Cloud Platform as a Service

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Welcome to IBM Cloud Platform as a Service (PaaS) Community

By Chris Rosen posted Tue August 22, 2023 03:33 PM


Thank you for joining our PaaS community! I love building offerings that help my customers accelerate their line of business objectives through innovation using technology. I've been at IBM for over 23 years and my passion is to connect subject matter experts to our user base to ensure you learn about the lates and greatest innovations that help drive your business results. This community is a great forum to ask questions, propose topics for discussion, and dig deeper into the technology we use every day. We look forward to reviewing your new architectures, sharing best practices, and finding ways to meet up in person for discussion, whether that is at KubeCon or other events.

Our mission is to connect PaaS subject matter experts with our users to engage on your biggest questions or challenges on our managed offerings. Also we look forward to your ideas, benchmarks, best practices, and lessons learned with other users. 

My portfolio includes all the services required to build, run, and operate your cloud-native applications at scale with security integrated from the beginning! We can provide insights to containerized workloads with IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service, Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud, and IBM Cloud Code Engine; Developer Tools including CI/CD piplines, Event Notification, Deployable Archictectures, and Code Risk Analyzer for your DevSecOps needs; automation using IBM Cloud Schematics based on Terraform and Ansible; insights and observability with IBM Cloud Monitoring, IBM Cloud Log Analysis, and IBM Cloud Activity Tracker; a wide range of databases under IBM Cloud Databases including Redis, Mongo, and many more; and lastly end-to-end security tools providing you centralized insights and policy governance with Security and Compliance Center.


I invite you to participate and ask that you to respond to this thread with any questions. For community support, please contact We are looking forward to the discussion!

