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Blog – How to best managed data from different systems as part of the Reporting Cycles for Private and Public Sectors -

  • 1.  Blog – How to best managed data from different systems as part of the Reporting Cycles for Private and Public Sectors -

    Posted Tue January 17, 2023 07:08 AM

    Since I have been working with accounting and financial numbers over the years. The biggest complaints have always been about how best to managed data from different sources as part of streamlining the close, consolidate, and reporting cycles.

    Solutions like data fabric continue to grow in terms of importance. IBM like many companies has been focusing on hybrid cloud like Cloudpak for data as a service and Cloudpak for data  

    What challenges do you see from your clients in terms of managing disparaging various data source either from the system of record or through the budgeting and forecasting cycles

    Here is my work:

    paul YOUNG
