Original Message:
Sent: Wed September 06, 2023 08:59 AM
From: Gabriel Poliačik
Subject: Hyperlink data items in dashboard
Hi, I actually found a way how to do it.. I have a field with the url as a field in data module. In dashboard I have a table that includes this field. Selecting the table and going to "Actions" in top right corner
As Action select "Open link in new tab" and Action Trigger "Data point double click"
Double click on the url in the Table opens the website in a new tab... There's one extra setting - the field with the url needs to be the first column in that Table, otherwise the feature concatenates all field prior to the url field in to one, which gives an error in the end...
Try this out
Gabriel Poliačik
Original Message:
Sent: Fri February 10, 2023 05:22 AM
From: JH Struik
Subject: Hyperlink data items in dashboard
In a report we are able to add a hyperlink item, to change an url to external content based on our data. This looks like this:
JH Struik