated  

      Fact you should know: The IBM Wazi as a Service solution assists organizations in managing and modernizing applications on IBM Z® Systems platforms using IBM Cloud. It enables development and testing of z/OS® application components in a virtual infrastructure running on IBM Z architecture on IBM 

      public cloud. 


      All right, it's time to answer yesterday's questions: 

      • If a client needs to securely connect to an IBM Cloud VPC over the internet, what service should they use? The correct answer is D. A client should use VPN Gateway if they need to securely connect to an IBM Cloud VPC over the internet. 

      • Network Address Translation in IBM Cloud Classic could use which component(s)? The correct answer is C. The components Network Address Translation in IBM Cloud Classic could use are virtual or physical network appliance (Vyatta, Juniper vSRX, Fortinet FSA). 


      Since it is Friday, and we're cruising into the weekend, we will cover four study questions that we'll answer on Monday. 

      1. Which IBM Cloud for VMware solution could a client use who wants to quickly deploy their VMware-based cloud computing environments without concerns about configuration, hosting, operations, and life cycle management of the VMware software? 

      1. VMware vCenter Server 

      1. VMware as a Service 

      1. VMware vSphere 

      1. VMware Regulated Workload 


      1. A software company is interested in migrating their workloads to IBM Cloud and have the following compute requirements: high performance, dedicated compute, and high customization. Which compute option meets all of these requirements? 

      1. Bare Metal Server 

      1. VMware Solutions Shared 

      1. VSI for VPC 

      1. Code Engine 


              3. What option would allow a startup with a limited budget to sacrifice up time for cost savings? 

      1. Public Virtual Servers 

      1. Dedicated Virtual Servers 

      1. Reserved Virtual Servers 

      1. Transient Virtual Servers 


             4. What would be a benefit for a client to choose IBM Wazi as a Service on IBM Cloud? 

      1. Virtual storage in cloud 

      1. Use of virtual desktops 

      1. Critical production workload 

      1. Development and testing 


      We will see you Monday for the answers and more study tips! 

      M. Starliper
      Project Manager, IBM Center for Cloud Training

    3. 23.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

      Posted Mon February 26, 2024 09:17 AM

      Pull up a seat to the table and study with me 

      Welcome to day 14! We will use today as another day to complete any training you might have missed last week, or to review what you have learned. 


      Remember those questions we asked last week? Here are the answers: 

      • Which IBM Cloud for VMware solution could a client use who wants to quickly deploy their VMware-based cloud computing environments without concerns about configuration, hosting, operations, and life cycle management of the VMware software? The correct answer is B. VMware as a Service could be used by a client who wants to quickly deploy their VMware-based cloud computing environments without concerns about configuration, hosting, operations, and life cycle management of the VMware software. 

      • A software company is interested in migrating their workloads to IBM Cloud and have the following compute requirements: high performance, dedicated compute, and high customization. Which compute option meets all of these requirements? The correct answer is A. The bare metal server option will meet these requirements. 

      • What option would allow a startup with a limited budget to sacrifice up time for cost savings? The correct answer is D. Transient Virtual Servers would allow a startup with a limited budget to sacrifice up time for cost savings. 

      • What would be a benefit for a client to choose IBM Wazi as a Service on IBM Cloud? The correct answer is D. Development and testing would be a benefit to a client if they used IBM Wazi as a Service on IBM Cloud. 


      Whew, OK, here are today's questions: 

      1. IBM Cloud ___________ allow specifying the affinity and anti-affinity rules related to a physical machine or rack.  

        1. Public Virtual Servers
        2. Dedicated Virtual Servers
        3. Reserved Virtual Servers
        4. Transient Virtual Servers 
      1. The ______ technology is what enables confidential computing for IBM Cloud Hyper Protect virtual servers. 

        1. XEN
        2. KVM
        3. TXT
        4. TEE  


      See you tomorrow! 

      M. Starliper
      Project Manager, IBM Center for Cloud Training

    4. 24.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

      Posted Tue February 27, 2024 10:15 AM
      Edited by Myra Zeno Tue February 27, 2024 10:18 AM

      We're halfway there let's keep going! 

      It's day 15, and we have reached the halfway mark on this study journey together! Today we are completing assets 3-4 in section 4. 


      A screenshot of a screenshot of a phone

Description automatically generated  

      Here's another fact you should know: Code Engine is a fully-managed serverless platform. It runs container-based workloads and provides a friendly development platform. Code Engine is built with security in mind. Clients and their corresponding workloads are isolated from one another. This is due to projects which are based on Kubernetes namespaces. Role-based access controls occur on a resource level, which allows only authorized users to perform certain operations. 


