It worked great, it was exactly what I needed.
I've never used conditional blocks before, thank you.
Original Message:
Sent: Thu April 18, 2024 02:22 AM
From: Robert Dostal
Subject: Display a LIST only after selecting 2 parameters, without creating a prompt page
Hi Gustavo,
as I've understood you need a combination of a conditional block with a variable that checks parameter values.
Drag a new conditional block at the position where the list is.

Then go to variables.

You will need to create a boolean variable that returns yes only when both drop down boxes are filled. In my sample this looks like this:

Now back to the report page and assign the new variable to the conditional block. You'll get as many block instances as you have variable results. In this case on block for "Yes" and one block for "No".

Select the two blocks and place the according content into them. I dragged the following stuff into the "No" block:

Then the Yes block looks like that:

Of course you can also use other variable types with more instances than just Yes/No - that's op to you.
Any further questions?
Robert Dostal
Team Leader BI
GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG
Original Message:
Sent: Wed April 17, 2024 01:02 PM
From: Gustavo Andrade
Subject: Display a LIST only after selecting 2 parameters, without creating a prompt page
Hello everybody,
Is it possible to display a LIST only after selecting 2 parameters, without creating a prompt page?
I would like that when the user accesses the Score report, the table would only be displayed after selecting one of the groups and one of the categories/programs.
*I added a conditional text (<Select a group> and <Select a program>) to help but I don't think it will be very useful

(In the image above, I would like not to display the list, and condition it on the selection of filters)
In the image below it is ok

Gustavo Andrade
Data Analyst