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Warning PAW created/edited TI are not backwards compatible with Architect

  • 1.  Warning PAW created/edited TI are not backwards compatible with Architect

    Posted Tue November 05, 2019 05:55 PM

    I found out that TI's created in Planning Analytics Workspace on not completely compatible with architect.
    The two main issues are:

    Data source variable names and types are not provided to architect.   So if you create a process in PAW, when you open it in architect all the values on the variable tab are set to ignore and have the default names instead of those set in PAW.

    PAW does not create the auto generated comments on Metadata and data tab.   When you open it in architect it adds these comments and wipes out the first two lines of code.

    I have put in an enhancement request here, please vote to get backwards compatibility for TI.
    IBM Data & AI

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    IBM Data & AI
    I used Planning Analytics Workspace to make a change in a TI that used a cube datasource. I did a save as, so I could ask a co-worker about a change and not overwrite the original. My co-worker was using architect when he opened the TI and made a small change and saved, then he was prompted saying the process was not valid.
    View this on Aha >

    Scott Brown


  • 2.  RE: Warning PAW created/edited TI are not backwards compatible with Architect

    Posted Wed November 06, 2019 08:38 AM
    The PAW editor should be fully, 100% compatible with the Architect editor until it is fully functional with all of the features built into it so there is no need to resort back the Architect TI editor. This is the same issue that lead to poor adoption of Performance Modeler.

    Christopher Redmond

  • 3.  RE: Warning PAW created/edited TI are not backwards compatible with Architect

    Posted Fri November 08, 2019 10:45 AM

    As PAW is much better for working on process, you can't use control object as source of processe. If you want to work for exemple on }Cubes dimension, you need to work with architect


    Frederic Arevian

  • 4.  RE: Warning PAW created/edited TI are not backwards compatible with Architect

    Posted Wed November 06, 2019 08:38 AM
    Hi Scott,
    Thanks for raising this issue and for putting the enhancement request in theIBM Data and AI Ideas Portal.
    The issue is a defect that is either fixed in more recent versions of PA Workspace or will be soon fixed.
    PAW created TIs are intended to be compatible with Architect and vice versa. 
    You can create in a TI in PAW and continue editing in Architect and you can also open Architect created TIs in PAW for view/edit.
    Can you also log a case with IBM support?
    What version of PAW are you using?
    Note that with the latest version of PAW, when you create a new process and select a cube data source, the following autogenerated comments for the metadata and data sections are initially created:

    #Section Prolog
    #****Begin: Generated Statements***
    #****End: Generated Statements****
    #Section Metadata

    #Section Data

    #Section Epilog
    #****Begin: Generated Statements***
    #****End: Generated Statements****

    Soufiane Azizi

  • 5.  RE: Warning PAW created/edited TI are not backwards compatible with Architect

    Posted Wed November 06, 2019 11:39 AM
    I am using PA 2.0.8 and PAW 2.0.46.   Notice that it did not created "#****Begin: Generated Statements***" and "#****End: Generated Statements****" in Metadata and data sections.  So if you put code on those first lines and then open it in architect, it adds those statements and wipes out your code.   Also in PAW you can overwrite the comments in the Prolog and Epilog.

    I did open a case with IBM, and the end result of that was opening the enhancement request.   I will reply privately with one other note on the case.

    Scott Brown

  • 6.  RE: Warning PAW created/edited TI are not backwards compatible with Architect

    Posted Thu November 07, 2019 08:11 AM
    Hi Scott,

    Why would Ti processes creating in Workspace be backwards compatible with Architect?  I'm not sure I understand the case where you would create a Ti process in Workspace and then need to edit it in Architect.  We are not planning on supporting Architect forever (but will support continue to support it in the Planning Analytics 2.0.x releases).

    Architect adds some 'extras' onto the TI process that are not represented anywhere in the TI process definition in the REST API.  For example, variable scope (ignore, metadata, data, other) is a concept specific only to Architect that we do not plan on implementing in the REST API.  

    I'm sure you have a reason that you need to open your Ti process in Architect.  I think we should understand that reason.  If the reason is a gap between the Worksapce Ti processes editor and Architect then we determine if there is an enhancement we can make to Workspace so you don't need to revert back to using Architect.

