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About ESRI Maps for Cognos End of Life

  • 1.  About ESRI Maps for Cognos End of Life

    Posted Mon February 18, 2019 06:59 AM
    Hi guys.

    You are probably already aware of that, but ESRI decided 2 years ago to stop developing their product ESRI Maps for Cognos.

    Although it had not been ported to Cognos Analytics 11, Cognos 10 users were still able to use it in production with SLA.
    But since Jan. 31th 2019, ESRI ended the support timeframe for the product, meaning that IBM Cognos 10 and 11 users are now left with a product not working at all anymore.

    Moreover, native geomaps provided by Mapbox in IBM Cognos are far too limited for customers wanting to leverage their ESRI Server/Online investment within their IBM Cognos landscape.

    Galigeo is now the only Location Intelligence provider able to fully replace ESRI Maps for Cognos. We do provide an out-of-the-box solution, perfectly integrated within IBM Cognos 10 and 11, and that supports all ESRI services and standards. You can learn more about it here.
    Galigeo for IBM Cognos ESRI Maps

    If you are in this situation, or have customers in this case, you can to reach out to me or directly there, or contact us on our website.
    Feel free to forward this post, or the links in it, to anyone that may be interested.


    Disclaimer : I work for Galigeo.

    Vincent Dechandon
    Product Management
