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TM1 REST API expand a single attribute using ExecuteMDXSetExpression

  • 1.  TM1 REST API expand a single attribute using ExecuteMDXSetExpression

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed September 13, 2023 10:24 AM
    Hi all, 
    I'm using ExecuteMDXSetExpression?$expand=Tuples($expand=Members($select=Name,Attributes/<%MY_ATTRIBUTE%>)) to query dimension elements and expand a single attribute, but this approach does not work if the attribute name contains special characters (even if you escape them).
    What would be the best way to achieve this taking into account the next requirements:
    1. Users may not have access to the }ElementAttributes_ cube
    2. The attribute name may contain special characters
    3. Need to expand a single attribute (for the best performance when querying dimensions with many elements and attributes)

    Thanks in advance for looking into this!

    Vlad Didenko

  • 2.  RE: TM1 REST API expand a single attribute using ExecuteMDXSetExpression

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri September 15, 2023 03:05 PM

    Any suggestion from experts? @Hubert Heijkers, @STUART KING, @Edward Stuart

    Vlad Didenko
    Founder at Succeedium
    TeamOne Google Sheets add-on for IBM Planning Analytics / TM1
    Succeedium Planning Analytics Cloud Extension

  • 3.  RE: TM1 REST API expand a single attribute using ExecuteMDXSetExpression

    Posted Mon September 18, 2023 12:20 PM

    Whaa thats amazing,

    Joni Bhi

  • 4.  RE: TM1 REST API expand a single attribute using ExecuteMDXSetExpression
    Best Answer

    Posted Mon September 18, 2023 03:35 AM

    Hi Vlad,

    That is indeed correct, our REST API, which is OData compliant, to be able to parse whatever you put on the URL of the request, sticks to the URL convention rules which state that what you can use in $select, $expand and other query options, have to be valid OData Identifiers. We have been a little bit lenient, specifically TM1 has traditionally allowed you to omit spaces so we've done that here too, but special characters, especially if they have meaning according to the URL conventions, would be something that cannot make work.

    For MDX queries (not set expressions) one has the option to use the DIMENSION PROPERTIES clause and that's what would help you get around it if you have the ability to form a query using that same set expression. The only restriction is that you have to reference a cube that has the dimension /hierarchy you are executing the set expression against. By using an empty set (read: []) on a second axis and only looking at the axis that has your set expression you'd effectively get the same effect then ExecuteMDXSetExpression but with the implicit expansion of properties you are after without the limitation on the attribute names (note: do not reference attributes in $select in that case as that overrules what you specified using DIMENSION PROPERTIES - should only limit further but that's something that doesn't work correctly at the moment).


    Hubert Heijkers
    STSM, Program Director TM1 Functional Database Technology and OData Evangelist

  • 5.  RE: TM1 REST API expand a single attribute using ExecuteMDXSetExpression

    Posted Mon September 18, 2023 10:04 AM

    If I read between the lines here, we should avoid using special URL characters in the name of elements? i.g "&", ";", "$", "!"... This really is nothing new, but becomes a much harder requirement with the REST API. 

    Ryan Clapp

  • 6.  RE: TM1 REST API expand a single attribute using ExecuteMDXSetExpression

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon September 18, 2023 12:24 PM

    Hi @Ryan Clapp, it would be great if OData allowed for escaping special characters in API URLs

    Vlad Didenko
    Founder at Succeedium
    TeamOne Google Sheets add-on for IBM Planning Analytics / TM1
    Succeedium Planning Analytics Cloud Extension

  • 7.  RE: TM1 REST API expand a single attribute using ExecuteMDXSetExpression

    Posted Mon September 18, 2023 05:32 PM

    I'll bite;-), it is technically an issue caused by myself where I decided to map attributes to open properties of an open type to make querying and interacting with attributes way easier then treating attribute names as values of a property itself, full well knowing that attribute names do not have to be valid OData identifiers.

    But you just did inspire me for MAYBE a TM1 specific extension to the OData URL conventions (I have to test if there is no ambiguity cases first) to potentially get around this. Don't think this will be something OData would ever adopt but, as an OData TC member from the first hour, I'll nevertheless share my thoughts with my peers in the TC;-). 

    Hubert Heijkers
    STSM, Program Director TM1 Functional Database Technology and OData Evangelist

  • 8.  RE: TM1 REST API expand a single attribute using ExecuteMDXSetExpression

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon September 18, 2023 07:06 PM

    Thank you @Hubert Heijkers, that would really be very helpful!!!

