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Find your Cognos content more quickly than ever starting with Cognos Analytics 11.2.3

By Tim Aston posted Tue August 30, 2022 05:00 AM

Cognos Analytics with Watston 11.2.3 is chock full of new features.  And if you use the search function in Cognos, you're going to love these new capabilities.  In fact hundreds of you voted on them in the IBM Data and AI Ideas Portal!

In the past, the search results in Cognos Analytics have always  been global.  That is to say that the search would look at all the content that you have access to for possible matches.  This is very useful, because you know your search results are including all possible matches.  But sometimes this can be over-whelming, especially if you already have some idea of where the assets that you are looking for are located.

Starting in 11.2.3, Cognos will also return you search results from within a specific folder.  Just navigate to a folder or sub-folder in Cognos, then type in your search as normal in  the search bar at the top.  Now you will get TWO sets of search results on two seperate tabs.  On one tab it will be your global search results, the same as you always got.  And on the other tab, it will be results that have been scope to just the folder that you are in, and any of its sub-folders.

Just like any other search, you can further refine the search with filters and sorting.  And you can save the search so you can quickly access repeatedly in the future.
