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  • 1.  Dashboard Tab Icons

    Posted Tue September 24, 2024 05:50 AM

    Am I missing a trick for adding my own dashboard tab icons? I find the included icons aren't very generic business at all, and struggle to use these in my dashboards as most of them aren't really business related.  I'm trying toof a scenario that I would want a bowler hat, a bee a paint pot or even two different speakers as tab icons. Not a single trend line, pie chart...

    Maybe I need to build a dashboard for the Honey Paint Music Company,

    I have submitted an ideas request asking for more generic business icons. If anyone wants to vote:  Give us better Tab Icons | IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal for Customers 

    Marc Reed

  • 2.  RE: Dashboard Tab Icons

    Posted Thu September 26, 2024 07:07 AM

    The free version of CogBox has a Custom CSS widget for dashboards. One of the features is adding icons to dashboard tabs

    At the moment I haven't found a way to allow you to modify multiple tabs with a single css widget, so if you want to modify multiple tabs you'll need to import multiple widgets.

    If you want we can have a call and I can walk you through it. 

    Paul Mendelson Product Manager
    Product Manager

  • 3.  RE: Dashboard Tab Icons

    Posted Thu September 26, 2024 09:34 AM

    Hi Marc,

    One workaround would be to insert a emoji. During text entry, type Windows logo key  + . (period). The emoji keyboard will appear.

    For instance, you might have the following:

    Best regards,

    Patrick Neveu
    Collaboration Betters The World (CBTW)
    IBM Champion

  • 4.  RE: Dashboard Tab Icons

    Posted Mon September 30, 2024 03:21 AM

    @Patrick Neveu Great Tip! Thanks.

    @Paul Mendelson The site I work out is a pure vanilla only install, I'll see if i can get them to look at extensions. Thanks.

    Marc Reed