Cognos Analytics

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  • 1.  Annotation Feature Enabled - what did I miss?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Wed November 01, 2023 04:28 AM

    On the 12.0.1 slideshow is this screenshot about dashboard cache feedback...

    I'm curious about the Annotation feature enabled warning. I can understand why the Calculated and Count measures can't be cached.

    Which chart annotation feature would cause an issue with dashboard local cache?

    Marc Reed

  • 2.  RE: Annotation Feature Enabled - what did I miss?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon November 06, 2023 05:36 AM

    Hi Marc,

    My understand is this annotation service is inherited from Cognos BI.

    The annotation service stores and manages comments against the context of a dashboard, report, report widget, or report element that is made accessible through IBM Cognos Workspace.

    I believe this annotation service is not available with any dashboard. IBM Cognos Workspace is not supported anymore and is removed from the product in Cognos Analytics v12.x stream.

    Best regards,

    Patrick Neveu
    Collaboration Betters The World (CBTW)
    IBM Champion

  • 3.  RE: Annotation Feature Enabled - what did I miss?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon November 06, 2023 06:08 AM

    Hi Patrick, the old workspace annotation thing was a great piece of functionality that never sadly made it into CA dashboards. As it's never been available in Cognos Analytics dashboard's, why would the new cache functionality warn about it.

    The above screenshot if from a CA dashboard.

    Marc Reed

  • 4.  RE: Annotation Feature Enabled - what did I miss?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon November 06, 2023 08:36 AM

    Hi Marc,

    Did you try to disable this service assuming you don't use it anymore?

    By the way, I agree, this message is weird.

    Best regards,

    Patrick Neveu
    Collaboration Betters The World (CBTW)
    IBM Champion

  • 5.  RE: Annotation Feature Enabled - what did I miss?

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon November 06, 2023 08:41 AM

    @Patrick Neveu, this isn't an error I am getting. This is a screenshot taken from the recent IBM what's new in C12 presentation. Hence me wondering - what annotation could a C12 dashboard be referring to.

    Marc Reed