In 2024, IBM will be ending support for IBM Secure Gateway, a tool heavily used in both Cognos Analytics and Planning Analytics, to name a few offerings, as a means for customers to create virtual private tunnels to on-premises data. IBM will end support for this product on October 26,2024.
The replacement to Secure Gateway will be IBM Satellite Connector. Satellite Connector provides a secure connection from IBM Cloud to a specific on-prem environment which allows you to access data residing in your on-prem environment from applications running on IBM Cloud.
Our goal is to make the user experience intuitive to both existing and new customers alike. New customers will be the first to receive this update, existing customers will follow in a phased approach. Our teams are working closely together to help make this transition as seamless as possible.
Further details on timelines, migration activities and roll-out plans are being investigated. We will share updates on these activities soon.
The Cognos Analytics/Planning Analytics Product Management Team