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Your top advocacy how-to questions

  • 1.  Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Community Leadership
    Posted Mon December 18, 2023 04:55 PM

    In 2024, we'll be launching advocacy how-to content in this community on a monthly schedule. The content will include tips for how, why, where, and when to contribute various types of activity, along with some highlights and examples of those contributions.

    As we prepare our content calendar, we'd love for you to tell us what your top questions are - do you want to know more about blogging or how and why to participate in the community? Maybe you're looking for tips on SEO or podcasting? Maybe you want to know how to be recognized on LinkedIn as a top contributor in your area? You tell us your questions around advocacy and your top types of advocacy you'd like to talk about, and we'll get answers throughout 2024.

    Thanks for your contributions and feedback!

    Libby Ingrassia
    Program Director, IBM Champions
    IBM TechXchange

  • 2.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri January 05, 2024 03:30 PM

    Hi Libby,

    Excellent topic for the series. I am very much looking forward to it. I have a few related questions, that I would love to figure out:

    1. I have my blog hosted on I am often confused about whether to write posts directly on my blog, or to contribute to the Community blog, or post to both. I aim to reach the targeted audience of folks working on IBM products/services. What do you think is a good balance here?
    2. I am soon starting a weekly series on LinkedIn "Integration Tuesdays" where I will present integration scenarios through infographics, and on page 2 show how IBM App Connect and its module ecosystem can be utilized. I am unsure about how to reach a suitable audience outside of my connection sphere, possibly folks who are not on board the IBM ecosystem.

    Thank you for reading through and apologize if these questions are understood as off-topic.

    Ruchi Yadav
    Integration Consultant
    Avella AS

  • 3.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue January 16, 2024 05:14 PM

    Hi Ruchi,

    I did a presentation on blogging on an IBM Champion call a little while back. Here's what I said about WHERE.


    • IBM would want me to answer the "Where should I blog?" question by saying the IBM Community. Certainly, it is one location where you can blog. IBM Champions are pre-approved, just as IBMers are, to write blog posts on the IBM Community. However, not every IBM product has the majority of its users using the IBM Community. Some do and some have more popular hang outs somewhere else. As an expert in your product area, you will already be very aware, I am sure, of where users of your favourite IBM product hang out, and ask questions. For myself, the MQ section in the IBM Community is not the most popular place where questions about MQ are asked, it is just one of several popular forums.
    • Many IBMers and IBM Champions have their own website and/or blog and this can be a very good way to evangelise to users of an IBM product. After all, those people that are already hanging out on the IBM Community are already sold. Outside of the IBM domain may be where your words can make more of a difference.
    • Also, and this may be the reason why many IBMers have their own blogs, we have recently lost quite a lot of very useful information through the sunsetting of several older IBM blogging platforms. With your own blog, you have more control over the lifespan of your work.
    • Wherever you blog, it is worth sharing links to your work on platforms such as LinkedIn and perhaps Twitter. Use the hashtag #IBMChampion along with any product hashtags. The IBM Champion team will amplify any posts you have written and the hash tag is one way to let them know.

    I'm not sure whether the whole document was hosted anywhere by @Libby Ingrassia but I could put it in the library in this group if that was appropriate.


    Morag Hughson
    MQ Technical Education Specialist
    MQGem Software Limited

  • 4.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Community Leadership
    Posted Wed January 17, 2024 07:00 PM

    Hi @Morag Hughson - thanks for this! I may ask you to share this content again - new audience, new year! You can certainly share the presentation as a library doc here as a starter - great idea!

    Libby Ingrassia
    Program Director, IBM Champions
    IBM TechXchange

  • 5.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu January 18, 2024 01:25 PM

    Happy to do that Libby - easy to give a presentation when it's already created.

    I have failed to add it to the library here though. In the MQ area when I go to the library there is a button "Add a Library Entry" but there doesn't appear to be one of those for me in this group. I assume that means I don't have the authority to add it to the library?

    Happy to email it to you if the library in this group is only accessible to the admins.


