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Data Modelling enhancements in #Cognos Analytics 11.0.7

By NICK PLOWDEN posted Mon August 28, 2017 09:19 AM

The user experience of creating data modules has been revamped in Cognos Analytics 11.0.7. All aspects of preparing data have improved, including snappier response times with every interaction. This post will walk you through some highlights.

The layout of the user interface has been streamlined with tabs at the top to toggle between the data grid, diagram, and validation views. Now you can sort the columns in the data grid to better enable the exploration of data while you’re shaping it.

Invoking the Create calculation action on a numeric column will present a simple interface for common arithmetic operations just like in prior versions, but now there’s also a link to progress to the calculation editor if more advanced functions are needed.

When applying a filter on a text column, you can now specify conditions like “starts with”, “contains”, or “does not end with”. These filter conditions make it easier to reduce your data to only what you need.

If you define a data group on a numeric column, by default ranges of the groups will have equal distribution just like in prior versions, but now should the minimum or maximum values in your data change the groups will adjust dynamically. The ranges of the groups will not change dynamically if you explicitly set the ranges.

There are a many user experience improvements for defining the relationships (joins) between tables. When browsing potential columns to match as keys for the relationship, you are presented with data from selected columns, separate from the table data view area, to make it easier to confirm whether there are matching values between the selected columns from each table – this also makes it easier to see whether either column has duplicate values which can help you set the cardinality accordingly. Simpler terms are used for the labels of settings like the cardinality options, but you can easily see more information about what each of the options mean by hovering over the associated “info i” .

Here is a short video that demonstrates these new features:
