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Db2 Warehouse console - Monitor [Throughput]

By Noel Dsouza posted Tue February 27, 2024 10:46 PM


How to Monitor --->  Dashboard in Db2 Warehouse console.


Welcome back! Folks

Now let learn How to Monitor --->  Dashboard in Db2 Warehouse console.

Let's login to cloud IBM com

Login to the

Then locate your  Db2 Warehouse instance / service now open the console page from manage page . Click [Open Console] Button.





Now , on the left pane click on the Monitor page. This will give access to multiple tabs i.e Dashboard , Database , Statement and so on…

Today , we will discuss the Dashboard page .

This page has 5 Widgets on the screen



3)Resource usage


5)Time spent


Now, coming back to the dashboard let's discuss  2)Throughput



As you can see below is the Widget that shows Throughput .

You may miss this if not looking carefully there are 2 tabs in this Widget. Did you see ? Yes the first is Statements  and the second is Rows Read.

Also you can see that the report duration drop down is from Last 1 hour up to Last month.  In this case we have selected Last 24 hours .


So Throughput  to simply put it is the amount of material or items passing through a system or process.

Throughput is the speed at which the database can perform read or write operations; it's measured in the number of read or write operations per second.


Now lets see some more example's.


Here is the below screen we see that for Last week we have a Throughput of 82.20 /min avg statements .

So on an average we are running ~82 SQL /STM per min as measured in the week.


Now, lets see if it is different for last 24 hour's. as we can see in the below image the  Throughput  remains similar at 82.34/min.


In general, when we are talking about the "throughput" of an OLTP database, we are talking about the number of transactions per second.
How many orders can the system take a second, how many page requests can it service, how many inquiries can it handle.
This goes hand-in-hand with discussions about how the OLTP system scales-- if you double the number of customers hitting your site every month because the business is growing , for example, will the OLTP systems be able to handle the increased throughput.?

That is in contrast to OLAP/ warehouse systems which are designed to run a relatively small number of transactions over much larger data volumes. There, you're worried far less about the number of transactions you can do than about how those transactions slow down as you add more data.
If you're that wildly successful company, you probably want the same number and frequency of product sales by region reports out of your OLAP system as you generate exponentially more sales.
But you now have exponentially more data to crunch which requires that you tune the database just to keep report performance constant.



Now , let's looks at the second tab Rows read.


In the above screen you see that we have 62.04 M rows Read per min. at around 07:48am -07:49am. This is for last 24 hours .

Now lets see if this is one off or it’s a daily thing that happens . Looking at the below screen Last Month. We see that it is one of event on 22 Feb.




Based on this you can decide how you want to tune your system . Do I need to take action ? Is there a trend ? When do I run a new workload? And so on.


That’s it for today.

In my Next blog I will explain on  3)Resource usage . Be sure to like and subscribe to know more about this .


Thank you all , I hope this was helpful . Please feel free to let me know if the comments.
By — Noel Dsouza