    Stuart King
    IBM Planning Analytics Offering Manager

  • 7.  RE: Warning PAW created/edited TI are not backwards compatible with Architect

    Posted Thu November 07, 2019 12:06 PM

    The simple fact is on the team I am working with most of the other developers are long time TM1 developers and do most of their work using architect or perspectives.  I developed a new project in an existing system that uses the alternate hierarchy feature and PAW books, so I used PAW for all of my development.  If we get a small change for one of these processes it is likely that the change would be done using architect.


    Scott Brown

  • 8.  RE: Warning PAW created/edited TI are not backwards compatible with Architect

    Posted Thu November 07, 2019 05:55 PM

    Thank you for your response. 
    Overall, I am pleased with the progress IBM has made with improving the PAW interface in the last two years when I first saw it half-baked. I would say it is about 90% to 95% baked at this point. 

    Below is a laundry list of low-lights and highlights I have been uncovering with the PAW interface in general, not just the PAW Process Editor. I apologize for not separating them out. 

    Items to fix in IBM PAW v2.0.43.Items to fix in IBM PAW v2.0.43.
    The Cons! :-( 
    1. Cube Name does not display in View Header. Must hover mouse to see tool tip.
    2. Cannot delete a cube view or subset from the navigation pane.
    3. Cannot copy an object name from the navigation pane. 
    4. Running a Process does not provide a progress window. Only get a small icon change.
    5. No notification when a Process completes unless there are errors. Only get a small icon change.
    6. Only tab key available for keyboard navigation between fields in a Process parameter prompt window. Arrow keys do not work.
    7. No Cube View reload capability. Must reopen the view.
    8. No sort function in the Set Editor. (SOLUTION: Use down arrow v next to "Members (Selection)".)
    9. MDX Edit in Set Editor: Must triple click to highlight all code. Mouse dragging or Ctrl+A does not work.
    10. Too often, the Set Editor fails to display the Current Set with message such as the server is "unavailable" or "A service to handle the request is unavailable". 
    11. Too often the Set Editor takes too long to display the Current Set or the Available Members.
    12. No hierarchy relationship lines display in the Current Set pane of the Set Editor.
    13. No hierarchy relationship lines display in the Dimension viewer.
    14. Dimension viewer does not display element weights.
    15. Process Editor inserts a tab character for a single line when the Tab button is pressed on the keyboard, but inserts two spaces when multiple lines are highlighted. 
    16. No "Check Feeders" tool.
    17. Expanding Dimension Editor does not refresh to fill in larger pane until the scroll bar is clicked.
    18. Response time sucks on a simple task such as adjusting a column header width within Dimension Editor.
    19. Cannot realistically overlap view windows to conserve space.
    20. Too many scroll bars when multiple windows are open.
    21. Process Editor does not highlight all matching words when a single word is highlighted (like Notepad++). (Alternative: Use find.) 
    22. No horizontal scroll bar available in navigation pane when objects are longer than width of pane.
    23. Attempting to expand the bottom object on a sheet requires blind adjustment to make taller since no scrolling is available beyond the bottom of the lowest object.
    24. Process object on sheet does not display four-headed arrow to show ability to move object.
    25. Can't adjust column widths on the Data Source tab of a Process.
    26. File Import prompts to overwrite the source file. Why? (This feature could become a positive feature!)
    27. File Import should allow the process to be saved without executing the process to perform the import.
    28. No auto-complete or word suggestions in Process window (like Notepad++). 
    29. No Save As feature in Process window to create backup copies prior to updating. (Found it buried in the three-dot menu of the Process Name text box.)
    30. No ability to read log files.
    31. No "Expand all elements" feature in Set Editor. 
    32. Set Editor is too slow. e.g. A simple delete of the only element in the Current Set pane takes over 5 seconds!
    33. Pasting a list of elements into the Current Set pane results in a flat list of elements with no indentation to show relationships. 
    34. WAY too often, updating the Set Editor contents results in a "connection timed out" or "command failed" error. 
    35. Unable to copy/paste error messages from Set Editor. 
    36. A cube View will wrap the column header for a consolidation, but not for a leaf element.
    37. Cube View Word Wrap only works for column headers and row labels, most of them (e.g. Adobe }ElementAttributes_Scenario > }SYS_TEMP_ATTRIBUTE).
    38. Cannot use key board to "jump" to an object name in the navigation pane. :-\
    39. No name to identify the Dimension Editor object.
    40. No "Expand" feature in Dimension Editor. 
    41. Collapsing by pressing the (-) image next to a consolidation does not collapse "behind the scenes" so a re-expand pressing the (+) takes you back to the previous state instead of drilling only one level down.
    42. Context menu to delete, edit or copy a sheet is on the left mouse button instead of the right mouse button.
    43. Immediate commit and other functionalities of Dimension Editor (without requesting a save) are horrible and dangerous! :-O 
    44. Provide ability to close all books currently open. 
    45. Subset Editor: No ability to drag or double-click to move member from Available Members pane to the Current Set pane. MUST press arrow.
    46. Subset Editor: Default member insertion does not operate as expected, e.g. Leaf nodes includes the consolidation.
    47. When clicking the scroll bar on the navigation pane, the display only moves one object at a time as if pressing the down arrow on the keyboard. It should move a whole page/screen.
    48. Object selector drop-down in the object edit window (e.g. Process) is too narrow and tool tip too slow to pop up. Automatically adjust drop-down window to the text width or provide ability to adjust width manually.
    49. Process Editor does not highlight the procedure tab that is currently displayed or where the cursor located. 
    50. Provide Notepad++ like features such as Block (Un)Comment, Block indenting. 
    51. LIBERALLY provide keyboard short-cuts throughout the interface. Way too much mousing is required. e.g. Allow Copy/Paste most anywhere. Allow Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn to move the cursor between TI procedure sections. Allow arrow keys to move between fields in an object window.
    52. Process Editor: When attempting to insert a line in front of a line indented with spaces (4), the spaces disappear.
    53. Process Editor: With four spaces highlighted at the beginning of a line, pressing the tab key inserts six spaces. (Work-around: Delete the spaces and then press tab.)
    54. Provide the equivalent of the Architect properties pane in PAW to cover all properties of all objects. 

