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PAW issues around exporting and importing data and elements

  • 1.  PAW issues around exporting and importing data and elements

    Posted 11 hours ago


    Over the past several weeks and months, I had several interactions with IBM support on issues around exporting and importing data and elements, all in PAW.

    Meaning that, an export does not happen, or it gives a CSV file with only the header line (dimension names). Or the export takes place but the import of that same file in the same cube on development does not finish. Sometimes the data is prepared but the file is not downloaded. Etc.

    This topic is just to let you know that a number of these tickets lead to known defects and IBM are correcting them. First have a look at known defects before spending too much time or creating new support tickets.

    Wim Gielis
    Senior Consultant
    Aexis International