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  • 1.  stacked column chart with target

    Posted Thu March 26, 2020 03:12 PM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:37 PM
    ​In CA Dashboard I am using stacked column chart, I need target line similar to standard column chart.  Any idea?

    Same issue with line chart. Yes, I can add one more measure in table including constant, but if I want that all charts in dasboard use same style and color, it is an issue, because I cannot setup color for concrete line in chart.

    Juraj Bielik

  • 2.  RE: stacked column chart with target

    Posted Tue March 31, 2020 06:27 AM
    Hi Juraj

    Correct - targets are not currently activated for more advanced charts like the stacked column ones - feel free to log an enhancement request for it at

    Regarding the colors, then the dashboard should keep the same color for the same measures across the dashboard... as long as you use the same measure... as I did in this example, selecting 5 measures for the first viz and then the last 2 measures in the second viz - it will assign the same color across the viz's.


    Torben Noer