    The Pros! :-) 
    1. Can interact with multiple views simultaneously.
    2. Ability to re-authenticate without losing open views.
    3. No need to install software.
    4. Line-based error notations in Process window are helpful during code writing.
    5. Ability to open other like objects without closing object window.
    6. Different Form styles provide some flexibility in controlling scrolling issues in browser.
    7. Ability to view "hidden" data in a cube view using the edit pencil pop-up window. 
    8. Color formatting in Process window (like Notepad++). 
    9. Objects can be moved between sheets.

    Christopher Redmond

  • 9.  RE: Warning PAW created/edited TI are not backwards compatible with Architect

    Posted Fri November 08, 2019 12:01 AM
    Christopher - This is a goldmine of PA Workspace feedback!  I realize that it probably took some time and effort to put this list together.  We will follow up on specific items but I wanted to share my initial response on the forum.  I will share this feedback with the offering management team and ask for specific owners to follow up on defects and enhancements. 

    Please reach out at in regards to the items I'm not clear about.

    1. Cube Name does not display in View Header. Must hover mouse to see tool tip.

    We could consider making this change.  I think it would be useful.

    1. Cannot delete a cube view or subset from the navigation pane.

    Agreed that we should have delete options.  However, we should probably discuss our longer term plans for where views and subsets will be stored. 

    1. Cannot copy an object name from the navigation pane. 

    This was a useful feature in Architect.  I know we allow drag and drop from the navigation pane onto the rules editor widget.  I would like to see the same drag and drop functionality on the Ti editor as well.

    1. Running a Process does not provide a progress window. Only get a small icon change.

    We are making it more obvious that a TI process is running when you run a TI process from the action button.  We can probably do the same for the TI editor.

    1. No notification when a Process completes unless there are errors. Only get a small icon change.

    There is…but it's small.

    One big difference in the way Workspace runs TI process compared to Architect is that Workspace is asynchronous.  You can do other things while the TI process is running.  This is more helpful than Architect and TM1Web which are synchronous and are 'locked' while the TI is running.  This also provides some new challenges about how to provide feedback to users about the TI. 

    1. Only tab key available for keyboard navigation between fields in a Process parameter prompt window. Arrow keys do not work.

    Seems minor, but we can consider this.

    1. No Cube View reload capability. Must reopen the view.

    I'm not sure I understand this one.  What do you want to reload the view from?  The view that is saved under the cube in the TM1 Server?

