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  • 1.  PAW installation error

    Posted Fri November 11, 2022 09:30 AM
    Hi, Do we have any step by step guide to install PAW 2.0.81 on windows server 2016?
    we are getting following error.

    Pooja Jain


  • 2.  RE: PAW installation error

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri November 11, 2022 09:46 AM
    Hi Pooja,

    The last time I did this, I used the following command:

    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -o install.ps1

    George Tonkin
    Business Partner
    MCI Consultants

  • 3.  RE: PAW installation error

    Posted Fri November 11, 2022 04:39 PM
    Get the script George mentions, install.ps1.

    Looks like we have until April 30th, 2023, to download Docker (MCR) for Windows from Mirantis without cutting a check.

    Walter Coffen
    Technology Manager
    QueBIT Consulting, LLC

  • 4.  RE: PAW installation error

    Posted Mon November 14, 2022 09:00 AM
    Hello Walter,

    I read about this but am confused on what needs to done....for now I am installing/configuring PAW Local out of the box install.  What needs to change with the note you mentioned?


  • 5.  RE: PAW installation error

    Posted Mon November 14, 2022 10:06 AM

    For PAW running on Windows 2016 or Windows 2019, you need to install a version of Docker ported to Windows. The Start.ps1 PowerShell script that IBM provides will call another script that verifies that all the pre-requisites are met such as the Windows Container feature being enabled and the Docker Engine running as a service. After PAW 2.0.77, the Windows script will tell you to get Docker from Mirantis if it does not find it on the server before the script can proceed with the rest of the PAW on Windows install.

    Microsoft was providing Docker as part of the server operating system license, and provided updates and support as well. Last year, Microsoft decided to stop this and sold/transferred their control of Docker EE for Windows to Mirantis, who will maintain the Windows port of Docker, and updates, etc. Similarly, sold Docker EE for Linux to Mirantis in 2019. Mirantis renamed Docker to "Mirantis Container Runtime" or "MCR" for short. Mirantis will want to be compensated for this effort, and they put out a footnote I noticed that said that after April 30, 2023, you will need to purchase a license from Mirantis to get updates or support, which I assume means that the "install.ps1" they provide will no longer function or will change. I thought it worth noting that April 30th will probably mean a change in the cost of Docker for some clients.

    Here is their footnote from

    "*A) Microsoft will provide support for Mirantis Container Runtime until April 30th, 2023. B) Customers are licensed to run, in perpetuity, only the number of copies of Mirantis Container Runtime obtained before April 30th, 2023 and no more. C) After April 30th, 2023, customers will not be able to get support, updates or patches from Microsoft or Mirantis for Mirantis Container Runtime unless they purchase a license from Mirantis. D) Customers can purchase a license to use a fully supported version of Mirantis Container Runtime from Mirantis at any time."

    Walter Coffen
    Technology Manager
    QueBIT Consulting, LLC

  • 6.  RE: PAW installation error

    Posted Mon November 14, 2022 12:50 AM
    The issue is resolved.
    Thanks for the support, everyone!

    Pooja Jain