Hi Glen,
Looks like you are providing static text to drive your report.
You need a formula to evaluate the contents of C15 and add it into the text e.g.
="EXCEPT(DISTINCT({[CostCenter].[CostCenter].["&C15&"],DESCENDANTS([CostCenter].[CostCenter].[Claims Legal] , 99 , LEAVES)}) , {[CostCenter].[CostCenter].["&C15&"]})"
George Tonkin
Business Partner
MCI Consultants
Original Message:
Sent: Wed September 11, 2024 11:58 AM
From: Glen Banks
Subject: Filter Universal Report from Context
To give a little more clarity to my request I have an MDX statement 'EXCEPT(DISTINCT({[CostCenter].[CostCenter].[&C15&],DESCENDANTS([CostCenter].[CostCenter].[Claims Legal] , 99 , LEAVES)}) , {[CostCenter].[CostCenter].[&C15&]}) in a dynamic report, that I am using to filter the rows based on a selection. I am unable to get the DESCENDANTS section to filter. I am in need of assistance. Thanks
Glen Banks
Original Message:
Sent: Mon September 09, 2024 06:29 PM
From: Glen Banks
Subject: Filter Universal Report from Context
I am working on a universal report that has a subset in the context section, but also has virtual subset in the rows that has the leaf level elements in it. I am trying to get the report to show only the leaf elements for a specific consolidated element in the context section. I believe I need to build a specific MDX statement to perform this task, but I am not sure how.
Glen Banks