High Performance Computing Group

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  • 1.  changing MAX_JOBID from 6 to 7 digits

    Posted 14 days ago

    Hi All,

    Anyone experienced any issue with changing MAX_JOBID from default 6 to higher number ? 

    As this is one way operation, as I understand from the documentation .

    We want to change to 7 , but checking if anyone saw any issue after .


    -- Shali --

    Shali Boharon

  • 2.  RE: changing MAX_JOBID from 6 to 7 digits

    Posted 13 days ago

    Hi Shali,

    We moved our LSF clusters to 7 digits for MAX_JOBID (MAX_JOBID=9999999) back in 2017, just before upgrading to LSF 10.1. We have had no problems with it. If you go larger than 7 digits, you may have LSF standard command formatting  issues (cutting off the last characters of the jobID or affecting the column positioning of the output) but you should now be able to combat these problems with the -o command options.  


    Liam Donworth

  • 3.  RE: changing MAX_JOBID from 6 to 7 digits

    Posted 13 days ago

    In addition parameter LSB_JOBID_DISP_LENGTH can be used to display large job ID in bjobs output. But as Liam points out, bjobs -o is the way to go for job info query. 

    YI SUN