      Let's answer yesterday's questions: 

      • IBM Cloud ___________ allow specifying the affinity and anti-affinity rules related to a physical machine or rack The correct answer is B. IBM Cloud Dedicated Virtual Servers allow specifying the affinity and anti-affinity rules related to a physical machine or rack. 

      • The ______ technology is what enables confidential computing for IBM Cloud Hyper Protect virtual servers. The correct answer is D. The TEE technology is what enables confidential computing for IBM Cloud Hyper Protect virtual servers. 


      You know what's up next, here are today's questions: 

        1. The ______ architectural style is the best option to use when constructing applications consisting of loosely coupled and independently deployable smaller services. 

          1. Service-oriented

          2. Monolithic

          3. Microservices

          4. Client-server 

        1. A client is looking to fully leverage the power of Kubernetes in delivering highly available and secure containerized applications. The _______ offering would help this client's needs. 

          1. IBM Container Service

          2. Kubernetes Cloud Service

          3. IBM Kubernetes Service

          4. Managed Kubernetes cluster service 


        If you're enjoying this study journey, be sure to attend the Certify in a Flash – IBM Cloud Technical Advocate Webinar on March 14, 2024 for an extra dose of study prep to pass the Technical Advocate certification exam – REGISTER TODAY! 


        See you tomorrow with the correct answers and more learning fun! 

        Myra Zeno, MS
        Offering Manager
        IBM Center for Cloud Training

      1. 25.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

        Posted Tue February 27, 2024 12:29 PM
        Would you send me the question of the day? Have not received as of yet

        Tom Mertens 

      2. 26.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

        Posted Tue February 27, 2024 12:45 PM

        Hi @Tom Mertens, the post is #24 "We're halfway there, let's keep going! in the discussion thread.


        Traci Deacon
        Project Manager
        IBM Center for Cloud Training (ICCT)

      3. 27.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

        Posted Wed February 28, 2024 08:43 AM
        Edited by Traci Deacon Wed February 28, 2024 08:43 AM

        We're with you every step of the way!

        For day 16, we will begin Section 5: Storage. Let's start by completing assets 1-2.

        In this section, we will learn about:

        • The high-level concepts of IBM Cloud® storage offerings and their advantages
        • The value of the different IBM Cloud-managed database options
        • Storage security options for IBM Cloud
        • The benefits and options of IBM Hyper Protect Crypto Services
        • The benefits and options of IBM Backup, Recovery, and Replication Solutions

        Fact you should know: Red Hat® OpenShift® Data Foundation (ODF) and Portworx are two examples of software defined storage (SDS) offerings used with IBM Cloud container orchestration services.

        It's time to answer yesterday's questions:

        • The ______ architectural style is the best option to use when constructing applications consisting of loosely coupled and independently deployable smaller services. The correct answer is C. The Microservices architectural style is the ­best option to use when constructing applications of loosely coupled and independently deployable smaller services.
        • A client is looking to fully leverage the power of Kubernetes in delivering highly available and secure containerized applications. The _______ offering would help this client's needs. The correct answer is C. The IBM Kubernetes Service offering would help a client who is looking to fully leverage the power of Kubernetes in delivering highly available and secure containerized applications.

        As you work through Section 5, here's a couple questions for you to think about:

        1. A client would like to migrate one of their workloads to IBM Cloud. They require low latency, high performance storage, and the storage needs to be highly redundant. Which IBM Cloud storage type meets the needs of this workload?
          1. Block storage
          2. Internal storage
          3. File storage
          4. Object storage

        2. Who is responsible for handling upgrades, backups, and other maintenance tasks with IBM Cloud's Database-as-a-Service offerings?
          1. Database vendor
          2. Shared responsibility
          3. Application owner
          4. Service provider

        See you tomorrow!

        Traci Deacon
        IBM Center for Cloud Training (ICCT)

      4. 28.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

        Posted Thu February 29, 2024 10:03 AM
        Edited by Traci Deacon Thu February 29, 2024 10:03 AM

        I'm all in for Cloud!

        It's day 17, and today we are working our way through Section 5: Storage by completing assets 3-4.

        Here's another fact you should know about storage: In the cloud, there are three places where data is encrypted: data at rest, data in motion, and data in use.

        It's time to answer yesterday's questions:

        • A client would like to migrate one of their workloads to IBM Cloud. They require low latency, high performance storage, and the storage needs to be highly redundant. Which IBM Cloud storage type meets the needs of this workload? The correct answer is A. Block storage would meet this client's workload needs.
        • Who is responsible for handling upgrades, backups, and other maintenance tasks with IBM Cloud's Database-as-a-Service offerings? The correct answer is D. The service provider is responsible for handling upgrades, backups, and other maintenance tasks with IBM Cloud's Database-as-a-Service offerings.