    We are very interested in making the views you save in PAW much more accessible from any workbook.

    1. No sort function in the Set Editor. (SOLUTION: Use down arrow v next to "Members (Selection)".)

     I think this (above screenshot) is what you are referring to.  We are planning on making some of these set editor features much more accessible by placing them as buttons on the top level of the set editor UI.  This will be similar to the Perspectives set editor.

    1. MDX Edit in Set Editor: Must triple click to highlight all code. Mouse dragging or Ctrl+A does not work.

    Weird that you need to triple click.  Agreed that we should support Ctrl-A or drag to select all.

    1. Too often, the Set Editor fails to display the Current Set with message such as the server is "unavailable" or "A service to handle the request is unavailable". 

    Any idea how to reproduce this?  I wonder if it happens after a timeout of some sort. I think we will need to look at the Workspace logs after the problem has occurred.  No clue if we need a better message because there is a legitimate problem such as a timeout, or if this is a defect.  I would start would a support ticket (let me know the support ticket number).

    1. Too often the Set Editor takes too long to display the Current Set or the Available Members.

    We are working on some performance improvements to TM1 Server that might help here. The improvement we are working on will help with member search performance when working with large dimensions.   I would be interested to see the REST API trace in your case.  See:  This will help us to understand what is happening in TM1 when it is slow to display the set.

    1. No hierarchy relationship lines display in the Current Set pane of the Set Editor.

    Can you clarify this one?  Maybe provide a screenshot that shows us what is missing?  Are you talking about the relationship between elements?  Or the parent-child relationship between dimensions, hierarchies, and subsets?

    1. No hierarchy relationship lines display in the Dimension viewer.

    Same as above.

    1. Dimension viewer does not display element weights.

    Enable the Member Properties option


    1. Process Editor inserts a tab character for a single line when the Tab button is pressed on the keyboard, but inserts two spaces when multiple lines are highlighted. 

    Weird!  I had to check this for myself and you're right.  I'll look into this.  I can't think of a good reason why there would be a difference.


    1. No "Check Feeders" tool.

    It looks like the TM1 Server does support check feeders in REST API.

    I'll check if it's on the roadmap.


    1. Expanding Dimension Editor does not refresh to fill in larger pane until the scroll bar is clicked.

    I couldn't reproduce this.  There is a bit of a delay when I make the dimension editor widget taller, but the pane is filled in after a second. This seems more like a defect to me.  I would open a support ticket for this and consider providing the dimension you use to reproduce.  We will also want to know what browser is being used.


    1. Response time sucks on a simple task such as adjusting a column header width within Dimension Editor.

    Agreed.  I tested with resizing the Member Properties pane seems pokey.  We can look into this as a lower priority defect.


    1. Cannot realistically overlap view windows to conserve space.

    Can you provide a screenshot that would help explain what you are trying to do? 


    1. Too many scroll bars when multiple windows are open.

    Agreed, I believe the issue of multiple scrollbars will be addressed by the current dashboard (Workspace book) revamp project.  We are basically merging the Workspace book with the Cognos Analytics dashboard.  Cognos already seems to have this problem solved in their dashboard.   


    1. Process Editor does not highlight all matching words when a single word is highlighted (like Notepad++). (Alternative: Use find.) 

    This would be super helpful!  I will make sure this is on the modeling teams radar.  I'm a big fan of Notepad++. 


    1. No horizontal scroll bar available in navigation pane when objects are longer than width of pane.

    Yes, agreed that we need this.  Or some other solution such as an auto-resize button.


    1. Attempting to expand the bottom object on a sheet requires blind adjustment to make taller since no scrolling is available beyond the bottom of the lowest object.

    This should not be an issue with the new Cognos/Planning dashboard.


    1. Process object on sheet does not display four-headed arrow to show ability to move object.

    Do you mean the TI Editor widget?  I can see the move widget thing.

    Maybe you mean the Button (which can be used to run a Ti)…if so, yes.  Weird that it doesn't have that (but you can still move the button by dragging the body of the widget). 


    1. Can't adjust column widths on the Data Source tab of a Process.

    We can look into this.  This one seems like a fairly low priority.  How often does the TI author need to come back to your Ti process to review the variables?

