Planning Analytics

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  • 1.  PAfE Error CAM login failed in a multi-tenant PAW environment

    Posted 20 days ago

    PAW 2.0.95
    PAfE 2.0.95
    TM1Web 2.0.95
    TM1 Server
    CA 12.0.2

    We changed the normal PAW environment to a multi-tenant environment.
    We change the security mode from 1 to 5 on the Planning Sample Model.
    Now we would like to login to the the Planning Sample Model on the PAW Test environment tenant.
    After select in Excel the Connection to the PAW Server we get a window and select the test tenant.
    Then in the next window we select the TM1 Model > Planning Sample
    Then the login window from Cognos Analytics comes next.
    After the login the the tenant select window is coming again.
    Now we are in a never ending cycle …

    When we use PAW without a tenant it works fine.

    We start PAW with only one tenant with a tm1 model with security mode 5. it works in PAfE!

    But when we add second tenant with another TM1 Server with a tm1 model with security mode 5 ... the login did not work in PAfE.

    What do we have to do to sucsessful login to Cognos Analytics???

    Thank You!

    Gero Wanning
    Senior Consultant Manager
    Sievers Group
    Osnabrück, Germany

  • 2.  RE: PAfE Error CAM login failed in a multi-tenant PAW environment

    Community Leadership
    Posted an hour ago

    Hi Gero,

    I am the Community Manager for Planning Analytics and I wanted to follow-up with you to see if anyone has responded to your question or if you were able to resolve the problem.



    Nick Plowden
    AI Community Engagement