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  • 1.  PAW Visualization Issue - Overlapping Cube views

    Posted 5 days ago

    We are experiencing some visualization issue in Planning Analytics Workspace.

    As shown in the screenshots, when opening a book tab in PAW, the saved cube view appears overlapped with another cube view coming from a different tab. As in the screenshot example, in the "Costi di Trasporto" tab, the "Lista Stanziamenti" cube view is displayed over the "Costi di Trasporto" cube view, even though the Lista Stanziamenti object is not present in the tab when we switch to edit mode.

    The previous supplier recommended using Chrome, possibly for better performance. However, the issue does not occur when using Firefox, where visualizations are displayed correctly. We already upgraded PAW to the 2.0.90.

    Our PA suite is installed on-premise on a Microsoft Windows Server 2016 with 80 GB of RAM and includes IBM CA 11.2.1, PA 2.0.911, and PAW 2.0.90.

    Has anyone encounter the same problem in the past?
    Thanks and regards,


    Andrea Bonelli

  • 2.  RE: PAW Visualization Issue - Overlapping Cube views

    Posted 5 days ago

    It's not an issue I have seen before but if you are certain that the other exploration doesn't appear when in edit mode and this is the only tab where it is occurring (or it only occurs in a few cases) my suggestion would be to completely delete the tabs with the issues and recreate those tabs from scratch.

    Sometimes when a book migrates through multiple PAW upgrades etc you can find unusual issues with them; and often my experience has been that its easier/faster to recreate the book or tab than it would be to dedicate the unknown amount of time to try and find the problem.

    I do however wonder if when you are in edit mode; assuming you only see "Costi di Trasporto" exploration view (which appears to be scaled to full screen) I wonder if you delete that view whether the "Lista Stanziamenti" view is actually hidden behind it? Then the issue would be that something is going wrong with the "ordering" (Bring to front/send to back options) when you are viewing it in Chrome... which wouldn't be great but would make more sense than a view somehow coming in from another tab. It would also then be easier to fix by just deleting the view that you don't want from behind the one that you do want to keep.

    Declan Rodger
    Technical Director
    Spitfire Analytics