        You know what time it is, here are today's questions:

        1. Data at rest is where data is stored physically. Data is motion is:
          1. Data moving from one place to another
          2. Data in an operational state
          3. Data being retrieved from storage
          4. Data used over mobile devices
        2. IBM Hyper Protect Crypto Services provides the highest available encryption certification. Which level is the highest?
          1. SEC 17a-f
          2. FIPS 140-2 Level 3
          3. FIPS 140-2 Level 4
          4. FedRAMP Maximum

        Keep studying, don't give up. See you tomorrow!

        Traci Deacon
        IBM Center for Cloud Training (ICCT)

      5. 29.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

        Posted Fri March 01, 2024 10:20 AM

        Course by course, we are on our way to certification 

        Let's make day 18 a light day, shall we? Today we will finish Section 5: Storage by completing asset 5. 

        A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated 

        Let's see how you did answering yesterday's questions: 

        • Data at rest is where data is stored physically. Data is motion is…The correct answer is A. Data at rest is where data is stored physically, and data in motion is data moving from one place to another. 


        • IBM Hyper Protect Crypto Services provides the highest available encryption certification. Which level is the highest? The correct answer is C. The highest level of available encryption certification is FIPS 140-2 Level 4. 


        Here are the four study questions we will answer on Monday. Try answering them first before reading the materials to see how you're coming along! 

        1. The CIO for a media company requires media files stored in IBM Cloud to have high availability and the lowest cost. Which storage option would fulfill that requirement? 

          1. File Storage 

          2. NetApp Storage Appliance 

          3. Block Storage for VPC 

          4. Cloud Object Storage 


              1. The ______ type of database was developed in response to the emergence of cloud, big data, web, and mobile applications. 

                1. SQL 

                2. NoSQL 

                3. Persistent 

                4. Shared 


                    1. ______ can be used to encrypt data in motion. 

                      1. File Transport Protocol (FTP) 

                      2. Transport Layer Security (TLS) 

                      3. Hyper Text Transport Protocol (HTTP) 

                      4. Transport Security Layer (TSL) 


                          1. An organization is leveraging IBM Cloud Power Systems Virtual Servers for their AIX workloads. Veeam is one solution that could be used for file-based backup and disaster recovery for this environment. What is another solution that could be used? 

                            1. FalconStor StorSafe VTL 

                            2. IBM Cloud Spectrum Protect

                            3. Zerto 

                            4. Storage Solutions 


                                Study tip: Weekends are a great time to use the IBM Cloud Prep App to view flash cards for the training you completed during the week. It is a quick and easy way to study while passing the time! 


                                See you Monday!

                                Myra Zeno, MS
                                Offering Manager
                                IBM Center for Cloud Training

                              1. 30.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

                                Posted Mon March 04, 2024 10:11 AM
                                Edited by PAMELA REED Mon March 04, 2024 01:34 PM

                                Your head is in the clouds and that's a good thing! 

                                We're back for day 21, and we will use today as another day to complete any training you might have missed last week, or to review what you've learned. 


                                Remember those questions we asked last week? Here are the answers: 

                                • The CIO for a media company requires media files stored in IBM Cloud to have high availability and the lowest cost. Which storage option would fulfill that requirement? The correct answer is D. Cloud Object Storage would fulfill the need for a media company requiring media files stored in IBM Cloud to have high availability and the lowest cost. 

                                • The ______ type of database was developed in response to the emergence of cloud, big data, web, and mobile applications. The correct answer is B. NoSQL was developed in response to the emergence of cloud, big data, web, and mobile applications. 

                                • ______ can be used to encrypt data in motion. The correct answer is B. TLS can be used to encrypt data in motion. 

                                • An organization is leveraging IBM Cloud Power Systems Virtual Servers for their AIX workloads. Veeam is one solution that could be used for file-based backup and disaster recovery for this environment. What is another solution that could be used? The correct answer is B. IBM Cloud Spectrum Protect is another solution that could be used. 


                                How did you do? For today's questions, we will review some of the previously studied materials. Here we go: 

                                1. In IBM Cloud, ______ provides a full cloud service stack that is highly available, redundant, and geographically distributed for building and deploying missing-critical client applications. 

                                  1. Virtual private cloud 

                                  2. Availability zones 

                                  3. Regions 

                                  4. Point of presence 


                                      1. The VMware option, ___________, on IBM Cloud includes automated deployment and configuration in a dedicated environment. 

                                        1. VMware vCenter Server 

                                        2. VMware vSphere 

                                        3. VMware Shared 

                                        4. D. VMware ESXi 

                                            We will pick back up on our training journey tomorrow, see you then. 

                                            Myra Zeno, MS
                                            Offering Manager
                                            IBM Center for Cloud Training

                                          1. 31.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

                                            Posted Mon March 04, 2024 10:26 AM
                                            Hello Myra,

                                            I think 3rd answer is not correct. Kindly confirm? Its  asking about the protocol and FTP is not the secure protocol. 

