It looks like they are offering free access on a 15-day trial. The download links are at the bottom of the page at the link Daryl posted above.
Original Message:
Sent: Mon June 24, 2024 11:51 AM
From: brenda grossnickle
Subject: Recover orphaned My Content / My Folder
I cannot find any free bundle download from BSP software MetaManager
brenda grossnickle
BI Programmer Analyst
Original Message:
Sent: Mon June 17, 2024 05:34 PM
From: Daryl Baker
Subject: Recover orphaned My Content / My Folder
Hello Brenda -
If the profile has not been deleted from Cognos then the content under that profile can be found.
Orphaned Accounts Module in MetaManager is part of the Free bundle here: MetaManager | BSP Software - a Micro Strategies Company
All you have to do is connect it to your Cognos Environment, Run it and it will find all your Orphaned Accounts, in which you can then find all their content and move it to your My Content or somewhere else in Team Content.
I have not done it through the Cognos Administration in a Looooooong time ;). So I am not sure that still works, but those links look like there are good steps there to try.
If it does still work, let us know!

Daryl Baker
Original Message:
Sent: Fri June 14, 2024 12:55 PM
From: brenda grossnickle
Subject: Recover orphaned My Content / My Folder
Re: Recover orphaned My Content / My Folder
we use cognos 11.0, 11.1 and 11.2
Is there a way for a Cognos System Administrator to recover orphaned My Content / My folder contents? Say for an employee that has left the company and is no longer in Active Directory.
I think that there use to be an IBM SDK script to do this, but I cannot find it.
Found these links and wonder if their information is still correct and would work?
all versions
cognos 10
all versions including cognos 11
using cmtool - version 10? - How to manually retrieve the contents of MyFoder of the user whose CAMID has changed
Manually retrieve the contents of MyFolder (
brenda grossnickle
BI Programmer Analyst