I just did a quick check on IBM sample data in Oracle db and it works smoothly:
The filter in the query is "[Inventory (query)].[Time].[Quarter] in (?quarter?)" and the text prompt is set to:
I also tested it with multi-line set to "Yes". Worked also.
What datatype is your field of, where you'd like to apply the text filter?
Robert Dostal
Team Leader BI
Original Message:
Sent: Fri January 07, 2022 06:00 AM
From: Priyanka Joshi
Subject: Text box prompt
Yes I am using in operator.
Priyanka Joshi
Original Message:
Sent: Fri January 07, 2022 04:25 AM
From: Chris Turner
Subject: Text box prompt
Obvious thing first - is your filter something like [YourDataField] in ?YourPrompt? rather than [YourDataField] = ?YourPrompt?
Chris Turner
Original Message:
Sent: Fri January 07, 2022 04:19 AM
From: Priyanka Joshi
Subject: Text box prompt
We are using text box prompt in one report but when entering multiple values at a time its fetching blank data.We have enabled Mult line property also.Could anyone please help on this.
Thanks and Regards,
Priyanka Joshi
Priyanka Joshi