    Also, I can't remember why we did a horizontal layout for the variables.  If the layout was vertical I don't think we would need to worry about column sizing. I seem to remember there was some reason behind switching to a horizontal layout.

    1. File Import prompts to overwrite the source file. Why? (This feature could become a positive feature!)

    I will look into this and get back to you.

    1. File Import should allow the process to be saved without executing the process to perform the import.

    Same as above.  I have not spent too much time playing with the file import features.  I know that the file import feature creates a TI process.  There may be a reason why we actually need to execute the process after it's created.

    1. No auto-complete or word suggestions in Process window (like Notepad++). 

    CTRL-SPACE is your friend!


     I'm guessing you know about CTRL-SPACE and want this feature without having to click CTRL-SPACE? 


    1. No Save As feature in Process window to create backup copies prior to updating. (Found it buried in the three-dot menu of the Process Name text box.)

    I agree that we could make this more obvious.  Personally, I also like the idea of having a clone option on the navigation pane for Ti processes.

    1. No ability to read log files.

    We will get to this.  Hopefully by mid 2020.  I have some ideas about how we could improve the previous log file experience in Architect.  For example…search all log files (tm1server.log, transaction log, and audit log) for activity at a specific time.  Also, drill and filter from one log to another based on timestamp, thread ID, or user.

    1. No "Expand all elements" feature in Set Editor. 

    We have this:


    I think we could make this more obvious and accessible.

    1. Set Editor is too slow. e.g. A simple delete of the only element in the Current Set pane takes over 5 seconds!

    We will need to look at a testcase where you can reproduce this performance.  When I test removing an element it's almost instant. 

    1. Pasting a list of elements into the Current Set pane results in a flat list of elements with no indentation to show relationships. 

    Yes, but if you paste a consolidated element you can expand it to show the children.  What if someone pasting a list of elements (that included consolidated element with some children elements) doesn't want to show the parent-child relationship in the set?  Also, parent-child relationship can't be represented in the clipboard!  I don't see how we could implement this.

    1. WAY too often, updating the Set Editor contents results in a "connection timed out" or "command failed" error. 

    We need to see the Workspace logs after reproducing this problem to understand why this is happening.  It might also help to see the REST API debug logging from the TM1 Server.

    1. Unable to copy/paste error messages from Set Editor.

    We can look at 'to clipboard' options for error messages everywhere in Workspace.

    1. A cube View will wrap the column header for a consolidation, but not for a leaf element.

    I can reproduce this. I'm not sure if this is by design or a defect.  I will look into this and get back to you.

    1. Cube View Word Wrap only works for column headers and row labels, most of them (e.g. Adobe }ElementAttributes_Scenario > }SYS_TEMP_ATTRIBUTE).

    I will look into this but I don't believe we expect word wrap on string cell data.

    1. Cannot use keyboard to "jump" to an object name in the navigation pane. :-\

    I would love to see capability this as well.  This capability is something I use in Architect.  I'll speak with the team that is working on updating the navigation pane. 

    1. No name to identify the Dimension Editor object.

    Can you provide additional details or a screenshot for this?  I'm not sure what you are referring to.  The TM1 database name, dimension name, and hierarchy name, is displayed on the dimension editor (really it's a hierarchy editor).

    1. No "Expand" feature in Dimension Editor. 

    I'm assuming you want an expand all element button?  You can currently expand all on root level elements.   


    1. Collapsing by pressing the (-) image next to a consolidation does not collapse "behind the scenes" so a re-expand pressing the (+) takes you back to the previous state instead of drilling only one level down.

    We can look into this.  However, I wonder if this behaviour is intentional for performance reasons.

    1. Context menu to delete, edit or copy a sheet is on the left mouse button instead of the right mouse button.

    You are talking about the 'sheet' tabs in a Workspace book.  Yes, this seems a bit odd.  I'm not sure if we would change this behaviour at this point since Workspace book authors might be used to this nuance.

    1. Immediate commit and other functionalities of Dimension Editor (without requesting a save) are horrible and dangerous! :-O 

    There is an option to reserve a dimension.  I think this is making a copy of the dimension that you can work in without impacting the original dimension until you commit the changes.  Let me know if you have already looked into this functionality.


    1. Provide ability to close all books currently open. 

    Yes, this is a common ask and we want to implement this.

    1. Subset Editor: No ability to drag or double-click to move member from Available Members pane to the Current Set pane. MUST press arrow.