                                            • ______ can be used to encrypt data in motion. The correct answer is A. Data at rest is where data is stored physically, and data in motion is data moving from one place to another. "

                                            Narender Singh

                                          2. 32.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

                                            Posted Mon March 04, 2024 01:34 PM

                                            Thank you for catching this Narender! The correct answer is actually "Answer B. Transport Layer Security (TLS) can be used to encrypt data in motion"

                                            PAMELA REED

                                          3. 33.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

                                            Posted Tue March 05, 2024 01:30 PM

                                            Every milestone on the journey counts! 

                                            Welcome to day 22! We have reached another milestone on our journey, the opportunity to earn our second badge: IBM Cloud Technical Advocate Concepts. This badge represents your achievement in developing a fundamental knowledge of IBM Cloud networking components, IBM Cloud compute offerings, and IBM Cloud storage offerings. 

                                            Today, we'll also complete the first asset in Section 6: Services 

                                            A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated  

                                            In this section we will learn how to: 

                                            • Identify integration options for IBM Cloud® and list the benefits they provide 

                                            • Identify options for IBM Cloud Edge Solutions and list the benefits they provide 

                                            • Identify options for IBM Cloud AI and analytics and list the benefits they provide 


                                            Fact you should know: Some organizations have adapted to the added difficulty of integration by replacing large code silos with small, independent components called microservices. This strategy offers greater scalability, resilience, and agility, which is why it is called agile integration. 


                                            Before we jump into today's questions, here are the answers to yesterday's questions: 

                                            • In IBM Cloud, ______ provides a full cloud service stack that is highly available, redundant, and geographically distributed for building and deploying missing-critical client applications. The correct answer is C. In IBM Cloud, regions provide a full cloud service stack that is highly available, redundant, and geographically distributed for building and deploying missing-critical client applications. 

                                            • The VMware option, ___________ , on IBM Cloud includes automated deployment and configuration in a dedicated environment. The correct answer is A. The VMware option, VMware vCenter Server, on IBM Cloud includes automated deployment and configuration in a dedicated environment. 

                                            And now, for today's questions: 

                                            1. The __________ service lets users create, secure, expose, manage, socialize, and analyze APIs across clouds. 

                                              1. IBM Event Streams 

                                              2. IBM App Connect Enterprise 

                                              3. IBM API Connect 

                                              4. Simple Storage Service (S3) API 


                                                  1. Which IBM Cloud service would be appropriate to recommend to a client who would like to use Apache Kafka?

                                                    1. IBM API Connect 

                                                    2. IBM App Connect Enterprise 

                                                    3. IBM Event Streams 

                                                    4. IBM Cloud Pak for Security 

                                                        Check in tomorrow for the answers and to continue our journey!

                                                        Myra Zeno, MS
                                                        Offering Manager
                                                        IBM Center for Cloud Training

                                                      1. 34.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

                                                        Posted Wed March 06, 2024 09:11 AM
                                                        Edited by Traci Deacon Wed March 06, 2024 09:12 AM

                                                        Your journey to cloud certification, one course at a time

                                                        It's day 23, can you believe it? Today, we will finish Section 6: Services by completing assets 2-3.

                                                        Here is another fact you should know: IBM Cloud Satellite is IBM's distributed cloud offering, which provides consistency in services and the ability to deploy anywhere. It is a platform service that enables organizations to run IBM Cloud services in the location of their choice: on premises, a competitor's cloud, or in edge networks (distributed cloud framework that brings enterprise applications closer to a data source).

                                                        The answers to yesterday's study questions are:

                                                        • The __________ service lets users create, secure, expose, manage, socialize, and analyze APIs across clouds. The correct answer is C. IBM API Connect lets users create, secure, expose, manage, socialize, and analyze APIs across clouds.
                                                        • Which IBM Cloud service would be appropriate to recommend to a client who would like to use Apache Kafka? The correct answer is C. IBM Event Streams would be appropriate to recommend to a client who would like to use Apache Kafka.

                                                        Question time! Question time! Here we go…

                                                        1. The IBM Cloud Satellite component, __________, uses the internet to provide a secure connection between the satellite location and other IBM Cloud services, such as monitoring and management.
                                                          1. Security Transport Service
                                                          2. Direct Link
                                                          3. Satellite Link
                                                          4. IBM Cloud Virtual Private Network
                                                        2. A client would like to deploy an online tool to help answer their employees' questions in real-time based on its bank of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and natural language processing to cover all the supported languages. Which IBM Cloud service would help this client?
                                                          1. Watson Tone Analyzer
                                                          2. Watson OpenScale
                                                          3. Watson Assistant
                                                          4. AI Explainability 360

                                                        You know the drill, come back tomorrow for the correct answer, see you then!