    Morag Hughson
    MQ Technical Education Specialist
    MQGem Software Limited

  • 6.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Community Leadership
    Posted Thu January 18, 2024 01:26 PM

    I'll work on that library access @Morag Hughson and let you know - thanks!

    Libby Ingrassia
    Program Director, IBM Champions
    IBM TechXchange

  • 7.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Community Leadership
    Posted Wed January 17, 2024 06:58 PM

    Ruchi, these are some great questions. I'll give my first thoughts but I'll use these questions to drive some of our advocacy how-to content in the first quarter.

    In terms of where to blog: I'm a big fan of evaluating your goals and using those to help you decide. And then sharing what you've posted in multiple places. If part of your goal is to drive traffic to your own blog, I'd continue to post content there. However, to include the IBM TechXchange Community, you could then write a post on the community that adds a bit of content or an additional tip - and then link to the original content. I'd then share on LinkedIn that you've written the blog to drive some additional visibility.

    Similar idea with your infographic - post it on LinkedIn, but perhaps write a short blog about it or post it as a resource in order to include it in the community.

    That's just my quick take: I'll definitely use these questions to drive our content!

    Libby Ingrassia
    Program Director, IBM Champions
    IBM TechXchange

  • 8.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon January 08, 2024 12:58 PM

    Hi Libby,

    Blogging could add some additional benefits to our peers. I would love to be more involved. 



    Rastko Kadijevic

  • 9.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Community Leadership
    Posted Wed January 17, 2024 08:13 PM

    Hi Rastko! We'd love to have you blogging!

    We'll definitely cover blogging in some upcoming... uh.... blogs. And calls and discussions. But in the meanwhile, you can check out the blogging get started info.

    Libby Ingrassia
    Program Director, IBM Champions
    IBM TechXchange

  • 10.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Posted Fri January 19, 2024 11:10 AM

    Hi all,

    I recently found out about the IBM champion program and I'm very excited to share my passion for FinOps and AiOps with the rest of the world. I had dinner with some people from IBM yesterday and when I mentioned the champion program they got very excited and advised me to get involved. I wrote my first "real" article on LinkedIn today but I'm wondering what's next. Hopefully by following you guys and this thread I'll be able start my journey to becoming a champion.

    Kind regards,

    Dennis Scheerman
    Solution Advisor

  • 11.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon January 22, 2024 02:51 PM

    Hi Dennis, my own personal journey towards IBM Champion started over 18 months ago.  I started posting on linked-in and Twitter, but it was only articles and information that are relevant to my line of work and my 'followers'.  Just randomly posting unrelated content to your followers won't get results.  Give them information that is useful and worthwhile of their time.  I have also become very involved with local and regional user groups where I volunteer my time to give presentations around my line of work that enable people to solve problems at no cost, because hey, who doesn't like "free".  Hope that helps.


    Michael Davison
    EMEA Support Team Lead

  • 12.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Posted Tue January 23, 2024 02:00 PM

    Hi Michael,

    Thank you for taking the time to respond to me! I started with ( I hope weekly ) update on in my view the best FinOps practices. I really like your involvement in regional user groups and doing some volunteering. I will definitely keep that in mind moving forward!


    Dennis Scheerman
    Solution Advisor

  • 13.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon January 22, 2024 02:51 PM


    welcome on your way to become a champion. Here is my personal step-by-step how to :

    • start with your personal article on your company website
    • post your own articles on social media like LinkedIn
    • register yourself for at least one IBM product or service comunity inside IBM User Groups
    • start with some discussions posts and post at least one BLOG entry (may require registering yourself for blog posts)
    • after some time (in my case more than one year of activity) a collegue may promote you as a "champion"
    • self promotion is also possible if you fulfill the prerequisites
    • wait for the orange ribbon to be bound around your neck :-)
    • in case of questions ask Libby or myself in case you are desperated enough :-)



    [Karl] [Jaeger] [Business Partner]
    [QRadar Specialist]
    [Karlsruhe] [Germany]

  • 14.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Posted Tue January 23, 2024 02:07 PM

    Hi Karl,

    I appreciate that you took the time for your eloborate response. While it is sadly hard to post personal articles on our company website I have started on LinkedIn with a weekly, i hope informative, post. What do you mean with registering for atleast one IBM product in the IBM user groups? Is that within TechXchange, or are there spots I'm missing?
    I will definitly reach out to you and Libby in the future, I will no doubt have more questions.

