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Db2 Warehouse console - Create Reports

By Noel Dsouza posted Mon February 26, 2024 11:13 PM


How to create reports in console for Db2 Warehouse.



Lets say you want to have a report every week that will show you the table usage (Top Table by size).

Db2 Let's you create reports on various options like database performance ,top statements, table usage and disk space usage.


Today we will look at Table usage report as you see below.


Let's login to cloud IBM com

Login to the

Then locate your  Db2 Warehouse instance / service now open the console page from manage page .



Once you open the console on your left pane  side open "Administration" page and you will see the first tab as "Reports"





Here you will see 2 tabs  "active"  and  "completed" and in the active tab you can create reports on demand or schedule them

Let's create an on demand report  for table size  ( Top Table by size).



Give a name to your table like in this case I have given TSW table size weekly I have selected table usage in type.
 you can see the database connection and the database is connected click next


You will get to create on demand report define page here you can select the number of tables you want for example 10 you want to see top 10 tables.

You can see the metrics there are 3 options a) top tables by size b) total access and c) reads.

I have selected by size an interval as one week then click next




Now you are on the final page finish you can check all the options you have selected and if you want to correct something you can go back if all is good and you will see the sample report on your right . If all is good go ahead and click finish.



You will see this report running in the active tab of your page once completed you will see it in the completed section.




As you can see in this below section the report is complete and you can see it in the completed section.

 Now on the top you have the blue ribbon which shows view button.



Clicking on the view button on the blue ribbon opens a new tab with the report that you created.

We also have a download button on that so you can download it and send it as an attachment to your manager or the team.



Here is the sample report and I have highlighted the download button.




Thank you !

Hope this helps and made it easy to know one more feature on IBM CLOUD Db2 warehouse console .
By — Noel Dsouza

1 comment



Tue February 27, 2024 10:33 PM

Useful and informative document.