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New Cube Viewer and Set Editor in Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.71

By STUART KING posted Mon December 13, 2021 02:13 PM

The Planning Analytics Workspace 'New Experience' was launched in October 2022.  As part of the New Experience we reworked the look and feel of PAW, modernized the charting engine, and introduced Applications and Plans and Predictive Forecasting features.  However, the cube viewer and set editor in the PAW new experience remained unchanged...until now!

I am pleased to announce the Planning Analytics Workspace 2.0.71 update will include a completely redesigned new cube viewer and set editor!   We had a number objectives as we redesigned the cube viewer and set editor.

  • Provide a streamlined experience to build and consume cube views
  • Introduce more flexibility for book authors
  • Exposing capabilities and functionality that hidden or different to find

I have posted a video tour of the new cube viewer and set editor here.

A few important notes about the new cube viewer and set editor:

  • The new cube viewer and set editor is currently optional.  The administrator can choose to enable or disable the new cube viewer and set editor in the Planning Analytics Administration features area.
  • Enabling the new cube viewer and set editor does not remove access to the classic cube viewer and set editor.  You can mix and match cube viewers on the same book.
  • The new cube viewer and set editor can only be accessed in PAW books for now.  We will bring it into Planning Analytics for Excel and the Modeling Workbench as part of the 2022 roadmap.
  • There is no announced date to deprecate the classic cube viewer and set editor at this time.
  • Cube viewer and set editor enhancements are only planned for the new cube viewer and set editor.  We have a very active 2022 roadmap for these components.
  • We are planning an additional feature flag that can be used to update all cube viewers in existing books. 

As always, feedback is welcome!
1 comment



Thu December 16, 2021 05:28 AM

Thanks for a great overview and video.

I like the new MDX window as well as the autocomplete/intellisense capability it brings.