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Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

  • 1.  Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    Posted Mon January 31, 2022 07:52 PM
    I've always been puzzled to get a clear answer on the topic of license requirements for Cognos for emailed reports. In a named user-based license model, if an external user is receiving Excel as an email attachment, does it require a Cognos license? When scheduling a report, the To:, CC:, and BCC: are freeform textbox and do not limit anyone from just using a set domain. If a license is needed, without using 3rd party tools, how can one identify a list of those emails? How should one internally audit the content scheduled from a user's personal folder? I see several posts from community members on this, but not a crystal clear answer from IBM on this. Over the years, the terms and conditions on the licenses have been updated by IBM and this has lost clarity.

    Fawad J


  • 2.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue February 01, 2022 01:07 AM

    Hi Fawad,

    my latest and very clear statement from IBM is: whenever Cognos software is used to generate and send the e-mail to a recipient, a license is needed. If you set up schedules or jobs with e-mail addresses in To, CC or BCC field, all of them need at least the "Analytics Viewer" license. If you send an e-mail to one person directly and this person then forwards the message to ohers only the direct recipient needs a license.

    BTW: access to the Coghos portal + dashboards is also includes in the Anbalytics viewer license. See

    How do you stayupdated about schedules that have been set up by users? We use Motio Pi to export all schedules into Excel weekly. Then we run a quick analysis there about which addresses have been entered by the users.
    Hope this helps.

    Robert Dostal
    Team Leader BI

  • 3.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    Posted Tue February 01, 2022 04:08 AM
    I'd second what Robert has detailed.
    Its always been a confusing area and one in which I've always thought holds Cognos back when compared to its competitors. Come on IBM let us let loose with the product and send emails off to non Cognos users without the licence overhead ! (watermark the output if you want with "Powered by IBM Cognos Analytics).

    Worth noting that if you do opt for some Analytic viewer licences, whilst they can access dashboards and the portal, they cant execute reports, only view saved output.

    jonathan chesterton
    NHS Supply Chain

  • 4.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue February 01, 2022 04:17 AM

    Actually we use this license requirement to bind users to the portal instead of getting many reports via e-mail. ;)

    I usually try to "sell" the access to the Cognos Analytics portal as a big advantage compared to just receiving a simple file as the user can use interactive Dashboards and filter the data as required. And from my perspective, it's better to archive generated report outputs in Cognos Analytics instead of cluttering the e-mail accounts of people. But that's just my opinion when you already have lots of viewer licenses in your company.

    On the other side I agree with @jonathan chesterton if you just want to send a report to recipients without any contact to Cognos itself. Why not selling a general company license which allows to send e-mails to everyone at a descent fee? I know there where PVU-based licenses once but they couldn't mixed with named-user licenses though.

    Robert Dostal
    Team Leader BI

  • 5.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    Posted Tue February 01, 2022 08:43 AM
    Edited by System Test Fri January 20, 2023 04:36 PM
    Back in the days, if I recall correctly, I read IBM terms and it stated that if a recipient is getting interactive content such as an active report, they need a license. Moreover, if the report is a burst report, all recipients need a license as the parameter/dynamic filter custom tailors the data set for them. The grey area comes regarding what happens to 'flat' reports such as a PDF. The recipient might never log into Cognos whatsoever and is only consuming the report through email. Does it require an Information Distribution license for them or not? CA 11.0.x

    Fawad Jamil

  • 6.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue February 01, 2022 09:00 AM
    Yes, even when they just receive "flat" report outputs, they need a license as the e-mail was generated through Cognos software.

    Robert Dostal
    Team Leader BI

  • 7.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu February 10, 2022 02:27 PM


    I'm going to throw a bit of a spanner in the works here, and say that you *can* have Cognos send output via email to a recipient without that recipient requiring a license. This came up many times over the years when I worked for IBM, and in every instance the answer came back to the specific wording written in the official license documentation. Per the current documentation, you only need a license as an email recipient if the report being sent to you was generated through the bursting feature within Cognos, or if you need to log in to Cognos to view/retrieve the report. I had a number of internal IBM people (including some Product Managers and Offering Managers) tell me different things over the years, such as you couldn't receive scheduled reports/any reports without a license, but on every occasion when I pushed back on this and escalated to more senior levels, the answer was clarified using the official licensing documentation, which is freely available to view online.

    "Bursting Feature Requirement

    Each person who is provided an output(s) of the Program through the Bursting feature or who authenticates to the Program must be covered by an appropriate entitlement."

    This is copied straight from the current licensing documentation for Cognos Analytics at



    Mark Fry
    Technical Consultant
    Tech Data
    Ramsey NJ

  • 8.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    Posted Thu February 10, 2022 02:56 PM
    Thanks Mark for providing this insight. It outlines what your base minimum coverage should be when factoring license counts and anything you purchase over is for assurance. I really hope someone from IBM directly responds to this thread and confirms this as well. 

    Tagging couple of IBMers who I've seen hosting the "Ask Me Anything: Cognos Analytics" events
    @RACHEL SU @Kristen Park​​

    Fawad Jamil

  • 9.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    Posted Tue February 01, 2022 08:45 AM
    I agree that most of these competitor tools are so crystal clear when it comes to licensing. Easier to track.

    Fawad Jamil

  • 10.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    Posted Tue February 01, 2022 09:03 AM
    I also use third-party tools like BSP and Motio PI, and the issue is that they are not offered directly from IBM. To do auditing otherwise, the out the box solution requires complex queries to the content store and the audit databases. Exporting the schedules directly out of Motio by filtering for 'enabled' one is a hit and miss at times, especially when you use batch jobs. What to do in a case when the scheduled content is in the user's personal folder and they add/remove users every so often? In other words, 10 addresses were copied on an email one week, and got updated to 7 the following week. I can't seem to find all emails ever referred in NC_RECIPIENT, CMOBJPROPS1, CMOBJPROPS10 tables.

