Hi All...
I have a view with 2 versions being compared, and then a calulated field in the view;
As you all probably know, when I change the Version comparitors I loose the 'Variance' calculation.
So following a thread from Decland - From Spitfire, I added a cube of users selections onto the PAW report.
When I try and reference the cube value the comparator disappears, what am I doing wrong?... here is the MDX;
MEMBER [Version].[Version].[Active Forecasts].[Variance] AS [Version].[Version].[PPC25 Version 2]/[Version].[Version].[Forecast], SOLVE_ORDER = 1, FORMAT_STRING = '#,##0.00;(#,##0.00)'
MEMBER [Student FTE Planning Measures].[Student FTE Planning Measures].[Header_#000001739438821487#] AS "", SOLVE_ORDER = 2147483646
[Student FTE Planning Measures].[Student FTE Planning Measures].[Continuation Yr1 (New Intake)],
[Student FTE Planning Measures].[Student FTE Planning Measures].[Continuation Yr2],
[Student FTE Planning Measures].[Student FTE Planning Measures].[Continuation Yr3],
[Student FTE Planning Measures].[Student FTE Planning Measures].[Header_#000001739438821487#],
[Student FTE Planning Measures].[Student FTE Planning Measures].[Continuation Yr1-Yr2],
[Student FTE Planning Measures].[Student FTE Planning Measures].[Continuation Yr2-Yr3]
STRTOMEMBER("[Version].[Version].[" + [UserSelections].([}Clients].[CAMID("pans:u:mehnert@liverpool.ac.uk")],[UserSelection_Measures].[VS_To]) + "]"),
TM1SubsetToSet([Academic Year].[Academic Year],"CurrentPlanyears","public")
} ON 1
[Student FTE Planning]
[Snapshot].[Snapshot].[Yearly Average],
[Intake Flag].[Intake Flag].[Current],
[Headcount Type].[Headcount Type].[Total Headcount Type],
[Fee Regime].[Fee Regime].[ALL REGIME],
[Registration Department].[Registration Department].[SCE],
[Year of Programme].[Year of Programme].[1],
[Campus].[Campus].[ALL CAMPUSES],
[Student Characteristic].[Student Characteristic].[Standard],
[Mode].[Mode].[ALL MODE],
[Residence].[Residence].[ALL RESIDENCE],
[Programme].[Programme].[ALL PROGRAMMES],
[Teaching Department].[Teaching Department].[The University of Liverpool],
[Level of Study].[Level of Study].[UG])
My alteration was in bold above the view accepts the mdx change, but then its not displayed!!!
Please advise