    Kind regards,


    Dennis Scheerman
    Solution Advisor

  • 15.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Posted Tue January 23, 2024 02:07 PM

    Hi Dennis, I would like to wish you a lot of success with your journey to become an IBM Champion!!! I am actually on the same journey and hope to become an IBM Champion in the future as well. I have been working for IBM myself for more then 22 years and have moved to an IBM Business Partner since 2 years now. I have been a sort of IBM Champion all my live, but now would like to make it official :-)  Being able to see both perspectives, both inside IBM and now with the Busines Partner community is a real eye opener and opens new perspectives for me, although I am almost 60 years of age :-)

    Let's both start promoting IBM and IBM Technology, as it can really change lives and help businesses to become more competitive ans sustainable. Within the data and AI community I will be an active member and have started with a specific landing page on our website, as well as posting articles on LinkedIn. See you in Cyberspace!!!

    Jean-Marie Smets

  • 16.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Posted Wed January 24, 2024 05:15 PM

    Hi Jean-Marie,

    Thank you very much for the well wishes. If you have been working for 22 years for IBM I have no doucht that you have a lot of knowledge to share and will be a very valuable partner for businesses. Let's keep in touch, I see you are based in Belgium so there will be ample opportunity to meet each other around different events.


    Dennis Scheerman
    Solution Advisor

  • 17.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Posted Mon January 29, 2024 11:35 AM

    Sure Dennis, let's keep in touch and support each other trough the process!!!

    Jean-Marie Smets
    Business Development Director Strategic Account Manager

    Background pattern

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    M: +32 478 32 59 54
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    Acumen Consulting
    Ambachtenlaan 14 bus 8, B-3001 Leuven


    Driven by data, dedicated to deliver.

    Jean-Marie Smets

  • 18.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Community Leadership
    Posted Wed February 07, 2024 07:33 PM

    Hi Jean-Marie - 

    Sounds like you're someone we'd love to have in the program. As I said to Dennis above, just apply for the Rising Champions first advocacy badge (IBM Contributor) once you have at least 2 acts of advocacy for 2024 and then you'll be part of the IBM Rising Champions program officially. 

    And keep your eye open for a call for all those interested in advocacy coming later in February.

    Libby Ingrassia
    Program Director, IBM Champions
    IBM TechXchange

  • 19.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Posted Thu February 08, 2024 10:25 AM

    Thanks for the info Libby. I have already the IBM Advocate and IBM Contributor badges for 2023. However, I suppose this has to be renewed for 2024?

    Jean-Marie Smets

  • 20.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Community Leadership
    Posted Thu March 14, 2024 05:12 PM

    Hi Jean-Marie - Yes, these badges are annual. Thanks for your contributions!

    Libby Ingrassia
    Program Director, IBM Champions
    IBM TechXchange

  • 21.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Community Leadership
    Posted Wed February 07, 2024 07:33 PM

    Hi Dennis - LOVE your note! YES, this community is open to all those interested in advocacy. As you complete acts of advocacy (like the articles on LinkedIn that you mention), you can report them to earn IBM Rising Champion advocacy badges through the course of the year. Then when the IBM Champions nominations open again in the fall, you'll be ready to show your consistent and exceptional advocacy!

    Here's a writeup on the Rising Champions advocacy badges.

    Here's a link to the application form:

    2 acts of advocacy beyond your job can earn IBM Contributor; 3 more for a total of 5 can earn IBM Advocate; and 3 more for a total of 8 can earn IBM Influencer. While simple LinkedIn posts that are just shares of someone else's content only count as a fraction; a full article or blog counts as an activity.

