Cognos Analytics

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More customizations on the Cognos Analytics content navigation in 11.2.4

By Tim Aston posted Fri December 16, 2022 11:33 AM

In Cognos Analytics 11.2.0 we launched an all new full page content navigation that everyone loves!  Its highly flexible, with a tile mode for the simplest navigation, as well as a list mode that allows you to see so more of your content listed on screen at once.

Tile mode was always the default, although users could over-ride this to list mode, and that would get persisted in their browser for the next time they log in.

But we've heard from many of you that you want list mode to be the default for all your users.  Starting with Cognos Analytics 11.2.4, Cognos administrators can configure this default. Use the advanced property Content.defaultView and set it to either tile or list to over-ride the default for all users.

Users can still choose to change the view for themselves.




Mon February 12, 2024 04:33 AM


Do you know if you can set rowSize to i.e. compact by default for all users.



Wed May 17, 2023 02:23 AM

This is a great new feature that we can use very well.
It would be really great if you could set rowSize to i.e. compact and sortBy to i.e. type as well.