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TechXchange Conference 2023 Hybrid Cloud Track- Labs for Hybrid Cloud

By Wendy Batten posted Thu July 06, 2023 02:50 PM


TechXchange Conference 2023 Hybrid Cloud Track- Labs for Hybrid Cloud 

We know that you’ve been eagerly awaiting on more details on the technical content planned for the upcoming IBM TechXchange Conference 2023, happening in Las Vegas September 11-14. Here is a preview of some of the labs we are planning. Please note that the titles and lab descriptions are still being refined, but this gives you a sense of what is coming. 

Register today for the first TechXchange event for technologists using IBM products and solutions. Also, save $300 with early bird pricing if you register before July 21st. See you there!

Session Catalog is LIVE here! 

Track: Labs – Cloud

Lab Title Abstract
Server Reliability Engineering on IBM Cloud A practical hands-on-lab that lets participants compete to complete challenges to win prizes. The lab provides a broken micro-services application and an SRE dashboard. Participants would need to use their IBM Cloud skills to keep the application up and running and making sure the SLI, SLO and SLA are being met. Have an open mind to learn, have fun and win IBM swag.
HPC Spectrum LSF on IBM Cloud Workshop What helps our customers design better chips for our phones, find cures for diseases, make our aircraft safer. If you couldn't guess it, it's Spectrum LSF. The software scheduler that is behind the scenes running jobs on hundreds of thousands of cores. Learn Spectrum LSF in this hands on workshop, using Application Center UI, explore what LSF has to offer, be in the driver seat and experience the software, network with the HPC SMEs and product managers. We provide you an environment, all the instructions needed, help you at every step along the way while you learn Spectrum LSF on IBM Cloud.
Delivering a Secure Software Supply Chain for Regulated Industries This hands-on lab will introduce you to the concept of Secure Software Supply Chains by using an example application and toolchains that are provided by IBM Cloud as part of the DevSecOps reference implementation. Secure Software Supply Chains adopt secure development best practices as early as possible in the software delivery lifecycle, an approach that helps to prevent security problems from reaching production systems and failing corporate audits. In this lab, you will learn how to create DevSecOps CI/CD toolchains in the IBM Cloud and deliver a secure change to the app from development to deployment.
Hyperprotect “to touch” In this hands-on lab session we will offer the audience the choice to walk through one of two tutorials based on essential solutions of the IBM Hyper Protect family within the IBM Cloud. The audience can decide between a tutorial based on the Hyper Protect Crypto Services & Unified Key Orchestrator (initialising a dedicated KMS/ HSM instance, adding and rotating keys, integrating to Hyperscalers as well as an MS365 instance) or a tutorial dedicated to Confidential Computing based on Hyper Protect Virtual Server for VPC, aka Hyper Protect Container runtime (generating deployment contracts, providing secure OCI images, generating attestation records for audit personas, instantiating and connecting to secure container instances)
Deploy your first application to IBM Cloud in 3 clicks The hands-on lab focuses on teaching participants how to deploy their first application or container to IBM's Code Engine container platform in just three clicks. The lab covers setting up an IBM Cloud account, creating a new project, and using the platform's graphical user interface or CLI to deploy an application, utilizing automatic scaling and built-in observability features to optimize performance. By the end of the lab, participants will have gained practical knowledge on containerization and cloud deployment, and they will be equipped with the tools needed to deploy their own applications or containers on IBM Cloud, making it ideal for developers, software engineers, and IT professionals seeking to improve their application development and deployment processes.
Experience Cloud Satellite to Extend Cloud Services anywhere Immerse yourself with experiential journey to appreciate how quickly you can deploy cloud services into your data centers or at the Edge locations, to deliver Applications, AI and Analytics with speed and repeatable automation patterns. Experience to appreciate how quickly you can deliver applciations to tens or hundreds of locations. This instructor-led hands-on lab, gives exposure to fully automated deployment of technology stack, which includes Cloud Satellite in customer Data centers, Red Hat OpenShift as a cloud service, software defined storage, and other Software. Hands-on exercises include setting up IBM Cloud Cli, verify Satellite and OpenShift configuration and have fun deploying applications quickly.
Deploy a secure and compliant enterprise cloud in one hour using the latest automation tools Nodes?! Where we’re going, we don’t need nodes! Go 6 months into the future with IBM Infrastructure product designers by accessing unreleased products to learn how to make your organization more efficient and more secure. Join one of 3 groups that most closely matches your actual role, then work together to set up a secure and compliant cloud for Hill Valley Bank. Admins will prepare the account for enterprise governance by establishing trust and assigning access to federated users. Compliance Managers will define, automate and assess continuous compliance. Engineers will centrally manage and share infrastructure using the latest deployable architectures to consistently implement best practices. You will accomplish in this hour what was not possible in several weeks just a year ago.
VPC Image wrangling Automation for creating VPC images that meet your security, compliance and content requirements will be discussed. At the end of the lab you will be able to create and distribute VPC images globally for consumption. You will understand the building blocks required to manage your corporate CI/CD image pipeline. Image preparation for consumption within or across accounts using the private catalog will be covered. If you want to create and distribute hardened images, patched images, imported images from on premises or deliver application software as images this will give you the background needed to hit the ground running.
Infrastructure to Application deployment using IBM Cloud secure landing zone deployable architecture

IBM Cloud now provides pre-defined deployable architectures. Learn how to deploy IBM Cloud secure landing zone and deploy an application on top of it so you can go from provision to runtime in no time.

