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By default, Line and Column visualizations use separate vertical axis value ranges for the two measures in a visualization. In some circumstances when your visualization contains two similar measures, this can result in a visualization that, while accurate, does not provide a clear visual...
You can build custom workflows to set up and manage work processes, defining procedural rules, such as who can edit data and whether changes to data need to be approved. In this video demonstration, we'll set up two users: Bob, a finance user who does planning for his team The performance...
As of version 2.0.35, IBM Planning Analytics Workspace uses an optional column-based visualization model. This is a significant enhancement that eliminates the need to worry about a defined measures dimension when creating visualizations. However, you'll see this new visualization model only ...
Planning Analytics Workspace version 2.0.35 introduces a new column-based visualization model that simplifies the creation of charts and other visualizations. IMPORTANT : The initial introduction of the column-based visualization model in 2.0.35 can be enabled or disabled by your...
One of the most powerful and complex features of TM1ยฎ is data spreading. You can apply predefined data spreading methods to distribute numeric data to cells in a cube view. Presto! you've written large amounts of data into your TM1 database in the blink of an eye. You can also use data...
You can drag and drop a file onto the dimension editor to create a new dimension or a new hierarchy of an existing dimension in Planning Analytics Workspace. When you import a file in this manner, you can create parent/child relationships in a dimension or hierarchy, and even create or update...
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A time dimension defines the time periods that are used in your model. When you create a time dimension by selecting the Customize as Time option, the levels in the dimension are created for you based on the granularity that you select. For more information, see Create a time dimension . ...
You can now import data into a cube simply by dragging a formatted text file onto a cube in IBM Planning Analytics Workspace. You must have modeler rights to do this. Here's a video that shows how it's done: You can also find out more here:
This video shows you how to create a cube in IBM Planning Analytics Workspace. #Planning Analytics Workspace #book #pahome #pa-home #administrator #GettingStarted #modeler #modeling #PAW #PlanningAnalyticswithWatson #planninganalyticstrial #PlanningAnalyticsWorkspace...
This video shows you how to apply a predefined or custom format to one or many members in a dimension. Whenever the data for the member is displayed, it will have the specified format. #Planning Analytics Workspace #book #administrator #Announcement #modeler #modeling ...
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