    Vlad Didenko
    Founder at Succeedium
    TeamOne Google Sheets add-on for IBM Planning Analytics / TM1
    Succeedium Planning Analytics Cloud Extension

  • 9.  RE: TM1 REST API expand a single attribute using ExecuteMDXSetExpression

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon September 18, 2023 12:07 PM

    Thank you very much @Hubert Heijkers , for writing such a detailed answer, it is very helpful! In most cases I already know the cube and only need to create a user interface for the subset editor. And in the case when I need my users to explore the dimensions only, I can make an extra API request to figure out which cube the user can access to use with ExecuteMDX.

    Vlad Didenko
    Founder at Succeedium
    TeamOne Google Sheets add-on for IBM Planning Analytics / TM1
    Succeedium Planning Analytics Cloud Extension

  • 10.  RE: TM1 REST API expand a single attribute using ExecuteMDXSetExpression

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri September 22, 2023 09:21 AM

    @Hubert Heijkers, what about lsiting Attributes in ExecuteMDXSetExpression payload?



      MDX: "{HIERARCHIZE({[Dim].[Dim].members})}",
      Attributes: ['Caption', 'Cool attr name !@#$%^&*=*', 'attr3']

    Vlad Didenko
    Founder at Succeedium
    TeamOne Google Sheets add-on for IBM Planning Analytics / TM1
    Succeedium Planning Analytics Cloud Extension

  • 11.  RE: TM1 REST API expand a single attribute using ExecuteMDXSetExpression

    Posted Fri September 22, 2023 02:37 PM
    Edited by Hubert Heijkers Fri September 22, 2023 02:38 PM

    Don't particularly like it, as IMHO that's mixing up protocol, query with actual action execution but I can see that could be a workaround (yet still something not trivial as you can imagine request execution happens at a different level/layer then selection/projection, but not impossible).

    My preferred solution would be to simply allow adding a DIMENSION PROPERTIES clause to the set expression as in:


    "MDX": "{HIERARCHIZE({[Dim].[Dim].members})} DIMENSION PROPERTIES MEMBER_CAPTION, [Dim].[Cool attr name !@#$%^&*=*], [Dim].[attr3]"


    The request would be the same as in your example and expanding Attributes would have the same effect then as expanding Attributes when doing ExecuteMDX request.

    Short of that I was, as a TM1 specific hack, contemplating using a backtick characters as they are not valid in OData identifiers nor do they have any use in the OData URL conventions, at least not just yet. The nice thing about that 'hack' would be that I envision the ability to use those anywhere where you'd be referring to a property and as such then would also be able to $filter or $order based on those.

    Again, just thoughts, no promises yet, but happy to hear if you have any preferences ;-)

    Hubert Heijkers
    STSM, Program Director TM1 Functional Database Technology and OData Evangelist

  • 12.  RE: TM1 REST API expand a single attribute using ExecuteMDXSetExpression

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri September 22, 2023 07:27 PM

    Thanks @Hubert Heijkers,

    Using DIMENSION PROPERTIES is a brilliant idea!!! It will give total freedom to request the desired attribute(s).

    Aren't $filter and $order only used for the "REST API object properties"? Those should not contain special characters

    And you don't need them for ExecuteMDXSetExpression / ExecuteMDX requests, as you can filter and sort using the MDX itself.

    I would love to see this enhancement!

    Vlad Didenko
    Founder at Succeedium
    TeamOne Google Sheets add-on for IBM Planning Analytics / TM1
    Succeedium Planning Analytics Cloud Extension

  • 13.  RE: TM1 REST API expand a single attribute using ExecuteMDXSetExpression

    Posted Mon September 25, 2023 03:05 AM

    So noted @Vlad Didenko;-!

    As for $filter and $order, those can be applied to open properties too but those would still need to be valid OData identifiers if we follow the OData standard. Truth be told I like the DIMENSION PROPERTIES based solution best as well and, as you say, in the case of ExecuteMDXSetExpression you don't need the extra flexibility as you can do it all in the MDX itself.

    Hubert Heijkers
    STSM, Program Director TM1 Functional Database Technology and OData Evangelist

  • 14.  RE: TM1 REST API expand a single attribute using ExecuteMDXSetExpression

    Posted Mon September 25, 2023 08:49 AM
    Great post! It's always wonderful to see people sharing their knowledge and insights with the community.
     Keep up the good work!

    Ember lynn