Cognos Analytics

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  • 1.  Can CQM packages run with 64 bit Cognos?

    Posted 2 days ago

    Have a client that is on Cognos 11.2.4 or 11.0.7 (don't know for sure, waiting to hear back). All the newer report packages were published with DQM but she has some old packages that were published with CQM. (She cannot republish them with DQM.) She says that her Cognos has to run-in 32-bit mode so that the CQM packages can run without error. Unfortunately, she has some really large DQM packages (queries are complex and return a lot of data) that require 64 bit to run within several hours. To accommodate these large packages she stops Cognos, start in 64 bit mode, run sthe large reports, stop scognos and then bring cognos back up in 32 bit mode. 

    Any ideas on how to make this less painful?

    brenda grossnickle
    BI Programmer Analyst

  • 2.  RE: Can CQM packages run with 64 bit Cognos?

    Posted yesterday

    Hi Brenda,

    the naming convention here in Cognos Configuration is confusing many people. The setting "Report server execution mode" means the following:

    • 64-bit: server runs processes in 64-bit only
    • 32-bit: server runs processes in 32-bit and 64-bit

    I can confirm this as I have migrated all Transformer Power Cubes (32-bit) into Dynamic Cubes which run in 64-bit Query Service and the setting was set to 32-bit as we also had some old CQM packages and Power Cubes and Dynamic Cubes running at the same time on the same machine with one instance. Worked fine.

    Hope this clarifies the issue finally.

    @IBM: please rename the "32-bit" setting to "32-bit and 64-bit" and "64-bit" to "64-bit only". THANKS

    Robert Dostal
    Team Leader BI
    GEMÜ Gebr. Müller Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG

  • 3.  RE: Can CQM packages run with 64 bit Cognos?

    Posted yesterday

    My thought was that even in a 32-mode configuration the DQM packages will run in a 64-bit mode, it just allows both modes while the 64-bit mode in the Cognos configuration only allows DQM.

    However, if you see there is really a huge difference when running the DQM packages in a 64-bit configuration compared to a 32-mode configuration then you can configure IBM Cognos Analytics 11 or 12 to run CQM packages in 32-bit mode and DQM packages in 64-bit mode.

    To achieve this setup:
    Configure the main Cognos Analytics instance to run in 32-bit mode. This allows both CQM and DQM packages to run.
    Set up a separate 64-bit report service specifically for DQM content that requires 64-bit processing (you can do this on the same instance by configuring Cognos using different ports then the first one).
    Use advanced routing rules to direct DQM queries to the 64-bit server when necessary, while keeping CQM queries on the 32-bit server.

    Kai Zeller

  • 4.  RE: Can CQM packages run with 64 bit Cognos?

    Posted 23 hours ago

    @Kai Zeller and @rene kent nielson - reading the ibm link that Kai provided - so in 64 bit installations, the query service is 64 bit regardless of if the report service is 32 or 64.  If the report service is 32 bit then it seems like it runs in 32 bit only but can accommodate CQM and DQM reports. 64 bit report service will not run CQM reports. I will ask IBM reps at our next meeting about setting up the two report services - one for 32 bit reports and one for 64 bit reports. 

    brenda grossnickle
    BI Programmer Analyst

  • 5.  RE: Can CQM packages run with 64 bit Cognos?

    Posted 4 hours ago

    Hi Brenda,
    referring to the link with the recording on youtoube there is the statement that the 32 bit configuration setting includes both, 32 bit AND 64 bit to be ready to work with CQM and DQM packages. This means 64 bit mode is available within the 32-mode setting. The 64 bit mode configuration is only there to switch off 32 bit processes if there are no CQM packages at all. Maybe the first question is to clarify why you can reproduce slow performance with a 32 bit mode setting when in this setting 64 bit is available. Which step in the process is the bottleneck when performing reports with the DQM package. 
    kind regards

    Kai Zeller

  • 6.  RE: Can CQM packages run with 64 bit Cognos?

    Posted yesterday
    Edited by Trevor Fyfe yesterday

    Hi Brenda,

    Running the report service in 32bit mode is usually sufficient for both CQM and DQM. The DQM reports must require larger amounts of memory to render and therefore 64bit mode is quicker.

    You can create multiple application server components (On same server or different servers - check memory requirements) and set one or more with 64 bit and one or more with 32 bit report server execution modes. You'll need to name the application servers in the advanced settings and then set up routing rules so the DQM and CQM packages are routed to the correct application server.


    Trevor Fyfe

  • 7.  RE: Can CQM packages run with 64 bit Cognos?

    Posted yesterday


    You would 1 of the applications server to run in 32 bit mode, that is a hybrid mode, that allows both 32 and 64 bit packages.


    René Kent Nielsen
    Brand manager
    CogniTech A/S