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Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Mon March 06, 2023 01:00 AM
Found In Egroup: Planning Analytics
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Hello all Just a question if anyone has done this We are needing to provide some of our users single sign on access from another domain to the domain where our Planning Analytics is hosted. Currently, existing users are connecting using native sign on but we need to enable SSO using CAM ...
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Tue November 15, 2022 10:32 AM
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Thankyou Walter for your detailed reply. We implemented PAW 2.0.53 back in the "Classic" days, so have Docker version 18.09.6 and Docker Compose version 1.23.2 We are running PAW 2.0.73 at the moment and my plan is to head up to 2.0.81 but I had read this information about Docker (MCR) which freaked ...
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Mon November 14, 2022 12:54 PM
Found In Egroup: Planning Analytics
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Hi All I post this looking for a little guidance. We are running PAW2.0.73 at the moment on WinSvr2016 using the legacy Docker Compose setup. I am looking to upgrade to newer PAW releases but have noted that this is not possible in my current setup, and that there are some changes. Is it ...
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Sun June 26, 2022 12:15 PM
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Hi Dale I am also seeing this issue, in fact I raised a support ticket on this "TS008701285 - PAW visualisation drill down no longer working as expected in 2.0.73" in March when we went from PAW 2.0.64 to 2.0.73 I noticed two things 1) The item being drilled on was held, as opposed to being ...
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Wed June 01, 2022 07:53 AM
Found In Egroup: Planning Analytics
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The CognosSessionMonitor logs show nothing at all In the Excel log *.json files I see a multitude of things but nothing clearly pointing to the reason, eg: "PAfECOMAddin.UnzipResource()" : "Invalid log arguments provided 0, expected 3" ) ), "Message" : "The file 'C:\\Users\\ \\AppD ...
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Wed June 01, 2022 07:35 AM
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Hi Paul I did this two weeks ago I found that if I installed the xll myself, everything seemed to work, however when deploying via SCCM, it was not so. We had to explicitly provide trusts to the folders where the xll would reside, plus we needed to make explicit registry entries. I am left with ...
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Sat May 28, 2022 07:26 AM
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Thanks Ted Ticket raised with support some days ago. Latest suggestions is to make registry changes on the machine, under the LOCAL_MACHINE path however our testing reveals this be more user issue, as two different users can log onto the machine, one can access PAfE without any issues, the other gets ...
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Fri May 27, 2022 06:15 AM
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We have deployed PAfE 2.0.70 to our large user base successfully. However, for around 25 users, we are experiencing issues whereby upon launching Excel, they try to connect to the connections, and the PAW splash screen locks as white for around 15 seconds and then crashes Excel No connection is ...
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Fri May 27, 2022 06:07 AM
Found In Egroup: Planning Analytics
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This is a really interesting thread We are having similar issues in that users are unable to see icons, or even the context dimensions, row and column headers, or need to click the refresh button to see data within the exploration view I've tried all the IE guidance and still it doesn't work. It ...
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Tue March 15, 2022 05:36 PM
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Sergio Give very serious thought about whether you wish PAW to be running in Windows. We upgraded in 2020 from TM1 10.2, and since then we have done a number of upgrades across all components (PA, PASS, PAfE and PAW). Currently we are PA and PAW 2.0.73 all running on Win2016. Our experience ...
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Wed January 19, 2022 09:25 AM
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Thank you for confirming Stuart. Do we have an estimated date for PAW 2.0.73 availability on Fix Central at this stage ? Ajay ------------------------------ AJAY CHANDHOK ------------------------------
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Wed January 19, 2022 04:12 AM
Found In Egroup: Planning Analytics
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Hi All I have raised the ticket this morning with IBM, response below: "You are right, CVE-2021-44832 is not connected with previous Log4j vulnerability and fix for it was not included in PAW 72. CVE-2021-44832 is already reported and development team is assessing the impact on the Planning ...
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Tue January 18, 2022 04:20 PM
Found In Egroup: Planning Analytics
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Sorry to bring this back to the fore, but we've upgraded our entire suite of PA components to latest release and have just seen that Apache have documented a new log4j 2.17.1, right at the end of December: Apache 2.17.1 This doesn't look like it's in the latest PAW 2.0.72 which is covering log4j ...
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Thu December 16, 2021 04:09 AM
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Adding to the thread........I opened some tickets on this yesterday We've now got the advice that we need to upgrade PAW to 2.0.71, but I raised the first ticket around the conformance of the other components in the PA suite which we need to move to if moving to PAW 2.0.71 We are using PA, ...
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Tue August 24, 2021 01:03 PM
Found In Egroup: Planning Analytics
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Hi, I think it would also be useful to understand the roadmap of retirement of Perspectives, as I can't seem to find this anywhere It's challenging trying to get users across to PAfE when they know they still have the option to keep Perspectives Could we have some info on this please Thanks ...
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Tue August 24, 2021 01:00 PM
Found In Egroup: Planning Analytics
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This is a very useful link !! Thanks very much​ Kirk ------------------------------ AJAY CHANDHOK ------------------------------
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Mon August 23, 2021 11:16 AM
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Thanks for the info George ------------------------------ AJAY CHANDHOK ------------------------------
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Mon August 23, 2021 03:55 AM
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​Guys A follow up question on this. We deploy our PAfE versions via a software package which comes down the pipe to the users' laptop Our steps have been to launch the Uninstall on the user laptop, and then, as a "belt and braces" remove the following folders, before forcing a restart of the ...
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Thu July 01, 2021 11:07 AM
Found In Egroup: Planning Analytics
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I know that this will sound strange.....have you stopped PAW (./paw.ps1 stop) and checked whether the disk changes restarted the server, just to make sure that it is not a Windows acting "funny" thing !! Not sure whether you are on a VM or Physical machine, hence the second question ...
Posted By AJAY CHANDHOK Thu July 01, 2021 09:50 AM
Found In Egroup: Planning Analytics
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Thanks @mvp morgan, It is somewhat annoying.......given that I only installed v64 a few days ago !!! Normally, the previous releases have been available within days of these announcements:​ ...