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Happy HPC Holidays - Join the IBM Cloud HPC beta program today!

By Gábor Samu posted Mon November 27, 2023 05:02 PM


Update: The IBM Cloud HPC beta program is now closed. We would like to thank those who contacted us. 

In the spirit of the holiday season, we are inviting you to participate in the IBM Cloud HPC beta program this December. In this program, you will be able to experience the rich capabilities IBM Cloud HPC including IBM LSF at no-cost on up to 250,000 core hours per day on a first-come, first-served basis. After you have finished with the beta program, we look forward to collecting your valuable feedback – whether it’s naughty or nice!

IBM Cloud HPC is an integrated and automated HPC solution running on IBM Cloud infrastructure and includes LSF, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and optionally IBM Storage Scale. Featuring automated combined deployment and configuration of the infrastructure and LSF, it enables clients to focus on innovation and business outcomes rather than the complexity of building and managing an HPC environment. Automated scaling and on-demand compute capacity allows organizations to respond to changing business demands, while controlling costs.

To get started, simply drop an email to our Cloud HPC product management elves Doug Petteway and Gabor Samu to schedule time with you to discuss the IBM Cloud HPC beta program and share some holiday cheer!

Happy HPC Holidays! 

1 comment



Tue January 23, 2024 11:01 AM

The IBM Cloud HPC beta program is now closed. We would like to thank those who contacted us about the beta.