Hi Kai,
In an upcoming release, the governors will be exposed in via the Web-based modeling UI.
Governor settings are picked up from the Data Module if specified (but there is not UI at this time, so not very helpful). Or when these are not specified in the Data Module, they are read from the first FM model/package that is in the source of the current Data Module.
So you can create an FM model that only has governors defined, publish it and add it to the Data Module.
If you go this route, then there might be some extra work to double check that things are working properly once Data module support for governors is implemented via the modeling UI.
To test if the effective setting of the governor, if you add the following expression to a report/query it should come back with 0 if not set and 1 if it is set.
#sq( $_governor{'masterDetailOptimization'})#
Hope this helps.
Kind regards,
Henk Cazemier
Original Message:
Sent: Fri March 24, 2023 03:19 AM
From: Kai Zeller
Subject: master detail optimization with data modules?
Referring to the governor setting for packages with Framework Manager to optimize master detail query performance in large data sets,
is there a similar optimization for queries possible when authoring reports on data modules?
kind regards
Kai Zeller