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11.2.3 Data Science Updates Blog

By Rahul Gupta Unpublished


Data Science Updates 11.2.3


Three enhancements we are happy to unveil will help users have a smooth workflow when working in Notebooks and in surrounding actions and setup.


Upgraded Kernels

Within Notebooks, R kernel has updated to version 4.1 and Python kernel has upgraded to 3.9.7. Both of these upgrades signal an increase in compatibility with newer packages, which would lead to fewer errors when executing notebooks.




Run On-Premise Notebooks with Podman

With Notebooks in 11.2.3, users can run on-premise notebooks with Podman as well as Docker. This was in response to customer feedback. Enabling Podman support provides flexibility and an alternative for customers leaving Docker due to licensing.




Export Jupyter Notebooks

In this release, users can now export Jupyter notebooks in .ipynb file format. This makes it easier for users to download the content created in a Cognos notebook to a simple file format.


