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  • 1.  Universal Report option now showing on Pafe

    Posted Mon May 06, 2024 12:56 PM


    We upgraded the Pafe to the latest version (2.0.95), and our TM1 Version is:, but when we launch PAFE, we do not see the option to convert a view to Universal Report.

    The Only Options we see are Convert to: Quick Report, Dynamic Report and Custom Report.

    Our TM1Web version though is 2.0.85, which I know is not the version required in prerequisites but I thought the PASS upgrade is required only at the time when I publish the Report


    Ardian Alikaj

  • 2.  RE: Universal Report option now showing on Pafe
    Best Answer

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon May 06, 2024 01:34 PM

    HI Ardi,

    Definitely going to be your version of PASS. I can the the UR options on my PAoC environment where we had PASS upgraded but a local on-prem development box with an older PASS does not have the Convert To options for Explorations and Quick reports.

    Also no options when you right-click the cube or create report from the viewer.

    Time to upgrade PASS...

    George Tonkin
    Business Partner
    MCI Consultants

  • 3.  RE: Universal Report option now showing on Pafe

    Posted Thu May 09, 2024 11:50 AM

    Thank you George,

    We upgraded PASS and after that, Universal Report option showed up in Pafe

    You are a real IBM champion 

    Ardian Alikaj

  • 4.  RE: Universal Report option now showing on Pafe

    Posted Sat May 11, 2024 02:47 PM

    After upgrading PASS we are able to create Universal Reports in Pafe, and they work as expected in Excel(Pafe), but when we publish them, and try to open them from PASS (TM1Web), the report does not work. None of TM1Set cells work, its impossible to make a selection and also impossible to drill on Rows or Columns. It just shows the Rows and columns, but it does not show any data

    is there anything else we have to do?

    Ardian Alikaj

  • 5.  RE: Universal Report option now showing on Pafe

    Posted Sun May 12, 2024 02:22 AM

    Hello Ardian,

    Perhaps the same as Quick Reports displaying blank values over TM1 Web and Workspace ( ?



    Philippe CHAMPLEBOUX

  • 6.  RE: Universal Report option now showing on Pafe

    Posted Mon May 13, 2024 05:34 PM
    Edited by John O'Leary Mon May 13, 2024 05:36 PM

    I logged a support ticket with IBM last week regarding TM1SET not working in Websheets(Al .93) My experience is that it is working in some cases but with others the set appears but I cannot make a selection. Seems tsomehow to with the MDX statement but I am waiting on a response. And the behaviour differs in TM1Web vs PAW Websheet.

    John O'Leary

  • 7.  RE: Universal Report option now showing on Pafe

    Posted Tue May 14, 2024 07:25 AM

    We also created a support case with IBM, we had a call with an IBM support consultant yesterday, and most likely this is a bug in the latest version of PASS

    Ardian Alikaj