                                                        Traci Deacon
                                                        IBM Center for Cloud Training (ICCT)

                                                      2. 35.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

                                                        Posted Thu March 07, 2024 09:33 AM
                                                        Edited by Traci Deacon Thu March 07, 2024 09:33 AM

                                                        Certification is within reach!

                                                        For day 24, we will start Section 7: Cloud Native Overview. It is a short one, so we will complete it in one day. This is the last section of content on the Technical Advocate learning path (another milestone!).

                                                        After completing section seven we should be able to:

                                                        • Identify the key enabling technologies of cloud native applications and explain the benefits they provide
                                                        • Describe the benefits of modernizing existing applications

                                                        Fact you should know: The Twelve-Factor App methodology was created in 2012 as a set of guidelines to assist developers in creating cloud native applications. The 12 factors in this methodology are: Codebase; dependencies; configuration; backing services; build, run, release; processes; port binding; concurrency; disposability; dev/prod parity; logs; and admin processes.

                                                        How did you answer yesterday's questions? Let's review:

                                                        • The IBM Cloud Satellite component, __________ , uses the internet to provide a secure connection between the satellite location and other IBM Cloud services, such as monitoring and management. The correct answer is C. The IBM Cloud Satellite component, Satellite Link, uses the internet to provide a secure connection between the satellite location and other IBM Cloud services, such as monitoring and management.
                                                        • A client would like to deploy an online tool to help answer their employees' questions in real-time based on its bank of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and natural language processing to cover all the supported languages. Which IBM Cloud service would help this client? The correct answer is C. Watson Assistant would help a client who would like to deploy an online tool to help answer their employees' questions in real-time based on its bank of FAQs and natural language processing to cover all supported languages.

                                                        Here are today's questions:

                                                        1. Application programming interfaces (APIs) enforce a set of rules that allow applications or devices to communicate with each other is one way to describe an API. What is another way to describe it?
                                                          1. APIs perform rolling updates and compile code hosted on a developer's local machine.
                                                          2. APIs are a means of deploying application updates through automated pipelines.
                                                          3. APIs construct HTML code for front-end web applications in a microservices architecture.
                                                          4. APIs can be used to communicate data and commands between microservices.
                                                        2. How is an application modernization pattern described?
                                                          1. Break the monolith up into chunks and transform the functionality into cloud native microservices.
                                                          2. Provision new cloud-based virtual servers and storage and migrate the monolith as-is to the cloud.
                                                          3. Combine multiple applications into a single code set and deploy using continuous delivery practices.
                                                          4. Build each new application using microservices on a Kubernetes platform with DevOps.

                                                        See you tomorrow!

                                                        Traci Deacon
                                                        IBM Center for Cloud Training (ICCT)

                                                      3. 36.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

                                                        Posted Fri March 08, 2024 09:04 AM

                                                        Study guides, flashcards, and quizzes – take your pick to prep

                                                        Welcome back! It's day 25, and since we have completed the training, now it is time to prep to take the certification exam using the IBM Cloud Prep App.

                                                        There are a few ways that you can use the prep app to further your study:

                                                        • Review the Technical Advocate (v5) study guide
                                                        • Flip through the flashcards
                                                        • Take the 50-question certification quiz

                                                        Study tip: The study guides in the IBM Cloud Prep app also include check your knowledge questions at the end of each lesson to help you prepare for the certification exam. Check them out!

                                                        Before we check out today's questions, here are the answers to yesterday's questions:

                                                        • Application programming interfaces (APIs) enforce a set of rules that allow applications or devices to communicate with each other is one way to describe an API. What is another way to describe it? The correct answer is D. Application programming interfaces (APIs) enforce a set of rules that allow applications or devices to communicate with each other, and APIs can be used to communicate data and commands between microservices are two ways to describe an API.
                                                        • How is an application modernization pattern described? The correct answer is A. An application modernization pattern is described as breaking the monolith up into chunks and transforming the functionality into cloud native microservices.

                                                        For the rest of our study time together, we will refresh on questions from the entire Technical Advocate learning plan. We will cover four study questions that we will answer on Monday. Today's questions come from Section 1: Introduction to Cloud and Section 2: IBM Cloud Fundamentals.

                                                        1. Which IBM Cloud job role can find root causes of outages, understands system issues, and is good at anticipating a client's potential points of failure in their solution?

                                                        1. IBM Cloud Developer
                                                        2. IBM Cloud Architect
                                                        3. IBM Cloud Site Reliability Engineer
                                                        4. IBM Cloud Security Engineer

                                                        2. A new company would like to code their applications using software and tools hosted on IBM Cloud. Which cloud service model meets their requirements?

