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Db2 Warehouse console - Monitor[Responsiveness]

By Noel Dsouza posted Wed February 28, 2024 10:48 PM


How to Monitor --->  Dashboard in Db2 Warehouse console.


Welcome back! Folks

Now let learn How to Monitor --->  Dashboard in Db2 Warehouse console.

Let's login to cloud IBM com

Login to the

Then locate your  Db2 Warehouse instance / service now open the console page from manage page . Click [Open Console] Button.





Now , on the left pane click on the Monitor page. This will give access to multiple tabs i.e Dashboard , Database , Statement and so on…




Today , we will discuss the Dashboard page .

This page has 5 Widgets on the screen



3)Resource usage


5)Time spent


Cool Tip : Did you know that you can arrange them as you like ? Try hovering on the name bar of the widget and you will see the icon change to  Arrow cross icon

Now , hold with mouse and simple rearrange the way you would like .  :).



Now, coming back to the dashboard let's discuss  1)Responsiveness





As you can see below is the Widget that shows Responsiveness .

You may miss this if not looking carefully there are 2 tabs in this Widget. Did you see ? Yes the first is Statements  and the second is Response time.

Also you can see that the report duration drop down is from Last 1 hour up to Last month.



The statement tab show's you statement distribution by response time for the time period you select from the drop down list.

This helps you to find out how fast your statement's are executing . For example here you see there are many statements that are between zero to 10 milliseconds .
where as there are around 7 statements that range from 10 seconds to 1 minute  response time .

Now as a DBA/DEV you might want to investigate which are these statement's that are taking more than 10 seconds.
This is where you will need to investigate and see if you  can find and tune those SQL .
Idea is to get you to see at a glance if you need to investigate something. 

As a DBA or DEV you  would like to get each SQL  from the bottom to the top and get them executed as fast as you can.


Tip : you can also see the total number of statement during that time frame . In our case you see this is 72.75K in last month.



Now , lets look at the second tab Response Time. This show average response time for the  time you select . Example here for Last month the avg Response time is 2 ms.


If I change the time to last 1 hour this will change . As you see below .



So now you can see in the last 1 hour we had 4890 Statement and the Avg Response time for them was 0ms.


This helps find trends in our response times and how are workload may be distributed.


Let me explain more on this. …

See below we have report for 24 hours . Now we can see two spike here . 1 ) around  11:30pm and 2) around 7:50 am  .

You could find the trend for a week or a month and so on. Now looking at this example if you want to schedule a new workload then you know when NOT to schedule them if this is a trend everyday. For example if you see this pattern everyday then for a new workload choose a timeframe that is outside of this spike so as to distribute the workload.




That’s it for today.

In my Next blog I will explain on  2)Throughput . Be sure to like and subscribe to know more about this .


Thank you all , I hope this was helpful . Please feel free to let me know if the comments.
By — Noel Dsouza