    Fawad Jamil

  • 11.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    Posted Tue February 01, 2022 09:56 AM

    Also on another note if you examine the link that you posted, it lists 'email' as a capability with a feature listed as able to include email links and other aspects to it. It can be interpreted as 'who' can schedule reports/jobs. It doesn't specify the recipient part of it. I would like IBM to call out another Capability listed as 'Able to receive Cognos generated email' exclusively, and then the checkboxes in the corresponding columns.

    Fawad Jamil

  • 12.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue February 01, 2022 04:02 AM
    Hi, See answer (no. 12) by Rachel Su, IBM Product Manager:

    Philipp Hornung

  • 13.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue February 01, 2022 05:54 AM
    Hi All,

    Some great answers on this thread to emailing specifically. I have a client in the retail industry who wanted to burst a report by email to over 500 stores. To avoid massive licence costs instead they purchased 400 PVU licence of Cognos Viewer. We setup a separate dispatcher for this purpose and created a server group for it and a routing rule that directed all traffic scheduled by members of a specific AD Group to that server group. That way you stay in compliance and you also don't have to buy a lot of licence when you can licence the power of the server instead.

    Hope that helps.


    Andrew Copeland

  • 14.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue February 01, 2022 06:09 AM
    Hi Andrew,

    that was also an approach years ago and IBM declined this setup as we also had to purchase at least one Cognos Analytics Administrator license PVU-based. This would have been a massive increase in cost then. Did IBM change this in the meantime?

    Robert Dostal
    Team Leader BI

  • 15.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    IBM Champion
    Posted Tue February 01, 2022 06:49 AM
    Hi Robert,

    I am in consulting not commercial so not sure on all legal licence aspects but my client also has a bunch of named Analytics User, Analytics Explorer and Analytics Administrator Licences as well so thats why we have taken the approach we have.

    It does make perfect sense that you will need one Admin licence though which would be cheaper as a named licence. 


    Andrew Copeland

  • 16.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    Posted Thu May 05, 2022 12:04 PM
    In Ask-Me-Anything: Cognos Analytics - April Edition starting at 3:10 up to 5:44 Racel Su explained that a pure e-mail receiver does not need a Cognos license at all when using authorized user license model.

    Michael Haaß

  • 17.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu May 05, 2022 12:28 PM

    This is great to hear - and it also aligns with what the official license documents say.

    Very happy to have this confirmed by IBM Product Management.



    Mark Fry
    Technical Consultant

  • 18.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    Posted Thu May 05, 2022 04:13 PM
    Marvellous and an absolute game changer for us and probably many other Cognos users... I've been waiting for this type of confirmation for years........

    jonathan chesterton
    NHS Supply Chain

  • 19.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    Posted Thu May 05, 2022 04:26 PM
    Yes, I attended that webinar, and Rachel Su confirmed that in the beginning and as well towards the end of the webinar. It was great to have an IBMer officially confirm it. Download that webinar if you can.

    Fawad Jamil

  • 20.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    Posted Fri May 06, 2022 12:15 PM
    Just to clarify, "authorized user license model" is the same as Named User licensed model, correct?



    Wayne Westlake

  • 21.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    Posted Fri May 06, 2022 12:29 PM
    That's certainly my understanding.

    jonathan chesterton
    NHS Supply Chain

  • 22.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri May 06, 2022 01:38 PM

    Hi Wayne,

    Yes, correct. Cognos Analytics uses either the AU model or the PVU model for licensing. AU is based on named, authorized users, and PVU is based on the CPU capacity of the server(s) (Processor Value Units).



    Mark Fry
    Technical Consultant

  • 23.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    Posted Fri May 06, 2022 01:48 PM
    Awesome, thanks.  Yeah AU is what we have.

    I mentioned this news to my manager and he was elated.  Though again being the first official statement we've been able to get out of IBM he wants me to reach out to Rachel Su to get this at least digitally documented!


    Wayne Westlake

  • 24.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    IBM Champion
    Posted Fri May 06, 2022 03:16 PM

    The official licensing documents say this, if you read them carefully:

    Specifically, they say you only need a license as an email recipient if the report being sent to you was generated through the bursting feature within Cognos or if you need to log in to Cognos to view/retrieve the report.

    "Bursting Feature Requirement

    Each person who is provided an output(s) of the Program through the Bursting feature or who authenticates to the Program must be covered by an appropriate entitlement."



    Mark Fry
    Technical Consultant

  • 25.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    Posted Mon May 09, 2022 04:37 AM
    Hi Mark, 

    I wonder why they treat bursting differently than a schedule, ultimately end user only receives and email with output as attachment. 


    Kiran Passumarthi

  • 26.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon May 09, 2022 04:53 AM

    The reason bursting will be treated differently is due to the personalised content it creates. You are specifically changing what is it the report based on that burst key rather than running a report and sending the SAME content to everyone.


    Andrew Copeland

  • 27.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    Posted Mon May 09, 2022 05:10 AM
    Thank you for the explanation @Andrew Copeland .


    Kiran Passumarthi

  • 28.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    Posted Mon May 09, 2022 02:21 PM
    That makes a lot of sense and is precisely how we use it.



    Wayne Westlake

  • 29.  RE: Emailing reports to recipients and Cognos license

    Posted Tue March 07, 2023 01:12 PM

    Just tagging another similar thread

    Fawad Jamil