                                                        1. Platform as a Service
                                                        2. Software as a Service
                                                        3. Toolchain as a Service
                                                        4. Infrastructure as a Service

                                                        3. _______ provides a document database that uses JSON files to store and index documents.

                                                        1. Databases for MySQL
                                                        2. Cloudant
                                                        3. Db2
                                                        4. DataStage

                                                        4. MongoDB is considered a document database. What is another example of a document database?

                                                        1. EnterpriseDB Postgres
                                                        2. IBM Event Streams
                                                        3. etcd
                                                        4. Elasticsearch

                                                        Enjoy your weekend, and come back Monday to continue our journey together, see you then!

                                                        PAMELA REED

                                                      4. 37.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

                                                        Posted Mon March 11, 2024 11:18 AM
                                                        Edited by M. Dee Starliper Tue March 12, 2024 09:20 AM

                                                        Let's catch up on cloud! 

                                                        Welcome back! If you have been following along with us on this 30-day Technical Advocate certification journey, we've made it to day 28! Here are a few reminders: 

                                                        • At this point, you should be using the IBM Cloud Prep App to prepare to take the certification exam. 

                                                        • Don't forget to attend the Certify in a Flash – IBM Cloud Technical Advocate Webinar on March 14, 2024 for an extra dose of study prep to pass the Technical Advocate certification exam – REGISTER TODAY 

                                                        • Now is also a good time to visit PearsonVUE to schedule your exam. Customers and partners will get more information about how to request a free exam voucher during the webinar on March 14, available while supplies last. IBM employees should request an exam voucher using the standard process. 


                                                        OK, I know you are wondering about the answers to the questions from the past few days, so here we go… 

                                                        • Which IBM Cloud job role can find root causes of outages, understands system issues, and is good at anticipating a client's potential points of failure in their solution? The correct answer is C. The IBM Cloud Site Reliability Engineer can find root causes of outages, understands system issues, and is good at anticipating a client's potential points of failure in their solution. 

                                                        • A new company would like to code their applications using software and tools hosted on IBM Cloud. Which cloud service model meets their requirements? The correct answer is A. Platform as a Service would allow a new company to code their applications using software and tools hosted on IBM Cloud. 

                                                        • _______ provides a document database that uses JSON files to store and index documents. The correct answer is B. Cloudant provides a document database that uses JSON files to store and index documents. 

                                                        • MongoDB is considered a document database. What is another example of a document database? The correct answer is D. MongoDB and Elasticsearch are considered document databases. 


                                                        Today's questions are taken from Section 2: IBM Cloud Fundamentals and Section 3: Networking. 

                                                        1. Why was DevSecOps developed with a goal of shortening the development life cycle with a continuous development and release cycle in mind? 

                                                          1. To encourage the continual improvement of applications 

                                                          2. To reduce the total cost of ownership of development platform licenses 

                                                          3. To allow security engineers to regularly test software for malware and viruses 

                                                          4. To counter the high turnover of developers on a project 


                                                              1. Describe how a port is utilized for communication. 

                                                                1. Applications or services use port numbers to receive specific messages 

                                                                2. A container destination that determines the location where messages are sent and received 

                                                                3. An application that determines which computer service or process should receive specific messages 

                                                                4. A specific router connection used to determine which port should send and receive specific messages 


                                                                    1. The __________ ensures that IBM has designed the cloud controls as per the appropriate Trust Service Principles and is operating effectively for the reporting period. 

                                                                      1. Security Reports 

                                                                      2. Data Reports 

                                                                      3. Service Organization Control Reports 

                                                                      4. Compliance Reports 


                                                                          1. Which IBM Cloud offering will allow a company to have a private, secure, high-throughput connection to IBM Cloud? 

                                                                            1. IBM Cloud Public Gateway 

                                                                            2. IBM Cloud Transit Gateway 

                                                                            3. IBM Cloud Direct Link 

                                                                            4. IBM Cloud VPN 


                                                                                See you tomorrow! 

                                                                                Myra Zeno, MS
                                                                                Offering Manager
                                                                                IBM Center for Cloud Training

                                                                              1. 38.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

                                                                                Posted Tue March 12, 2024 09:18 AM

                                                                                The finish line is up ahead! 

                                                                                It's day 29 and we have come a long way! How is your studying going? Today, we will take the Assessment Exam for IBM Cloud Technical Advocate. This assessment exam is optional and is administered by Pearson VUE. There is a $30 USD fee to take this assessment. Keep in mind that this assessment is separate from the certification exam.


                                                                                Don't want to pay the assessment fee? Another option is to take the free Sample Test designed to give you an idea of the type of questions you can expect to see on the exam. 


                                                                                A screenshot of a computer screen

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                                                                                Before you take the assessment, let's answer the questions we asked yesterday: 

                                                                                • Why was DevSecOps developed with a goal of shortening the development life cycle with a continuous development and release cycle in mind? The correct answer is A. DevSecOps was developed with a goal of shortening the development life cycle to encourage the continual improvement of applications. 

