Cognos Analytics

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  • 1.  Unable to install in-place Cognos 11.1.7

    Posted Wed September 06, 2023 05:15 AM

    I am trying to install in-place Cognos 11.1.7. I have successfully installed in-place on our DEV server and our TEST server the same way. When I attempt to install in PROD, I am getting the error that says "The installation unable to continue. Please make sure all products are stopped......" Folders in use: \cognos\analytics\logs and cognos\analytics\webcontent. 

    I stopped Cognos. I set the service to Manual and then restarted the server to kill any processes. I still get this message. I am unable to continue. 

    Any ideas on how to kill any process that might be running in the background or how to spot the ones that are?

    Thanks in advance

    Will Phillips

  • 2.  RE: Unable to install in-place Cognos 11.1.7

    Posted Wed September 06, 2023 07:40 AM

    Hi Will,
    Have you stopped the IIS webserver services?
    Did you disconnect any Networkdrive mappings?

    Thomas van der Meer

  • 3.  RE: Unable to install in-place Cognos 11.1.7

    Posted Thu September 07, 2023 03:58 PM
    Edited by Richard Chester Thu September 07, 2023 04:03 PM

    Hi Will,

    This happened to me often, and I used the approach you outline (set to manual, reboot) to get around it.  It would have been the first thing I suggested to you!  

    it occurs to me that there are add-ins for Cognos that one installs in the same folder as Cognos (ex: that use the WLP system and other Cognos assets like the java runtime to execute).  Any chance you've installed an add-in (like Motio or BSP) that is running and using that folder... and that process is set to start automatically on reboot and is therefore locking files?

    Good luck!


    Richard Chester
    President - Chester Business Analytics

  • 4.  RE: Unable to install in-place Cognos 11.1.7

    Posted Fri September 08, 2023 11:13 AM

    You're organization doesn't happen to employ Dynatrace on the servers does it? One customer I support does and I have to stop the Dynatrace service to be able to install an upgrade. Otherwise I get the same message about files or folders in use.

    Robert Hofstetter

  • 5.  RE: Unable to install in-place Cognos 11.1.7

    Posted Wed September 20, 2023 07:25 AM

    Wanted to give an update. It was in fact IIS...@Thomas you were correct. I had stopped what I thought was IIS but it was not. I stopped IIS admin and not World Wide Web...

    The install happened and the only thing that was an issue was that it would not start because there was already a service called IBM Cognos:7083. So after fooling around and figuring out how to DELETE the original service and then realizing that is OVERWROTE the web.config file in \BI  (thankfully I backed it up) I finally got it working. 

    Thanks for the replies. 


    Will Phillips

  • 6.  RE: Unable to install in-place Cognos 11.1.7

    Posted Thu September 21, 2023 01:06 PM

    The in-place installation of Cognos 11.1.7 may fail due to compatibility issues with the existing IBM Cognos software on your system. To resolve this, you can try the following options:

    • Install Cognos in a new location instead of in-place.
    • Use the IBMfixit tool to clean up any existing Cognos configuration files before attempting the in-place installation.
    • Check for any system compatibility issues by running the IBM Cognos Software Compatibility Scan tool

    Frenco fzc