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  • 1.  PAW - Input data with percentage formatting

    Posted 10 hours ago

    Hello community,


    I don't understand something. I did my test with v91, v95 and v99 and noticed the same behaviour :

    In a cube view, if I put a percentage format for an element through  the cube format manager or through the format attribute of the dimension, I noticed a weird behaviour. It does also the same if I don't have a percentage format but if I use the shorcut "3,1%" directly in the cell.


    For instance:

    • If I write 5,2% and then i double click in the cell I will see 5,2000000000000002 (not ok!)
    • If I write 4,1 it shows 4,0999999999999996 (not ok !)
    • If I write 6,1 it shows 6,1 (ok !)

    If I take out the format I can see the wrong values in PAW afterwards.

    What the impact for my users ?

    1 -  If the user double click in the cell they will see many digits and not the exact number they wrote. Thus, it's confusing.

    2 - In my model, the user set up a rate on a measure called Cloture_FIP_Std and then run a TI process. The TI process will do some calculations and update the reporting cube. It will also archive this rate on a specific technical measure that will be hidden for the user but that helps me for conditional formatting purposes (Sent_Cloture_FIP_Std)

    By using the conditional formating in the view, I let the user know if the rate shown is the one that had been used in the last calculations by comparing Cloture_FIP_Std with Sent_Cloture_FIP_Std

    So .... if I write 5,2% it shows 5,2000000000000002 by double click in the cell and then the process will archive 5,2 and 5,2000000000000002 <> 5,2 so the formatting will let the user thinks that he has to run again the calculations  .. And because it's not complicated enough if i put the format #0.0000000000000000% it will show 5,2000000000000005 🤓

    Is it a known issue ? Is there a rational explanation to this ? 

    Thanks for your help,


    ludovic roucou

  • 2.  RE: PAW - Input data with percentage formatting

    Posted 8 hours ago

    This is also a problem in my project. Especially when the client wants to do budgeting. They have to compare the data to match exactly with each other. If not, it does not work. 

    In the end we can only say that it is system limitations

    Def Marshal

  • 3.  RE: PAW - Input data with percentage formatting

    Posted an hour ago

    Hi Ludovic,

    This unfortunately is not something new and unlikely to go away either.

    Have a look at this article explaining IEEE-754 standard for floating point doubles

    George Tonkin
    Business Partner
    MCI Consultants