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TechXchange 2023 - Learn how to Secure your Software Supply Chain at a Hands-on Lab!

By Steve Weaver posted Wed August 16, 2023 03:42 PM


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🔥 Making sure your software is secure is more critical than ever! 🔥

While development organizations have done a good job securing their applications, the rise of code reuse and cloud-native development approaches have provided hackers with additional pathways to mount attacks - opening the door for malicious actors to steal sensitive data, plant malware and hijack systems, something which is becoming all too common.

Recently, the US federal government released an executive order directing agencies to create and implement additional security guidelines for software supply chains, and it means that as software developers, we are responsible for ensuring that our software tools and practices are secure.

We're excited to be delivering this hands-on lab at TechXchange. The lab will introduce you to the concept of Secure Software Supply Chains by using an example application and toolchains that are provided by IBM Cloud as part of the DevSecOps reference implementation. Secure Software Supply Chains adopt secure development best practices as early as possible in the software delivery lifecycle, an approach that helps to prevent security problems from reaching production systems and failing corporate audits. 

In this lab, you will learn how to:

✨Create DevSecOps CI/CD toolchains in IBM Cloud

✨Identify a security and compliance error found in a sample application

✨Deliver a secure change to the app from development to deployment

✨Show how IBM Cloud DevSecOps toolchains can be used to ensure security and compliance with industry best practices.

Here are the lab details - secure your spot by registering now: TechXchange Conference from Sept 11-Sept 14th in Las Vegas

🔥 Lab Title: "Delivering a Secure Software Supply Chain for Regulated Industries" (session 1678)
📅 Date: Wednesday, September 13th, 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM (PDT)
📍 Location: IBM TechXchange 2023, Las Vegas | MGM Grand Hotel | Boulevard 169, Level 1
🔗 Link:

Please share this post with your network and spread the word. Let's come together to explore, learn, and shape the future of secure cloud development. See you in Las Vegas! 🎉🌐

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1 comment



Thu August 17, 2023 09:41 AM

Great blog!