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  • 1.  Reporting, displaying Pages as Tabs - ways to customize?

    Posted 7 days ago

    Hi all,

    I'm developing a report in which we'd like to use the "View pages as tabs" feature. Does anyone know if it's possible to customize aspects of the tabs, such as more control over the location of the tab displays (neither "Top left" or "Bottom left" work well for us given other content on the page - the tabs don't stand out to users).  Or the color of the tabs, or their font characteristics?  I wondered if these features were defined in some style sheet somewhere that I could modify?

    We're planning to use the left side of the page for other menu-ing (links to other reports etc) and with the tabs displayed on the left (whether near the Top or Bottom), they don't stand out to the users.

    I know I could create a table that looks like Tabs with drill throughs back to the same report, and then place it anywhere I want, but I was hoping there might be a way to squeeze a bit more utility out of the native Cognos "View pages as tabs" function.

    Thanks in advance for any thoughts/suggestions.

    Mike Comiskey

  • 2.  RE: Reporting, displaying Pages as Tabs - ways to customize?

    Posted 5 days ago

    As an example: add a HTML-item to your report, containing the following:

      .clsTabBox_active {
         background-color: violet;

    This will uglify the active tab. It's just an example. You can work it out from here. Use your web browser's developer tools to find the relevant class names. It's pretty easy, once you got started.

    Thomas Wolf
    Techniker Krankenkasse

  • 3.  RE: Reporting, displaying Pages as Tabs - ways to customize?

    Posted 2 days ago

    Thanks Thomas. I was able to change both the background color and the font color. The problem is that this only works when I click on a tab. It doesn't work when the web page loads. Only after I click on a tab, the color is applied. My question is how to make first tab colored after the page loads?


        .clsTabBox_active  {

          background-color: red;


        .clsTabBox_active .clsTabDivInner {

          color: white;


         .clsTabBox_inactive  {

          background-color: white;


        .clsTabBox_inactive .clsTabDivInner {

          color: black;



    Milan Milovanovic

  • 4.  RE: Reporting, displaying Pages as Tabs - ways to customize?

    Posted 2 days ago

    That's a curious thing. I tried it with Chrome and Firefox (Cognos 11.2.4) and the styles apply perfecly. Just to be sure, I even tried it with different colours to handle hover actions. 

    Did you try clearing your browser's cache? Sometimes that helps.


        .clsTabBox_active  {
          background-color: red;
        .clsTabBox_active_hover  {
          background-color: #ff5050;

        .clsTabBox_active .clsTabDivInner {
          color: white;

        .clsTabBox_inactive  {
          background-color: #e0e0e0;
        .clsTabBox_inactive_hover  {
          background-color: #f0f0f0;

        .clsTabBox_inactive .clsTabDivInner {
          color: black;


    Thomas Wolf
    Techniker Krankenkasse

  • 5.  RE: Reporting, displaying Pages as Tabs - ways to customize?

    Posted 20 hours ago

    I guess it was browser cache. After some tweaking of the report, it started working.

    Thanks for your help Thomas.

    Milan Milovanovic