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Db2 Warehouse console - Monitor [Resource Usage]

By Noel Dsouza posted Wed February 28, 2024 10:49 PM



How to Monitor --->  Dashboard in Db2 Warehouse console.


Welcome back! Folks

Now let learn How to Monitor --->  Dashboard in Db2 Warehouse console.

Let's login to cloud IBM com

Login to the

Then locate your  Db2 Warehouse instance / service now open the console page from manage page . Click [Open Console] Button.





Now , on the left pane click on the Monitor page. This will give access to multiple tabs i.e Dashboard , Database , Statement and so on…

Today , we will discuss the Dashboard page .

This page has 5 Widgets on the screen



3)Resource usage


5)Time spent


Now, coming back to the dashboard let's discuss  3)Resource usage

 3)Resource usage
As you can see below is the Widget that shows Resource usage  for the Last Month . we have only single tab however, we have CPU , MEMORY , Log Space and Storage info that is show here.


As the Widget name suggests it give you report of how your resources are used ie. CPU , MEMORY , Log Space and Storage.




Now , lets pullup Last week report. In this case our resource metrics are not varied over the period.
This helps to understand when there is a need to scale CPU / MEMORY  / STORAGE etc.




NOTE: you need to click to toggle between the 3 graph's that are shown to see the 4th one example here CPU cant be seen but click on any one of them and it shows CPU as well.



That’s it for today.

In my Next blog I will explain on  4) Contention. Be sure to like and subscribe to know more about this .


Thank you all , I hope this was helpful . Please feel free to let me know if the comments.
By — Noel Dsouza