                                                                                • Describe how a port is utilized for communication. The correct answer is A. Applications or services use port numbers to receive specific messages. 

                                                                                • The __________ ensures that IBM has designed the cloud controls as per the appropriate Trust Service Principles and is operating effectively for the reporting period. The correct answer is C. The Service Organization Control Reports ensure that IBM has designed the cloud controls as per the appropriate Trust Service Principles and is operating effectively for the reporting period. 

                                                                                • Which IBM Cloud offering will allow a company to have a private, secure, high-throughput connection to IBM Cloud? The correct answer is C. The IBM Cloud Direct Link offering will allow a company to have a private, secure, high-throughput connection to IBM Cloud. 


                                                                                Today's questions cover content taken from Section 4: Compute. 

                                                                                1. The _______ IBM Cloud for VMware solution offers a multitenant deployment option. 

                                                                                1. VMware vCenter Server
                                                                                2. VMware Shared
                                                                                3. VMware vSphere
                                                                                4. VMware Regulated Workload 


                                                                                1. When using IBM Cloud Code Engine to run a cloud native application, IBM Cloud Code Engine could be described as ____________. 

                                                                                1. A development platform for traditional web applications
                                                                                2. A platform for configuring and managing servers for container-based workloads
                                                                                3. A serverless platform for running container-based workloads
                                                                                4. A batch processing platform for serverless workloads

                                                                                       3. What is a reason a company would use IBM Cloud VPC z/OS virtual machines? 

                                                                                1. To start a free development and test environment in any public cloud 
                                                                                2. To start a development and test environment in minutes without dependency in operations 
                                                                                3. To start a development and test environment in a local MZR 
                                                                                4. To start a development and test environment on premises 

                                                                                       4. In an IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service Cluster, _______ provides the mechanism for isolating a cluster resource in a logical separation. 

                                                                                1. kube-proxy 
                                                                                2. Namespaces 
                                                                                3. Pods 
                                                                                4. Secrets


                                                                                See you tomorrow at the finish line! 

                                                                                M. Starliper
                                                                                Project Manager, IBM Center for Cloud Training

                                                                              2. 39.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

                                                                                Posted Wed March 13, 2024 09:19 AM

                                                                                You made it! 

                                                                                Congratulations! We have made it to the final day of our study with me journey. You have accomplished a great deal over the past 30 days. Take a moment to celebrate your success. If you haven't already, please fill out the IBM Cloud Technical Advocate Survey to share any feedback you have about the Technical Advocate training. 


                                                                                A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated 


                                                                                Let's look at the answers to yesterday's questions: 

                                                                                • The _______ IBM Cloud for VMware solution offers a multitenant deployment option. The correct answer is B. The VMware Shared IBM Cloud for VMware solution offers a multitenant deployment option. 

                                                                                • When using IBM Cloud Code Engine to run a cloud native application, IBM Cloud Code Engine could be described as ____________. The correct answer is C. An IBM Cloud Code Engine running a cloud native application could be described as a serverless platform for running container-based workloads. 

                                                                                • What is a reason a company would use IBM Cloud VPC z/OS virtual machines? The correct answer is B. To start a development and test environment in minutes without dependency in operations is a reason a company would use IBM Cloud VPC z/OS virtual machines. 

                                                                                • In an IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service Cluster, _______ provides the mechanism for isolating a cluster resource in a logical separation. The correct answer is B. In an IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service Cluster, Namespaces provide the mechanism for isolating a cluster resource in a logical separation. 


                                                                                Here are our final set of study questions that we will answer tomorrow. These questions are taken from Section 5: Storage, Section 6: Services, and Section 7: Cloud Native Overview. 

                                                                                1. Data that is stored on block storage is secured on IBM Cloud by allowing clients to do what? 

                                                                                1. Clients can store their data in databases.
                                                                                2. Clients can use Bring Your Own Key to encrypt their data.
                                                                                3. Clients can move their data from one server to another.
                                                                                4. Clients can perform processing or analysis on their data. 


                                                                                1. What is one of the differences between IBM Key Protect and IBM Hyper Protect Crypto Services? 

                                                                                1. IBM Key Protect service supports the Keep Your Own Key capability, and IBM Hyper Protect Crypto Services supports Bring Your Own Key capability.
                                                                                2. IBM Key Protect is a shared multi-tenant service, and IBM Hyper Protect Crypto Services is a single-tenant service.
                                                                                3. IBM Key Protect and IBM Hyper Protect Crypto Services support the same features and are only comparable on price.
                                                                                4. IBM Key Protect is a single-tenant service, and IBM Hyper Protect Crypto Services is a shared multi-tenant service. 


