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Cognos Lifecycle Manager Enhancements in 11.0.4

By KEVIN MCFAUL posted Fri September 16, 2016 03:16 PM

Lifecycle Manager is a stand-alone application that helps validate and compare report outputs within a single environment, between environments or between different versions of Cognos. It is included as part of the Cognos offering without added cost to our customers.

Cognos LifeCycle Manager is now installed via an option in the IBM Cognos Analytics server installer. It does not yet support install-overtop but it can be installed anywhere with access to Cognos environments.

Lifecycle Manager allows users to work on their projects through a web URL. It supports Cognos 8.4.x, Cognos 10.1.x, Cognos 10.2.x and Cognos 11.0.x versions.

Many exciting features and improvements are included in this new version:
• Lifecycle Manager is now available on both Windows and Linux.
• Users can compare live Cognos environments, or static files using previously saved Benchmark tasks. Benchmark allows you to create a point-in-time snapshot and use that as a baseline comparison.
• Users can manually define prompts, or to have Lifecycle Manager automatically set prompt values for multiple reports at once. If a report with prompt values pre-defined and saved in the content store, Lifecycle Manager can re-use them. Prompt values only need to be set once and they are automatically applied to reports in both source and target environments.

• Each project can have different sets of properties and thresholds that’s tailored to customer’s project requirement. For example, if font size differences isn’t a concern, it can be turned off when Lifecycle Manager run through a comparison.

• You can run CQM reports in DQM in a Lifecycle Manager project as part of the CQM to DQM migration validation.
• Automatically compare XML, HTML or PDF output format to ensure data accuracy.
• The comparison viewer can give a side by side view, or an overlay view to show report output differences.
• Query execution time is available for performance comparisons.
• Successful comparison results are available in this version of Lifecycle Manager.
• Report output images are generated only when ‘show comparison’ is clicked. This reduces the task execution time.
• Projects are saved in the install_location\project directory. Benchmarks are saved in the install_location\benchmarks directory. If you want to move or copy projects to another instance of Cognos LifeCycle Manager that is installed on another computer, move or copy the contents of these directories to the same location on the second computer.