    Hope this helps and thanks for your contributions and interest! Keep an eye out in this community for a quarterly call for those interested in advocacy!

    Libby Ingrassia
    Program Director, IBM Champions
    IBM TechXchange

  • 22.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu February 01, 2024 12:32 PM

    From yesterday's call, @Libby Ingrassia you indicated advocacy ideas should be around 3 minutes for video, but I went a little over, so hopefully someone can let me know if this is how you want these. My access does not appear to be fully set up, so I will just put everything here for easy usage. The video is on youtube, but I just uploaded it here for convenience, along with the power point. Just let me know this is what you are looking for. 

    christopher winston


    AdvocacyAssist.pptx   121 KB 1 version

  • 23.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri February 02, 2024 12:41 PM

    HI Chris.  This is a great video. Thank you for explaining how this all works. Cheers!

    [Laticia] [Carrow]
    Living the dream!
    [Dallas] [Texas]

  • 24.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu February 15, 2024 10:40 AM
      |   view attached

    I recently was presented with a question around reporting advocacy. Specifically, let's say you decide to pursue a Champion badge later in the year and want to begin to report at but realize you have posts in the past that you want to use, but did not keep a record of. Both the IBM Communities and the MORE Maximo Community log your contributions AND that list is easy for you to get access to in this 2 minute video

    christopher winston

  • 25.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon March 18, 2024 02:45 PM

    @Libby Ingrassia regarding the use of the reporting tool, if we are for example posting to linked in and using the #IBMChampionhashtag, should we also post to the tool or will these automatically be picked up? I just don't want to over report if possible, and Linked In appears to be picking up the details well at via their own search tool. 

    Chris Winston
    IBM Champion 2024

  • 26.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Community Leadership
    Posted Mon March 18, 2024 02:50 PM

    Hey @christopher winston - great question.

    Today, I would recommend reporting the activity that you post on LinkedIn if it is "big" - so, if you just repost someone else's post or share a link, I wouldn't bother to report it separately (although it's great to do it) OR I would report it just as Social Media, link to your LinkedIn, mention that it's tagged, and say x number of posts this month.

    However, for bigger content - where you've written it as a blog or created a webinar or shared a video, then I would go ahead and report it even when you tag it with the #ibmchampion hashtag.

    We are definitely working to try to pull this in an automated fashion, but today it's not consistent. 

    Thanks for asking (and your great videos).


    Libby Ingrassia
    Program Director, IBM Champions
    IBM TechXchange

  • 27.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    IBM Champion
    Posted 25 days ago

    @Libby Ingrassia I have added a blog and will soon add a video, somewhere, as well. 

    Chris Winston
    IBM Champion 2024

  • 28.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Posted 20 days ago
    Hello Libby,
    there are some pretty good IT information sources in Germany, such as (for which I also work as an author) and some others that I know would also like to publish mainframe topics. For something like this, it would be good to get some ideas from the community. Would that be possible?
    You can also generate a lot of views, especially on LinkedIn, if you point out a few interesting facts from the history of the mainframe. My young followers and students are really interested in this. Where I found some sources for this?
    Kind Regards from Germany,

    Uwe Graf
    Lead Modernization Architect
    EasiRun Europa GmbH
    +49-6081-9160 585

  • 29.  RE: Your top advocacy how-to questions

    Posted 18 days ago

    I'm not a main-framer but for the IBM i, please feel free to use my IBM i Reference Pages Blog at The IBM i Reference Pages Blog

    Continually updated and always free. I'm still building the IBM i VS Code Page for it. I've been asked to consider adding an IBM i UK Page and/or an IBM i International Page.


    Ibmireference remove preview
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    IBM i Reference
    View this on Ibmireference >

    Michael Mayer
    IBM i on Power System Admin
    Dyersburg, Tennessee 38024
    2024 IBM Badge Advocate, Contributor and Influencer.