    Yes, we want to get drag and drop enabled in the set editor to both change the order of elements on the right side, and to bring elements from the left side to the right side.  This is on the top of backlog for set editor behaviour improvements.

    1. Subset Editor: Default member insertion does not operate as expected, e.g. Leaf nodes includes the consolidation.

    I can reproduce this.  Seems like the same behaviour with Children and Descendants.  I will check if this is by design or a defect.  If this is by design then we change the labels to say something like 'member and leafs'.

    1. When clicking the scroll bar on the navigation pane, the display only moves one object at a time as if pressing the down arrow on the keyboard. It should move a whole page/screen.

    I'm not able to reproduce this.  Clicking the bottom or top of navigation pane scroll bar scrolls 5 items at a time.

    1. Object selector drop-down in the object edit window (e.g. Process) is too narrow and tool tip too slow to pop up. Automatically adjust drop-down window to the text width or provide ability to adjust width manually.

    I see the issue with the width of the selector, but not with performance of loading object (e.g dimensions, hierarchies, processes, cube) names.  We can look into automatically resizing this component.

    1. Process Editor does not highlight the procedure tab that is currently displayed or where the cursor located. 

    Agreed that this would be helpful.  We can open an enhancement for this.

    1. Provide Notepad++ like features such as Block (Un)Comment, Block indenting. 

    We can consider block commenting and uncommenting.  You will need to be specific about other features you want.


    1. LIBERALLY provide keyboard short-cuts throughout the interface. Way too much mousing is required. e.g. Allow Copy/Paste most anywhere. Allow Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn to move the cursor between TI procedure sections. Allow arrow keys to move between fields in an object window.

    Agreed that we are missing a number of keyboard shortcuts that are useful in Architect.


    1. Process Editor: When attempting to insert a line in front of a line indented with spaces (4), the spaces disappear.

    I can reproduce this.  I think we can treat this as a defect.  Can you log a support ticket to track this?  Let me know the case number and I will show support the issue.

    1. Process Editor: With four spaces highlighted at the beginning of a line, pressing the tab key inserts six spaces. (Work-around: Delete the spaces and then press tab.)

    Why are you highlighting spaces?  Are you updating TI code that had spaces at the start of lines to use tabs instead?  I can reproduce this.  Again, seems like a very minor defect.  If you log a support ticket and provide the case number I will show support the issue.

    1. Provide the equivalent of the Architect properties pane in PAW to cover all properties of all objects. 

    I don't think a properties pane fits with what we already have in Workspace.  However, we can look into how we might standardize access to properties in the modeling experience.

    Stuart King
    IBM Planning Analytics Offering Manager

  • 10.  RE: Warning PAW created/edited TI are not backwards compatible with Architect

    Posted Mon November 11, 2019 12:58 AM
    All great feedback!

    I would just add on to #14. Weights need to be available as as column. When looking at a large tree users can't be expected to click on each item to find ones with non 1 weights. Weights should be displayed like attributes.

    Ryan Clapp
    AWS Business Systems
    Sr. Manager

    Sent from my mobile device

  • 11.  RE: Warning PAW created/edited TI are not backwards compatible with Architect

    Posted Thu November 14, 2019 04:06 PM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:40 PM
    Hi Christopher, 

    Thank you for this valuable feedback. I would encourage you and anyone else who likes these RFE's to vote on them in Aha! as Offering Management regularly reviews them for inclusion in the product.

    We are in the process of logging the ones that do not yet exist so doing a quick search should bring them up and once logged in, you can vote.

    If you do not have an Aha account, register here first:

    Tracy Peppy
    IBM Planning Analytics Offering Manager

  • 12.  RE: Warning PAW created/edited TI are not backwards compatible with Architect

    Posted Fri November 08, 2019 02:45 AM

    While we understand that there is a difference between the tools they absolutely cannot conflict with each other or cause corruption when moving from tool to tool. This is one of the many reasons performance modeler was a failure. The PAW editor MUST be compatible with the legacy editor.

  • 13.  RE: Warning PAW created/edited TI are not backwards compatible with Architect

    Posted Wed February 12, 2020 04:23 PM
    Update:  As of Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.48 most of the issues have been resolved and changes in one tool were reflected in the other tool. :)

    Scott Brown