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PAW Links are changed each time when deploying PAW Objects in Lifecyclemanagement

  • 1.  PAW Links are changed each time when deploying PAW Objects in Lifecyclemanagement

    Posted Tue January 16, 2024 05:03 AM

    Due the fact that objects cannot be overwritten when importing updated PAW Objects we are forced to use a workaround.

    We import our updated  PAW Objects  to a temporary deploymentfolder, delete our existing books  from our production folder and copy the updated books from our Deploymnetfolder to the production folder then.

    By doing this the Link to the Books in PAW are changed. As we are accessing our PAW books with links from a dashboard we need to change these links after each deployment.

    We are not able to use PAW URL API from this dashboard.

    Our wish is to update our PAW books directly in our production enviroment. Do you have any hints how to do that? 

    BR Michael

    Michael Ehrenberger