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Drag all tabs sections at the top of the dashboard to the left

  • 1.  Drag all tabs sections at the top of the dashboard to the left

    Posted Tue July 09, 2024 10:50 AM
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    Hello Everyone , I am using 11.2.4 IBM web version of Cognos Analytics in my current requirement  I am making a dashboard with two tabs under a folder present in the team content section and would like to have  All tabs section which has the global filters to be moved to the left of the dashboard instead of the top as asked strictly by the client. Can anyone please suggest how I can achieve the requirement of having the global filters in all tabs section moved to the left by using CSS or any other technique. Please find the screenshots for more clarity.

    Priya Sengar

  • 2.  RE: Drag all tabs sections at the top of the dashboard to the left

    Posted Mon August 05, 2024 02:39 PM

    Hello Priya,

    Were you able to get a response to your question? If not, it may be more effective to post your question in the Cognos Analytics Community.



    Nick Plowden
    AI Community Engagement

  • 3.  RE: Drag all tabs sections at the top of the dashboard to the left

    Posted Mon November 04, 2024 10:19 AM

    Hi there! I've run into a similar challenge before, and I understand the need to meet specific client requirements for filter positioning. In IBM Cognos Analytics, it's possible to customize the layout using CSS to adjust the global filters' placement. You can use float: left; or position: absolute; with some adjustments to align the filters on the left side.

    For example:

    .global-filter-class { float: left; margin-left: 10px; width: 200px; /* adjust as needed */ }

    This will push the filters to the left, but you may need to tweak other style settings to avoid overlap with content on the dashboard.

    I work on, where we often use similar techniques to customize layouts for our user interface. Let me know if you need more help, and good luck with the project.

    Muhammad Saad