4 Session Objectives (What will attendees learn?):Answer the question... You will leave this session with...

  • An understanding of Deployable Architectures for IBM Cloud
  •  How to customize the pre-defined deployable architectures
  • Deploying an application on top of the deployable architecture
  • Go to production in no time 
Analyze IBM Cloud Kubernetes clusters on VPC with Observability services This session focuses on how to use the IBM Cloud Observability services and IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center Workload Protection to monitor a Kubernetes cluster on VPC. This hands-on lab covers security and operations by using services that run on IBM Cloud: IBM Cloud Activity Tracker, IBM Log Analysis, IBM Cloud Monitoring, and IBM Cloud Security and Compliance Center Workload Protection. If you have clusters running on IBM Cloud, on-premise, or in other clouds, come and join us to find out how to monitor and manage them in IBM Cloud.
Exploring New Features & Experiences for IBM Cloud VPC Infrastructure: A Hands-on Lab for Developers The rapid evolution of cloud computing demands constant innovation & improvement in infrastructure solutions. In this hands-on lab, we invite developers to preview and provide valuable feedback on the latest features & experiences introduced in the IBM Cloud VPC Infrastructure. The lab will empower participants to explore and experiment with cutting-edge functionalities while fostering an interactive environment for collaboration and knowledge exchange. Developers will have the opportunity to delve into the enhanced capabilities of VPC Infrastructure, gaining insights into the advanced networking & security features, deployment flexibility, & scalability options. Join us in this exciting session to shape the future of cloud infrastructure technology through your insights & expertise.
Deriving valuable insights from data using IBM Cloud Object Storage IBM Cloud Object Storage is a robust storage solution built for >99.999999999999% data durability. COS stores any kind of data as objects which makes it ideal for storage while providing easy access and retrieval making it best suited for all real world use cases involving large data volumes. This hands-on lab will provide a step-by-step walkthrough of setting up a COS instance, storing data while touching upon IBM Sterling Fulfillment Optimizer's capabilities specifically for order management solution and it's integration with COS. In addition, this lab will demonstrate how to gain actionable insights from the data using IBM Cloud Data Engine and provide a high level overview of how to gain analytical results from data stored in COS using IBM Analytics Engine.
Track: Labs – Hybrid Cloud
Lab Title Abstract
Demystifying use case's for data movement into the Match360 using Match360 connector IBM Match360 is an entity resolution engine on cloud pack for data. Match360 helps resolving the customer data into a single golden record. the data form various sources are brought together and matched using the probabilistic matching engine to resolve into an single entity. While data comes from various heterogeneous sources. Match360 needs to consume it and Match360 connector will help in consuming the data from various data sources into Match360. In this session users will get hands on experience of inbound and outbound data movement into match 360 using platform capabilities like connector, data stage , data virtualization and data refinery. The end user will benefit from understanding the patterns of data movement in and out of Match360 for and data science and analytics purpose.
Data Privacy in action

In this HOL, we will work through a set of tasks that a responsible, privacy conscious organization should implement to support their data privacy objectives. We’ll focus on two categories of use cases:

  1. Distinct Use Cases or Purposes for a sensitive set of data by distinct sets of users
  2. Differing boundaries (e.g. geo) of appropriate use of the same data set for a common use case goal.

We’ll walk through CP4D w/ WKC to configure key elements support the respective use cases. We’ll examine how each area of design maps to one or more of the Security & Privacy Engineering objectives that a comprehensive privacy governance program should aspire to support. ·

  • Security- Confidentiality, Integrity & Availability
  • Privacy – Predictability, Manageability & Dissociability 
Exposing Hybrid Multi-Cloud Applications on IBM Cloud Satellite Hybrid multi cloud architectures offer businesses a flexible and secure way to manage their IT infrastructure while optimizing costs and ensuring high availability. IBM Cloud Satellite is designed to run workloads securely across multiple clouds, including private and public clouds, and on-premises environments. In this session you will get hands-on experience with IBM Cloud Satellite and you will learn how you can expose your applications running on multi-cloud infrastructure in as secure and resilient way.
Using GitOps to control and customize your Red Hat OpenShift clusters and applications GitOps describes the process of using Git to store declarative configuration files that are used to reliably configure infrastructure and applications via continuous deployment (CD) workflows in cloud-native environments. This session introduces attendees to OpenShift Container Platform and OpenShift GitOps, and provides a hands-on experience where they will learn: 1. How to use OpenShift GitOps to customize and manage an OpenShift cluster. 2.How to deploy and manage applications using OpenShift GitOps. 3. How OpenShift GitOps can detect and auto correct configuration drift between the desired configuration stored in a Git repository and the actual state on the OpenShift cluster.
Getting started with an IDP from scratch with Backstage and Janus Backstage is an open source platform for building developer portals, created by Spotify and donated to CNCF. Backstage unifies all your infrastructure tooling, services, and documentation to create a streamlined development environment from end to end. In this session, attendees will see how quickly you can stand up an IDP from scratch. We will walk through (1) creating a Backstage instance, (2) adding custom branding, (3) adding a golden path template, and (4) running Backstage locally. We'll then have a brief discussion on next steps...and how you can use a Helm chart to deploy Backstage onto OpenShift. Attendees will walk away with the knowledge for getting an initial version of an IDP up and running.

Make sure you register: TechXchange Conference from Sept 11-Sept 14th in Las Vegas.