                                                                                1. Hosts, links, location, and _______ are the four main components of an IBM Cloud Satellite solution. 

                                                                                1. Endpoints
                                                                                2. API
                                                                                3. Direct Link
                                                                                4. Client server 


                                                                                1. Independently deployable is a characteristic of a microservices architecture. What is another? 

                                                                                1. Single common database schema
                                                                                2. Ease of application scaling
                                                                                3. Complex application dependencies
                                                                                4. Limited available tools 


                                                                                We'll check in one last time tomorrow to make sure you are ready to pass the certification exam! 

                                                                                M. Starliper
                                                                                Project Manager, IBM Center for Cloud Training

                                                                              3. 40.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

                                                                                Posted Thu March 14, 2024 09:18 AM
                                                                                Edited by M. Dee Starliper Fri March 15, 2024 12:28 PM

                                                                                I'm attending Certify in a Flash, are you? 

                                                                                Today's the day we've all been waiting for! There's still time to register to attend the Certify in a Flash – IBM Cloud Technical Advocate Webinar happening TODAY from 11 AM - 12 PM (ET). If you are unable to attend the session, register anyway so that you will receive a link to the replay and the session slides. [Edit: See the Q&A from the webinar here.]


                                                                                Here are the answers to our last set of study questions: 

                                                                                • Data that is stored on block storage is secured on IBM Cloud by allowing clients to do what? The correct answer is B. Clients can use Bring Your Own Key to encrypt their data. 

                                                                                • What is one of the differences between IBM Key Protect and IBM Hyper Protect Crypto Services? The correct answer is B. IBM Key Protect is a shared multi-tenant service, and IBM Hyper Protect Crypto Service is a single-tenant service. 

                                                                                • Hosts, links, location, and _______ are the four main components of an IBM Cloud Satellite solution. The correct answer is A. Hosts, links, location, and endpoints are the four main components of an IBM Cloud Satellite solution. 

                                                                                • Independently deployable is a characteristic of a microservices architecture. What is another? The correct answer is B. Independently deployable and ease of application scaling are two characteristics of a microservices architecture. 


                                                                                When you finish the learning path, IBM Cloud Prep flashcards and study guides will help you prepare for the exam. Add IBM Cloud Prep to your phone's home screen for studying on-the-go. 


                                                                                One final reminder to visit PearsonVUE to schedule your exam. Customers and partners will get more information about how to request a free exam voucher during the webinar on March 14, available while supplies last. IBM employees should request an exam voucher using the standard process. 


                                                                                If you don't pass the exam on your first try, don't give up! Take advantage of our Second Chance promotion to retake the same exam for free using the ICCTSecondChance promo code at checkout when you register to retake the exam.  


                                                                                Once you pass your exam, you can tell us about it on LinkedIn using the hashtag #IBMCloudCertified. 


                                                                                Thank you for taking this journey with us and best of luck! 

                                                                                M. Starliper
                                                                                Project Manager, IBM Center for Cloud Training

                                                                              4. 41.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

                                                                                Posted Wed March 20, 2024 02:51 PM

                                                                                hi Pamela, Would you send me invites for the next sessions? 

                                                                                I am registered and I'm really excited to join and study with you :) 

                                                                                Gorana Borisova

                                                                              5. 42.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

                                                                                Posted Wed March 20, 2024 03:21 PM

                                                                                Hello Gorana,

                                                                                We are thrilled to have you join us for the IBM Cloud for Financial Services specialty Study with Me and the Certify in a Flash!

                                                                                The Study with Me will begin on April 8, 2024. You can register to participate here:

                                                                                The Certify in a Flash webinar will be held on May 9, 2024 at 11:00 AM EST. You can register for the webinar here:

                                                                                We look forward to your participation!

                                                                                PAMELA REED

                                                                              6. 43.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

                                                                                Posted Sat April 13, 2024 10:52 PM
                                                                                hi Pamela
                                                                                First, thank you very much for the opportunity to train with you with the sessions and material that you share with us, I tell you that I took the exam and accredited it, I already obtained my certificate, thank you very much again.
                                                                                Jesus Mora Luna

                                                                                Jesus Mora

                                                                              7. 44.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

                                                                                Posted Mon April 15, 2024 04:19 PM

                                                                                Congratulations, Jesus! 

                                                                                Traci Deacon
                                                                                Project Manager
                                                                                IBM Center for Cloud Training (ICCT)

                                                                              8. 45.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

                                                                                Posted 30 days ago

                                                                                Let's go!!

                                                                                MUSTAFA SALAH

                                                                              9. 46.  RE: Get ready, get ready! 'Study with Me' for Technical Advocate

                                                                                Posted 30 days ago

                                                                                Can I start now?

                                                                                MUSTAFA SALAH