I have a book on Amazon which covers the creation of a JDBC connection and describes the steps to take to get the JDBC jar files installed, which may help.
This book is called "Installation, Upgrade, and Configuration of IBM Cognos Analytics".
This is shown for DB2 , but the same procedure is relevant for any JDBC based system, you just need to supply the jar files.
( For Windows systems, see Chapter 6, Section 6 3 onwards)
(For JDBC jars on Linux
https://www.amazon.co.uk/Installation-Upgrade-Configuration-Cognos-Analytics/dp/9391392032(See page 198, Section 7.3.1 onwards, also page 122 Section 5.4.1 onwards)
Alan S Bluck
ASB Software Development Limited
Ringwood, Hampshire, England
0044 7710612479
Original Message:
Sent: Tue November 01, 2022 05:43 PM
From: Ry Kay
Subject: Connecting to Postrges Server
I am currently using the trial version 11.2.3 of the Cognos Analytics web app, and I am unable to connect to my local postgres DB, even when I provide cognos with the correct host and port information. Where should my DB be hosted in order for cognos to have access to it? do I need to set up a Secure Gateway Connection in order for my DB to be visible to Cognos?
Furthermore, when I try to connect the sample Weather Company data server connection to a dashbaord, I receive this error message on any visualizations;
A problem occurred finding the driver class "com.ibm.cognos.jdbc.twc.TWCDriver".
any help on this matter would be greatly appcreciated, thank you!
Ry Kay